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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Thinking about going to get a bunch of those wendys breakfast potatoes
  2. Also, does anyone know how to keep birds from suiciding into my windows? Ive had to scoop up 5 of these dedicated soldiers already.
  3. mr.yuck


    @DETOdo you want those to wear or own for posterity?
  4. Zaaaaaaapp I caught crocodile dundee 2 on tv the other day and noticed a super young Stephen Root and then after looking it up realized that was his first movie. I like rewatching old movies like death watch and catching like a young lawrence fishburn playing gang member #3.
  5. Youre like an mj pimp. Take in a rough lookin hoe, clean her up, and put that bitch to work.
  6. Lol. Like an old weed hoarder just digging through the bottom of a closet "I know I got that strain here somewhere!"
  7. @SMdoubleXL Let me know if you do. Im pretty sure it was one of those things that were available in clone only. If some one has it, chances are high it is a cross with something else. I know Mosca seeds had their version of it, but seems they have run out of stock or discontinued it.
  8. Ive always been a fan of bubblegum. It was created in Indiana in the 80s so there is a good chance if you were smoking dank in the 80s and 90s you were smoking bubblegum or some kind of bubblegum cross.
  9. Whats the cost? This might be the one thing thats holding me back from dissappearing into the woods.
  10. Even better. I love buicks.
  11. @nicklesndimes What is that? A custom Duesenberg tractor? I need that.
  12. Speaking of covids... hey @mortonyou back to work yet?
  13. I got a homie that can hook it up. He owns a bike shop and people bring him their bikes for work all the time. The work always costs more than the bikes are worth. They just sign over their bikes left and right. The last time I saw him he had like 30 or 40 bikes he doesnt know what to do with.
  14. Shit, I got that backwards. He started using hot in the place of young. That makes a big difference contextually. Carry on.
  15. Here's how age math works: once a woman hits 50 she might as well be 1000. The only time it reverses is when there is a + 10 age difference between her and her man. Then she might as well be 21, but only to the old man smashin. Lol. I was talkin with my dad several years ago about girls and he started using young in the place of hot. The conversation was confusing at first until I clarified
  16. If nestle owns all the water rights, and you drink the water, and since we are 70% water, does, like, nestle own us?
  17. Ask her if she plans on using it then also tell her to make it worth it. Then also show the guys on the internet.
  18. Bro... they make chinese chicken. I hope Im not too late.
  19. @Mercerive been looking for this explanation all my life. Do you ride your eth wave to the top and cash out your position to rebuy in the crash or are you just diamond knuckling it into the future?
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