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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. mr.yuck

    Current View

    I pick up things I find on the ground that I think are cool.
  2. mr.yuck

    Current View

    On my way home at fuckin 7pm. Wack.
  3. I feel this deep deep in my soul. I made the mistake of using my personal phone as my business phone. Now I have to answer every single call that comes through just in case it's money. Verizon has done a pretty good job with being able to inform me of potential spam. I did notice one day that Verizon was attempting to call me for some money and they potential spammed their own call ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. Hah. It was meant to be tongue in cheek along the lines of " if we do such and such as a country the terrorists win."
  5. Was literally my first thought!
  6. I think this thread is a nice place to drop this little nugget. I had no idea about any of this. f7052abd947618cb17b6a5f02b041c53.mp4
  7. @26SidedCube Also, you can't shut down politics. @misteravenIf you shut down politics then dhabz wins.
  8. That's me dressing to try and fit in so I can get off these double stacks.
  9. I'm doing it. I'm going full mustache with a soul patch.
  10. Not bad. I haven't had a computer in the house for years. Just bought some cheap little laptop to try and run a few different business type programs that can't run from the phone.
  11. $2.85 or so the other day ago. 7-11 price no discounts. Coastal Virginia.
  12. I like this one pretty well for an easy to digest overview. https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/cambridge-analytica-controversy/
  13. Not me. I stay doing the most behind closed doors. Even if it's just these people's parents wanna drop by and meet their new friends aunt and uncle I'm not really cool with that. House maybe smelling louder than a reggae concert. I open the door and maybe there is just a pile of guns in the middle of the floor somewhere.
  14. @fat ralphyshit is completely wild these days. I had one of my nieces come up to me a few months ago and was like "hey what's your address?" After a bunch of "what are you hiding and why do you care what my address is," she dropped it and I didn't hear anything else about it for a few more weeks until they came back to spend the night again. Turns out they have a little friend that lives in my neighborhood. A friend they made on discord. I was like yo. You cant just give random strangers my address that you've never met in person before. You have no idea who these fucking people are. I don't know if they are just growing up in a different climate than I did, but where I used to live, if some one ran up to you bleeding asking if they could come inside to use the phone, you told that bleeding motherfucker "the phones cut off, try some one else."
  15. VID_95740415_153954_341.mp4
  16. Yeah this is for real the way to be. I just peeped the break down of my last statement and it makes me mad as fuck. My mortgage is around $1700 and only $350 of that went to the principle. The rest was taxes and insurance. The insurance is only like $100 a month. I've been told it makes more sense to invest extra money into retirement than to pay off your mortgage early but I can't wrap my head around throwing almost 15k a year at interest, PMI, and taxes.
  17. Hahaha. My man. I'm not arguing against your logic. I'm railing against the practical application of it given current circumstances. But you are more than right about one point that stuck out to me. For all the people that say they are waiting for interest rates to go down, when they do, and people like me raise their asking price, they are going to be stuck paying the same over inflated price with no hope of refinancing down the line. But this does bring up another facet that I haven't done any thinking on. Rents are crazy right now, interest rates are crazy right now, the stock market has entered a new bill run. @Mercerdo you think it might be more beneficial to take the difference between the cost of home ownership and renting and investing that money?
  18. Nah. Be for real, brother. Ain't nobody bringing home $600 a week after taxes saving up a $24k down payment on a house right now. Not the way this economy is set up. It's wild, 5 or 6 years ago you could find big ass historic homes in nice neighborhoods that needed a ton of sweat equity for $50k-$99k usually cash deals. Now you could also find houses in this same price range in the hood. Now the hood houses are starting at a quarter mil while the hood jobs are paying $11! I was laughing with my wife the other day about the city we moved from. It's one of those places that you live there because you made your choices and for what ever reason, thats where you have to live. I saw a house for sale for 475 in that bitch the other day. 475 is definitely a "choose to live somewhere" price. It was weird to see a choose to live price in an ended up here ass city ๐Ÿ˜‚
  19. @Mercer Those statements assume a lot about people looking to buy a home. The average income for men is 58k a year and women is 39k or some crazy shit. The average cost of homes right now is 417k. You have to make $120k a year with almost 90k down to afford that house. The average couple is falling $23k short a year alone. That shit is wild to me. I don't think the problem is people just waiting out the market because they don't want to spend the money, it's that they don't qualify in the first place.
  20. Recently I've just been leaving my phone at home when I go out and about in the world. Life feels more like an adventure when you are untethered from everything. it's freeing leaving your tracking device behind.
  21. I got the first vaccine. When the shit first popped off a good friend only a year or two older than me caught the OG shit and it put him in the ER because he couldn't breathe. My anecdotal experiences says that masking works. I still wear my mask everywhere I go. I stay in the mix with the public. The only time I caught this shit was when I let my guard down around family not wearing my mask and some retarded 85 year old MAGA faggot came around knowing he had the shit and knocked a bunch of us off in one go. My uncle was unvaccinated and also died from COVID. No one was allowed into the room with him while he laid there dying alone. I don't really think about COVID anymore. I just make sure I have a mask and go about my life. Im not gonna get another shot. The virus is getting weaker and weaker with every mutation. People seem to be having a hard time with this most recent strain though. Mom dukes just getting over her 4th infection. Says she has lingering vertigo.
  22. I was just googling a few people I have lost contact with over the years and the homie pops up with a go fund me. But It was from his mom. Oh no. I almost didnt want to read it. Turns out my man is now a scientist and a teacher. He's still in that retarded small town in Tennessee. Apparently one of those country boys got fresh and called him an N and he dropped that fool. His hillbilly ass mama made trouble with the school and he lost his job pending the outcome of his court case. At least that shit wasn't a go fund me for a funeral.
  23. Oh no! Honest Don is glitching out. 87ceeda7a76198bf823d3a12f9a93c65.mp4
  24. Don't worry fools. The old school way of cloning is still the champion.
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