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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. mr.yuck


  2. Same as @Fist 666 I've had a few friends kick opiates with kratom. I've never personally done any. Done? Taken? I don't know the proper terminology. Do you smoke it?
  3. The inside of a public toilet
  4. I don't remember what thread we were talking about @nicklesndimesnever having seen titanic but stop the fucking presses; I just found out my old lady has never seen fight club.
  5. My wife been trying to get me to get a vasectomy for a while now. I might have to explain to her that I might be the only one who can save the human race.
  6. You went a little too deep. All memes should be accepted at face value with little to no extra contextualization.
  7. https://www.politico.eu/article/no-more-babies-expert-warns-that-hormone-altering-chemicals-threaten-human-procreation/ Pull out game = N/A once I hit my 60s
  8. mr.yuck


    88a8f263feb9f3c9b4137e3f41ed4e10.mp4 9e69ad71357fe5e4f7c20d9c30da0801.mp4
  9. I also dunno although the blonde looks super familiar
  10. I think @gasfacevictmfinally bit the bullet and got permanent gold teeth. Lemme seee ya grillll!
  11. Lol. I made so many of those. Like 5 years ago I remembered my photo bucket password and found all of it. Knight bats shit. Tease gifs. I was so happy. Then Photobucket nuked itself shortly after. I was so sad.
  12. LOLz. Thats perfect. @fat ralphyliving in that crib was like playing hood Oregon trail. Super surprised that no one died of hood dysentery.
  13. @Dark_Knightjust start charging potential clients what ever. I don't think there are rules to this shit anymore. I had rats in my spot in Indiana. I woke up to one crawling across my chest in the middle of the night. It just comes with old basement life I think.
  14. Remember all that advice I gave you a year or two ago? All that shits out the window. My new formula is "how many days is this going to take me and how much money do I want to make?"
  15. Im at a loss for words right now. For years I have been under charging customers for my services. I put that shit to an end last week. I worked out pricing for 7 new jobs. After I had all of these numbers up on my white board, I said "man I really want to pay my furniture off in full when it shows up the end of June." So I randomly just added $1200 to one job and $1700 to another and $900 to another and so on. I landed every single one of these jobs and people's first response was "how soon can you start?" I told my wife when we are done with this round of work, I'm going to jack our prices to the moon. You got 5 cars in your driveway and all the tags are current?
  16. 6f8ad847759b23debff7825f36a72cd3.mp4
  17. Yo. @MOOGLE?what's that big open window across from yer terlet?
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