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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Put a couple more plants into flower on Monday. Today I spread these ladies wide open and tied them down.
  2. And if you can't point out the stoner uncle, you're the stoner uncle
  3. It was the wurst of times.
  4. I stopped tipping at those things a couple of months ago. The first time you stare those fools in the eye and hit 'no thanks' you get this rush of endorphins through your whole body. As for me, I'm gonna work as little as possible and use my free time in my garden, reading books and helping anyone who needs a hand.
  5. @diggityhow complex are some of these prompts you are entering to achieve these images? I can't buy the argument that this is just a better tool. I'm not even sure how to explain my opinion on this. It's like you take a 30 year old digital artist that creates manually and put them up against a 9 year old, that likes to draw, with an AI computer prompt. The 9 year old types in key words to achieve a similar result. The 9 year old has created nothing even if the final outcomes are similar. It's an amalgamation created by some one else's programming. I think it's high tech tracing paper with extra steps.
  6. Was back up to 36 here today. Quite nice. It's gonna be in the 60s this coming weekend. Super weird.
  7. Have all of the instruments been invented?
  8. @fat ralphyon the contrary the older I get the more fucked up and awkward I get about christmas and it has nothing to do with my childhood. I like Christmas and the spirit of giving or helping, but like the commodification of the whole thing feels kinda gross to me. It's disappointing when we go do Christmas with my wife's family, and I've been a part of this family for 15 years now, they know I don't celebrate Christmas with gifts and shit, I 100% don't want anything from them for Christmas but maybe a hug and some well wishes. But never the less, every year I get a couple things out of some kind of obligatory guilt. And it's always some fucking Spencer's or Hot topic gift. Not even a gag gift. Just like... For example one year I got a pocket knife. Cool I suppose. But it was a Batman pocket knife that said "why so serious" down the side of it, like you might get for the edgy 13 year old in your life. Haha. Bro I'm 40+ years old and you think I'm out here in these streets like the joker of some shit? I dunno man. Just say you don't know me that well to get me a meaningful gift and that you don't have any intention of getting to know me that well. Otherwise keep your money. It's really all good.
  9. Good news fellas. I went to pick up my tools from the job and surveyed the damage. The only shit that got fucked up were areas Ive already painted and they owe me for. I called the main guy told him what's up and he told me to keep on keepin on. It's a christmas miracle.
  10. Doing this insurance shit for the better part of the past decade, I was super surprised at how many home builders put the water heater in the fucking attic. I swear I think builders are in cahoots with restoration companies to secure more work down the road. Mines is in the garage. If it floods it'll just drain under the door and out into the driveway.
  11. @Fist 666and @fat ralphythanks for the kind words. This really wasn't meant to be a boohoo moment. I was laughing while typing it cuz I got the call that my job exploded while I was balls deep in replacing my hot water heater on Christmas Eve. Merry Holidays you guys. I hope your day is blessed with special Holiday Cheeks.
  12. I can't sleep. Santa's gonna skip my house this year. I pointed my salamander heater under the house and let her rip for about 30 mins. Now the entire inside of my house smells like diesel fumes. The building I'm painting right now had a pipe burst in the ceiling and straight wrecked everything. They are postponing the job until the insurance claim goes through. So there goes a shit ton of scratch. Let's wrap this year the fuck up already.
  13. Looks like Mrs yuck is getting hot water for Christmas.
  14. Hey y'all my pipes thawed out with no damage right on time for my water heater to explode. Merry Xmas guys!
  15. @SMdoubleXLdo you know what the lineage of your ice cream cake is? I was thinking it might be a skunk trait. I've never grown out any skunk genetics before and this was the only thing I could think of.
  16. @SMdoubleXLI was gonna play it off as my incredible growing skills until I talked to some one on IG growing the same strain and they had it on their plants too. Hah. Cultivar is Alani Skunk S1. There are a few breeders out there toting this thing as the orangiest terps out there.
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