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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I want to get a stand alone freezer for long term storage.
  2. @One Man Bannedare they reasonably priced to maybe get 2 freezers?
  3. I need one of those chest freezers that Midwestern families keep out in the garage. If I had the extra space, I'd go clear out the rest of what they had. Easily another 200 lbs of pork butts and at least another 100 lbs of chicken. This shit is ghetto gold, baby.
  4. I wish that first picture wasn't a broken image icon @One Man Banned
  5. Yeah, if everything continues to go to shit with these grocery stores, I at least know I'll be eatin good for the next few months.
  6. Sure would be tight if I fell asleep right now.
  7. You're gonna do amazing things man.
  8. I came up on so much meat today. Pork Butts at 99¢ an lb. I copped like 35 lbs. Chicken quarters at 79¢ an lb. So I copped 30 lbs of that shit. Your boy got the meats. DUN DUN DUN DUNNN.
  9. Bro. Is this the new lab or the home lab?
  10. Hey bros. I'm feeling much better today. My shit I've been feeling the past few days has been described to me as something called depression. Fuck that shit. Never had depression before and I feel super bad for people that have that shit all the time. I got some exercise today. I went to Lowes and did laps around their store complaining about their rip off prices and telling their customers where they can get the same shit for half the price. That shit made me feel much better.
  11. Hung the last of my trees that were ready to come down and plucked most of the remaining fan leaves to aid in the drying process.
  12. Thanks bro. It's a weird feeling. It's like an overall sense of dispair. And for the most part I know it's all in my head cuz I can always jump back into insurance restoration work. People will always have a $500 deductible handy or what ever to rebuild their entire fucking house. Me and a couple homies are actually teaming up to start our own insurance business so we can profit off of all ends. Nobodys making any actual moves to sit down and work out a financial plan. That might also be part of this dead inside feeling.
  13. It's a really weird feeling to be really really good at something and not be able to make a good living at it anymore. This is a new feeling for me, and I don't like it.
  14. Straight fucked up in the game right now. Waiting on a decent check that's supposed to drop tomorrow. Just got a text last night saying that the only lady that cuts checks is out on jury duty right now and they "will update me with more info on Wednesday." I've been on 3 estimates for whole house repaints in the past couple weeks. I give people the price on the spot and I literally watched all of them gasp. I encourage them to please get at least 2 other quotes and call me back and that we can break the job down into more manageable chunks. I haven't heard back from anyone. Purse strings are tightening around here and that is making me nervous.
  15. I gotchu fam. If you like it, I'll show you the way to get these beans. Support your local breeder.
  16. Temperature and humidity seems to be working in my favor this week. Just gonna throw the window open to the dry room and let nature do its thing. Usually shooting for 60° and 60% relative humidity for a nice slow 10 day dry.
  17. This was my first experience rolling. These rolls are trash (eats 2 more)
  18. I've been tired as heyll all day. This better not be COVID again. Guess I'll take my temp soon and see what's what.
  19. @NightmareOnElmStreetwhatcha gonna do when you open it up and there is a bunch of 1980s lookin Russian spy tech pieces plugged into your machine?
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