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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @Outlaw VandalNice post man. You should definitely start your own thread!
  2. It's like if you steal money through trickery it's like no one really cares. "Ahhhhhh. Ya got me!"
  3. I can't believe MFers are still using Davinci era tech on spy missions.
  4. Who's gonna be the high bidder? China Boys or USA Boys?
  5. Second plant just under 6 Oz. That's better.
  6. @fat ralphyThe whole plant looks like weak fluffy shit lol. This second plant is shaping up to do a little bit better I think. There were definitely 2 different phenos growing this round. I'm hoping for only 2 plants with leggy branchy fluffy shit.
  7. Wow wow wow. Trimming these plants up right now. They are all sativa learners so the bud is fluffy and a complete pain in the ass to trim. These plants are also leaving a little to be desired with finished weight. Looking at 2.25 Oz on this first one. For reference I was averaging 8 Oz per plant on my last grow on plants that were about a foot shorter overall.
  8. Secret of the ooze was 1991. Its like they were just like "Fuck it. Just make up an expiration date 30 years from now!"
  9. I like how nothing on the wrapper is a lie. It's not full of pudding it's full of Puddin' Power!© Now available in 4 food like flavors. The thing expired on the 75th of May 2021. That's relatively recently.
  10. My man would be rockin the sewer pipe boner! Hey baby, just grease up and wrestle with it.
  11. Plus cash back rewards, plus miles. Haha. When I sold cars back in the early aughts, when I pulled some ones credit, it wasn't just a number, it was super detailed. All accounts listed out, bankruptcies, every account was broken down to show every payment made over the past 2 years and it would show if the payment was on time 15 days late, 30 days late and so on. It was a map. You could look at some one and be like "okay! Your score is trash! But you always made your payments on time. You look really good, you look really good. Oh! Here it is. This is when you got divorced. Oh! Here's where you filed bankruptcy." There was always a lender that would be willing to listen and take these things into consideration. The shit was so obvious, I was doing this at 20 years old with no schooling or any kind of training. That shit is out the window. Everything is fed through an algorithm now. And the algorithms are fucking wild. The algorithms will take weird shit into account, like statistically people that apply for loans on Wednesday morning are 0.75% less likely to make timely payments. "Denied"
  12. Haha. My personality sparkles, baby!
  13. This is the realest shit. I wish ocho cinqo would have said this to me 5 years ago. I would have never bought that Benz. I would have reinvested that money into something that could have put me in 5 Benz's. Chasing status symbol shit is like smoking crack. It's never gonna feel as good as that first hit and if you are doing it to impress other people, nobody really cares. And if they do care, it's the type of care that breeds resentment.
  14. I just refell in love with all the old school chicks from this site.
  15. I applied for a home Depot contractor account like that. The store basically just called their credit deptment from inside the store, I talked to some one for less than 5 minutes, told them my business did a million a year and they instantly sent me a card for about 10k. I instantly blew through that to catapult my business from a stand still and never looked back. For about a year they sent me bills for payment and I just never paid anything. Eventually the mail and calls stopped. This never went onto my credit in any way as late pays or charge offs, not nothing. This was probably close to 10 years ago at this point. I don't recommend this as a plan to anyone as company policies might have changed from not giving a fuck to really giving a fuck. Good luck out there everyone!
  16. Damn son. You could finance a helicopter no questions asked if you wanted to.
  17. Damn. I just found an article that says credit scores are at an all time high of 703 on average. People with good credit will likely see an increase of 20 points and people with bad credit will lose an additional 20 points. So basically they are moving the field goal mid game because too many people are winning right now. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/select/credit-score-changes-fico-10/
  18. Bro I just missed a small payment on something for the first time in 10 years and it knocked my shit down 65 points. Fucking dramatic. That shit was so devastating I don't even care what happens anymore.
  19. I'll just wait for TikTok to summarize it for me. I'll post it here when they do.
  20. The housing market is gonna be toast. The car market is gonna be toast. I can't see any everyday man dropping $80,000 in liquidity on a depreciating asset. Unless maybe this only affects revolving credit accounts. I haven't really read down into the nuts and bolts of things yet.
  21. No articles I can reference but the basic jist of it is the recommendation has been not to use more than 30% of your total credit. The new model is punishing people for carrying a balance. Their new formula averages out what ever balance you have been carrying over the past 24 months. Not only are they punishing you for carrying a balance regardless of the percentage of your total credit, but they are also getting reports from credit card companies on large purchases that you may pay off at the end of the month. Spend $7000 on a medical bill and pay it off at the end of the month? Tough shit. Should have had the $7000 on hand. It's about to get crazy man. Expect your score to absolutely tank this summer.
  22. Anyone heard that 'they' are changing the way credit scores are calculated Starting this summer. Its full on fuck you and I hope you don't ever need credit for anything again season.
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