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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Squna is a way more sustainable source of protein.
  2. None of that shit I cut off was getting any light to it. Flower clusters that are at this point in the game smaller than a pea. It's all trash and the plant is wasting it's energy putting out new leaves and thickening up the stems to try and power all of it. I don't cut all of the lower semi shaded branches, though, because you are correct. All that larfy bud at the bottoms still crystals up, still has weight, still smokes, and still makes good good budder.
  3. Written instructions only. No picture to work off of.
  4. How could I forget? It's the moment we've all been waiting on. Baby buds.
  5. I know what youre thinking; "Damn @mr.yuckCan those big ass plants get any bigger?" Yes friends, yes. They just won't stop. Leaning up against the wall over there is my trusty T-square standing at 4 ft tall. These plants are reaching at 5 ft. The ceilings are only 8. What I'ma do if these MF dont chill? Also got to spend some time under the hood and so some defoliation. They needed that shiz bad. All that damn trash. Wasted nutrients. Wasted energy.
  6. I was reading a thread on another forum where several members were crying about how the cartels low ass prices were forcing them out of business. "The cartels are ruining everything!" Hahaha. The cartels were here first, silly. When I first started selling weed, the only person you could get weed from was another criminal. Now that the government has given certain people permission to grow and sell, doesn't mean this is their game to win. These legal growers are going to get fucked into the ground by the black market before it's all said and done.
  7. This is probably where I found it and then forgot where it came from. The internet meme threads are all a blur now.
  8. Dear @MOOGLE? I don't like to brag, but... I got that shit for the low, Yuck
  9. I mean, you don't get that deep into shit without getting dirt under your finger nails. I think what it came down to was he got sloppy and said the in your head thing or the implied thing out loud in front of the wrong person.
  10. I have a close family friend that was hung out to dry over that whole shit. I don't know if I've ever talked about this here before. I have a hard time reconciling with my own feelings over the fact that he did dubious dirt for the government that resulted in mad people getting killed and the government switched on him so quickly and effortlessly setting him up as a scapegoat to make their problems go away with the public.
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