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Everything posted by ElectricitySucks

  1. One time I was really high and I thought I heard my thoughts and then my thoughts created another person with their own thoughts and it felt like my brain was being cut in half.
  2. I know I'm gonna get hate for this, but, Louis ck should stick to stand-up.
  3. I'm a big ck fan and have all his specials but I missed these shows. I tried finding out other times they're gonna be on but couldn't find any re-run times/internet streams etc. anyone can help me out? anyway, suck a bag of dicks.
  4. You could think this one out, but, I'll entertain myself with this:
  5. japanese films (not even porn) are some of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. Interesting though.
  6. hahaha ..you know out of the crew of swat dudes raiding castles like this, there's got to be a few of them that stick a wad of cash under their bullet proof vests and don't say anything. I'm cool with raiding a house and sticking $250,000 down my pants for one days work. also every time you get a bag of something, you benefit these guys..
  7. Hahaha. This book fucked me up mentally for a month. I'm ok now.
  8. the best part about this video is how they're both visibly upset at the end.
  9. We still don't know how the Egyptians built the pyramids. Among a ton of other shit that happened in the past that is just surfacing. Like the pyramids in Bosnia...etc. Technology is making us stupid.
  10. i tried this before knowing anything about it and enjoyed it. not really loved it, thought it seemed a bit watered down (and i was drinking it from the bottle), but overall, thought it was good. then i came on here and read about how everyone hated it. so i decided to try it again. i didn't like it the second time around. talk about the power of suggestion.
  11. you'll need a knife longer than 6 inches if you plan on stabbing this faggot.
  12. RAW! Once in a while I'll search video/books of his that are just surfacing.
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