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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Apparently old school Dems woke up and are scheming to get her and her progressive ilk out. They're running other candidates in their districts with serious financial backing.
  2. The part in Jarhead where they make the troops watch this to get them ready to kill, love it
  3. Cant hear this song without thinking of Die Hard
  4. Tick of the clock does it for me, the chase scene opening. https://youtu.be/ZHYaj6EHfJg
  5. WTF is THAT.... Id still smash. Not sure my dick could reach but I’d give it shot ?
  6. Few of those look a little old to be IG thot-ing it up but props nonetheless
  7. I feel ya. I think the hammer was a throwback to Drive or Hotline Miami. He just doesn't care, he almost wants to die. The flashbacks annoyed me too to be fair. What I got from those was that he was abused by his dad as a child and his mother just stood by watching it go down. Probably why he does what he does now. At some point they allude to him being an Iraq veteran, lines up with how he got into this line of work to begin with. I do like it when they don't overly explain everything and leave some stuff up in the air. Like when he raids that first pedo brothel and there's just little kids wandering the halls after hes killed the guards and johns. He just leaves them there.. wtf. From what i understood, the Senator is part of some elite group that swaps out young kids with each other, his wife killed herself when she discovered he was abusing their daughter under her nose. He then trades the daughter for another kid with the Governor, regrets it and then sends Pheonix after him. The cabal finds out, cleans it all up as best they can, no one goes to jail or gets caught. Just the few guys who got caught red handed. Fuckin eerie and echoes a lot of the current events just coming to light now. The Epstein lolita express comes to mind. A lot of subtext going on here.
  8. The first graff shop I ever went to. Its where I bought the very first issue of 12 oz. Blast from the past.
  9. Kults


    Fuck ya. Gotta. Im not sinking money into this shit to stroke it to my closet.
  10. Kults


    We do. Also a must if youre gonna be dragging em through slush n sleet
  11. Kults


    Oh thats a given
  12. Kults


    Thats what Im thinking too. It aint gonna be nice n dry here for another 2-3 months minimum. Bit early to go for some white sneakers atm but Im over wearing my boots daily.
  13. Kults


    Saw Earsnot wearing em on the gram, they looked proper. Im in
  14. Kults


    Getting em this weekend, found a little known shop that still has em at retail.
  15. Thats echoes what he said. He wanted to see the Hammer hitting, I thought it was cool that they didnt show it and just left it up to the imagination. It for SURE apes taxi Driver. It was super subtle and I can understand how that could be a turn off to some. Nice that you watched it though, I feel Pheonix is one of the best modern actors, every scene hes in is intense.
  16. Kults


    A chode the other chodes have decided has nice 'fits'
  17. Kults


    I think were just cut from a dif cloth. They rely on "influencers" to tell them whats dope. We come from an era where you had to do your research and carve your own niche out into different movements or trends. Nowadays its all so cookie cutter. Fuck all that
  18. Kults


    Everytime I hear one of them be like Supreme is so over..I rejoice. Like ya, maybe for you, more for me ya follower.
  19. Kults


    I think you're spot on, Its already happening. Honestly we were due anyway, the hypebeast era is coming to an end. Nowadays I see a guy in OW and I snicker.
  20. WW Z was hot garbage but that's like saying you don't read books cause Harry Potter sucked..
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