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Everything posted by Kults

  1. I think it sets a terrible precedent. If he had just come clean and been like ya I lied and owned it I think I wouldnt have cared. Now though? Fuck that guy. Also DOJ and FBI looking into it now, he's not off the hook just yet.
  2. ^ It was really proper. Totally different than what I expected nor what the trailers made it out to be. Really liked it though. Highly rec it
  3. Ya I agree there one shot would have sufficed he got a little too caught up in the moment. Good on you about the hammer.. Jesus. I read into that wrong then my mistake.
  4. I still wouldn't condone it but this I can at least understand. That hammer to the head bit was hilariously too edgy. How are you gonna support assaulting someone with a hammer because he didn't condemn violence..like wut.. @Hua GuofangHow did you type that out without the hypocrisy bells going off in your head lol
  5. Is this out on DVD yet ? All I’ve been able to find last few months is a terrible cam version. Can’t wait to see this one.
  6. May very well be true, I honestly don’t care enough to bother looking it up. Doesn’t matter though I’m for civility. When you start smashing eggs on people you deserve a punch to the face. Vote him out if he’s that despised.
  7. Ya that all goes out the window the second the kid broke an egg on his head. He got what was coming to him.
  8. Good. Anyone cracks an egg on my head from behind they’re getting punched ??‍♂️ That looks more like a jab than a slap to me. Usually your head doesn’t whip backwards after a slap
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