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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Thanks man, appreciate you dude. Pre sale ends Wednesday. I'll likely over print these so I can have a few on hand and help out some stragglers, but this will be the last opportunity to get them at the pre sale discount. Please let people know...
  2. Can't visualize this... You have any shots from further back? Or can you explain it a bit more?
  3. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Going off topic... Crazy shit man... Wondering if we should start a new thread (yes, yet another) that specifically addresses dichotomy / division and in which we can dump most of these current events? Not going to lie... All this stuff happening is really weighing on me. Despite my own advice to others to focus on your individual sphere of control, or at least sphere of influence, I'm really having a tough time with all this. That said, I know I'm mentally and physically exhausted... Been carrying the most stress of my life starting with trying to get my foot in the door to the place I have up here in NW Montana, as well as dealing with the realities of not being nearly secure enough financially to be doing all I've done. I've lived most my life putting all my chips on the table and betting all or nothing, but this time it's truly playing for keeps in a higher stakes game than I'm used to. Last 18 months have been the brutal, but the last 6 - 9 have been truly savage, both with personal stress as well as juggling so many moving parts. I have zero doubt that my ability to process stress and deflect stupidity is compromised, but yeah... Being honest with you guys, all the news, social and even some of these memes are starting to weigh pretty heavy on me. Anyone else feeling the same? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  4. I feel you... With all the work (professional and home), only trigger time has been a couple afternoons shooting ground squirrels to keep them at bay from digging more holes all over. Getting out of control and can’t even put a dent in the population, but sure is fun.
  5. You ever get hassled walking the tracks and taking photos?
  6. Yes, not a problem but you have to request using that account to verify. PM me with what you remember the email being it was registered with. Doesnt matter if you cant access it.
  7. Yeah, that was on some next shit for sure. Pretty incredible we haven't seen more of that in my opinion. I'm not at all wishing for it, because it is in fact a heinous thing, but dude was ahead of his time and I'm willing to bet, we'll eventually start seeing that sort of thing sometime in the not too distant future unfortunately.
  8. Freshly caught river trout, sea salt, extra virgin olive oil and a dab of full fat unsalted butter fried up in a cast iron pan. Amazingly tasty...
  9. Farmers market veggies, eggs from our birds at home, goat cheese, sea salt, cracked pepper.
  10. Got a few texts from guys in the gun world that are thinking we might have reached a turning point ion regards to the gun control debate. They're starting to think an assault weapons ban is on the horizon at this point. I have enough AR's and also live in a place where I doubt it matters all that much, but had been hoping to build up a couple custom AK's, as well as a couple SBR's. Interesting to me is I've been wanting to get into big caliber precision guns for a while and this would be just the catalyst needed to push me towards that. Thinking its likely the opposite reaction the ban is intended to result in, but I'd also bet that half the AR/AK shooting world will do the same. Wondering how long until someone being turned into pink mist from a shot taken a mile or two out will take to hit the news.
  11. I think the key is to understand the tech, so you can understand the context of its importance and impact. From there, understanding the real world applications and then moving onto understanding the channels for the speculative side of all this, which in my understanding, is probably the largest driver of changes in price. @Mercercorrect me if I’m wrong, but there has to be indicators for most movements in the market and not just a general sense of “this being something important and therefore we should all be confident it’s going to do well over time”. Thats the side I'm most interested in as I believe I have a fair understanding of the tech and can really visualize its applications (especially block chain). Really wish I had more idea / clarity on the specifics that are pushing the pricing around, so I could perhaps have at least a slightly better than average ability to predict where the price is heading.
  12. Just noticed your fast times... You got up to eat at 4:21am?
  13. @fat ralphy Good work man! Mind sharing the apps and other stuff you're using for this? Might be some interested people on here, myself included.
  14. Doesn't mean much. There was a time when the courts ruled women were property and black people were less than human.
  15. This stuff is bananas. First video is the coolest thing I've seen in a minute and genuinely enjoyed the sound, especially once the beat kicked in. Sharing it with my friend that lives out here with me since he's into this stuff and he said he'd likely get along with you pretty well since you named off a lot of obscure stuff that he's super into. Anyhow, I'll wist his arm to get him posting so you guys can trade obscure references.
  16. Curious what these photos are used for. Insta is probably the worst venue for something like this so have to assume it’s for something else?
  17. Good man, keep it up. We're all rooting for you. Had some home made pie that my wifes Aunt made since her family is town. Wasn't a ton of added sugar, but no doubt carbs galore. But getting back on track minus that set back.
  18. Hey @6Penniesyou do any shooting lately? Regrettably, I’ve been burning it at both ends and haven’t done much of anything besides work. Hoping to change that situation soon enough.
  19. Lot of people dropped off or are in process. Part of why I started this effort. If you can find them on your follow list, you can try and shoot over a DM and maybe trigger a notification. There's exactly one week left now on the forum tee presale, so time to double down on the outreach if you can do it.
  20. I still have no clue what you're talking about. Can you please explain? DO you have her email or phone number or what contact detail is it?
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