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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Maybe we need a new thread for all this, but here's more... These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies https://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2016/06/01/these-15-billionaires-own-americas-news-media-companies/#3655c828660a And yeah, I get that there's independent news, but as we've seen here in this thread... Unless it comes from the standard MSM, its not generally thought of as official, credible, unbiased or trust worthy That's despite the fact that they have proven to be anything but.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/88ll08/this_is_what_happens_when_one_company_owns_dozens/
  3. *my last post wasn’t entirely directed at @One Man Banned. Just reread it and kinda came off like that. Started to respond to you but then just rolled into a general comment.
  4. Don’t think anyone here is concluding anything. We’re all speculating and making assumptions with some likely more probable than others. I’d bet we aren’t far from the truth, but likely we won’t ever find out. Best case scenario a narrative goes out that puts people’s speculations to rest or more probable, some other event dominates the MSM news cycle and people lose interest or forget about this event until it loops back to something similar. Interesting part to me, especially here on 12oz, is how many people seem to gravitate more towards supporting the MSM version of events than the probability of it being mostly another round of bullshit in an endless string of bullshit.
  5. local rodeo. Fun to check out since it’s actually a national circuit competition rodeo and not the usual showcase type. Usually one of the things we do when people come visit since it’s a local thing. Been starting to harvest heirloom beets from my garden. Did a super shitty job this year. Way too busy with work to tend to the garden properly. Then a big hail storm wrecked my beet greens which never came back too well. Lastly, our frost free faucet broke last winter and still haven’t had time to call the guys that installed it back to fix it. We had decent rain but not enough to water things properly. Beets themselves seemed to do ok. Strawberries did great as did the raspberries. Ate a fair bit of kale and arugula but wasted a lot as well unfortunately. Wasted as in fed them to the chickens cause we didn’t eat them in time (most salad greens get bitter if you don’t eat them young). Good views. Looked like a cool setup. Never seen a pickup give a piggy back like that. Seems like a trailer would be easier, but dude can roll around and park in most places by hauling it like that. Cool sunset the other night with a rain storm in the distance.
  6. Guess you gotta keep your bike pretty clean to want to put it on display like that. Can’t imagine all the grit and stuff that must get on your stuff or wear down the black painted wood otherwise.
  7. I know it’s a meme, but there is actually incidences of right hand, left eye dominant. Generally, you have to retrain one or the other (or preferably both).
  8. AR is an American weapons platform. To my knowledge there has never been a foreign manufacturer of any AR's. Amazing how many politicians use gun control as a leading talking point / initiative but can't actually be bothered to do enough reading to have even a basic conversation about these things. Says a lot, IMO.
  9. Hey m using it as my primary on mobile and desktop. I’ve noticed some quirks, but suspect it has to do with the browsers security since it’s disabling some code on most websites. Especially JavaScript stuff since it’s usually used for ads and tracking. Noticed with shields up, news sites will hardly even be readable. Was on a Complex the other day checking something and was almost a blank page.
  10. I’ll dig into that. We’re going to have to move servers pretty soon. Working out the details now, but it’s going to be a pretty hefty job and likely lead to at least some bit of downtime. I’ll try my best to minimize it and will post a message when I know more details.
  11. Most prisons don't allow street shoes. Long term stay (prison) usually means uniforms (jump suits) and slip on shoes that look like cross between generic keds and bobo vans. Jails will allow street shoes but often make you remove laces and belts because they get used as weapons.
  12. In case people have been distracted and forgot that you're being tracked, followed and monetized by Social Media / Tech (and who knows how many other people. Bummer to find out Apple doing it too when they seemed to be putting out so much messaging claiming respect for privacy. Facebook Said It Wasn't Listening to Your Conversations. It Was. Facebook's excuse? All the other tech companies were doing it, too. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wjw889/facebook-said-it-wasnt-listening-to-your-conversations-it-was Apple contractors 'regularly hear confidential details' on Siri recordings Workers hear drug deals, medical details and people having sex, says whistleblower. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/jul/26/apple-contractors-regularly-hear-confidential-details-on-siri-recordings
  13. So we've reached a few milestones I was working towards and have begun officially starting outreach and talking on client work. Technically we started doing client work back in January for friends that didn't want to wait, but now its official. Anyhow, working to establish a solid roaster of good clients and steady work, so if you're somehow involved in purchasing screen printing or know of anyone that has a brand or business or might be looking for quality printing, please drop me a PM and I'll send you a PDF deck I just completed that recaps everything and shows recent work. Doesn't matter if its local, but probably only feasible to do work in the USA. For now, at teh very least I'm typically matching credible invoices and vendor quotes, all in, including shipping and 100% (if not saving people some money) and absolutely delivering better quality. Website should be up in the next couple days as well.
  14. I can understand how I came off as such and truth is I havent been entirely consistent. But indeed, what I stated just before you commented is essentially my position, though I find myself getting increasingly pessimistic when shit like this Epstein thing happens. Even mainstream economists are not predicting an eventual collapse of the US and global economies, which was the territory of Alex Jones types even half a decade ago. I believe that what gets reported on by the MSM is nearly entirely agenda based, but likewise, you'd have to be a fool to not recognize that things have been on a steady decline across a multitude of fronts and that at some point, like all things, it reaches a tipping point. I don't live my life driven by a singular focus on preparing for the apocalypse by any means, but I do believe that all of us would be far better off if we were less dependent on others, especially social systems and it goes hand in hand with my personal ideology of responsibility for ones self is the flip side of individual freedom. No doubt anyone on here can understand that concept of how being locked into dependency in anything, can easily slide into a feeling of being trapped. Wish I'd realized that a bit earlier in life, but its become a major life lesson for me and drives how I conduct myself. Sometimes it might go beyond what the average person might think of as shoring up vulnerability, but then again, most havent walked in my shoes of having lived through everything from Hurricane Andrew, to 9/11, to various NYC blackouts. Likewise, as suggested previously regarding insurance... I see much of what I do as being a hedge. Truth be told, I'd have probably chosen to move exactly where I have even if the world was in a state of utopian bliss, but engineering the broad strokes in your life to hedge against if the shit hit the fans, without sacrificing quality of life even if it doesn't, seems to be a wise approach in my mind. We can joke about the zombie apocalypse and doomsday, but reality (in my opinion) is those are largely metaphors for life changing events that can be as common as losing your job at the wrong time or discovering your child or spouse has cancer or that some hurricane nobody paid attention to suddenly obliterated half your state. Hopefully that clarifies things and also makes sense. Happy to answer more questions if not as I believe that many of you out there might benefit by adopting some of the forward looking perspectives that led me to this position.
  15. Yeah, never heard anyone say anything else after trying farm eggs. They taste even better when you're collecting them from your own chickens. Not sure I really knew much to be honest. I'd been listening to podcasts on homesteading and permaculture and knew some *facts*, but not sure you really learn something until you out it into action. Most of the cool stuff I've picked up has been from either doing it or learning from old timers that will often pass along information if its clear you're genuinely interested. Some of it just becomes intuitive when you're out living in and start to fall into a sort of rhythm with your surroundings. No, I never had any livestock before coming out here. Never even camped more than a handful of times. Tried raising tomato plants on my fire escape in NYC and failed miserably at it. In fact, I've made mistakes out here that led to some of my chickens / ducks dying. Some of it might have been prevented if you really through it through or came up on the suggestion before hand, but a lot of it is simply the way things are. Obviously I can take precautions to avoid losing livestock to bears, but reality is that's just nature doing what nature does. Sucks and you try and shore things up to avoid it happening the same way again, but likewise, I chose to live out in a place where there's a lot of other stuff that'll gladly eat your livestock and if you're a dumb ass, might even go for you if you get caught slipping too hard.
  16. Yeah, what to do for a living is likely the largest hurdle beyond mustering up the courage to do something entirely different. It's strange, but I've come to learn that most people will remain in a shitty place indefinitely because it's familiar, rather than jump with both feet into an unknown situation. That being said, you certainly need a plan and would benefit from making solid inroads before setting off. There's a ton of opportunity available through the internet and you'd be surprised how quickly it stacks up into a decent living once you aren't paying huge city rents. I wouldn't advise people to move out rural and expect to find a job. You might find the right combination and luck to have a home based business, which likely would have to do with agriculture or farming. Likewise, there's probably a decent living to be had if you have a skilled trade like auto mechanics or woodworking. But you'd probably be best served by finding a smart plan to make money off the internet. Seems to me among the most common I've seen are people that have paid content type sites organized around farming or homesteading so that they basically just document their day to day and then sell membership access to the content, as well as occasional workshops. Seen similar stuff in regards to product and food photography, but again, goes back to knowing how to do something really well and then assembling an online business from it. Being honest, had I just stuck to 12oz and now spent a decade and a half putting an agency together and growing it, I'd likely have been far better off, though it would have taken me longer to get there. Guess hindsight is 20/20 and sometimes you have to explore and make mistakes. Wish I'd have realized how much smarter it would be to just do my own thing than to get hyped on working with bug brands and helping them with cool stuff when I could have just stuck with what I was doing and steady releasing cooler stuff, even if it would have been at much smaller scale. Anyhow, still just trying to figure out a lot of it myself and will be the first to admit, its not easy. Especially if you wait until a bit further along in life to suddenly recalibrate and take off in another direction. But at the end of the day, its just about living a decent life and doing good stuff and hoping eventually people come to see and respect it enough to chose what you have to offer over the next guy.
  17. I honestly believe its far closer to the way humans have evolved to live. If you think about it, cities aren't more than a couple hundred years old and cities like NYC and Tokyo are probably closer to a 100 years. In fact, many didn't resemble what they did now until the invention of the elevator and modern engineering / construction methods that really came into their own in the last couple decades. Versus hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. Sort of my theory on diet as well, when you compare how diet has radically changed with the advent of commercial agriculture. Has to have a major effect on physiology when you compare it against hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years of adaptation. I can say from my experiences that many people seem to dismiss it or even fight the idea of living rural. Have had similar conversation with guys like @Kultsthat seem to be set in the idea that cities is where life is. Haven't had a ton of people come visit, but each one that has leaves wishing they could just stay. Certainly don't believe my way is the best way for everyone, but do think there's so much upside that its hard to compare the two and once you get into it and settled, you start wondering why you took so long to come around to it.
  18. Okay, maybe we can turn this into something fun... Who's the next most important person in regards to backing up or corroborating what that sack of shit might have said? Or who can substantiate anything he's said so far? Let's see if we can identify the next most important person in this case and call out who else ends up suiciding themselves or has an unfortunate heartache or gets smeared across the pavement in a hit and run. Who's the main defendant that was witness on the prosecution end of this.
  19. Not trying to brag because its more stupidity than accomplishment, but spent the better part of a million dollars in rent across all the years I was out there. Much of it to one person. Never even got a handshake from the person I cut checks to. Couldn't have made that much money had I not been there, but sure does suck looking at it that way after.
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