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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Website is now up: https://12ozcollective.com/ Hit me up if you work at or know anyone working with a company that is doing print buys and doing any type of volume of screen printed tees and stuff. Paying finders fees, so message me if interested in knowing more.
  2. Couldn't find evidence of it being built on blockchain and can't see a reason it would be. Think they're just capitalizing on the hype of it. https://www.pepcoin.com
  3. Come out my way and I'll let you run some rounds through my FN SCAR Heavy. Definitely Call of Duty.
  4. Carrots werent easy for me either. Definitely dont look much like the store bought ones like you see in cartoons. Tasted very sharp as well. Almost hard to eat. But then again they have a fairly long growing season and likely too cold up here.
  5. All I could find: https://tiffanyfitzhenry.com/breaking-news/breaking-second-kevin-spacey-accuser-dies-this-time-in-midst-of-sexual-assault-lawsuit/
  6. Was going to say maybe foot loose, but thats not a sports movie.
  7. Sucks you guys couldn't organize and make the place an official park. Get a little funding to clean it up and convert it into an actual skatepark. Posted this in another thread, but here's what are local skatepark looks like, or at least the one closest to me since we have a couple.
  8. Appreciate the support man. And yeah, hope you can start dropping by more often again.
  9. I talk to him regularly IRL and he said the same thing about you almost verbatim just the other day. Alright, hopefully you two can can give each other a virtual bro hug and we can get back to good shit.
  10. @Hua Guofangand @Mercer- you guys aren’t going to win each other over. This head butting will just continue until some gets tired of firing a volley back or stops coming on. Either way there is no win for anyone, including 12oz considering you’re both valued OG members of the community. If you want to continue, go ahead and DM each other. And I’m not one to shut down constructive dialogue, but only thing this is doing is cluttering up a thread that you guys were enjoying for a while and creating an atmosphere that I imagine is probably starting to feel kind of sour. You're both clearly intelligent and have each made some valid points. It’s not about making everyone see things you’re way and certainly not about bulldozing a win to a political argument online. Feel free to explore topics and the merit of differing view points, but this has become an obvious impasse, so let’s dead it on the forum and go back to either laughing or actually exploring a topic or position.
  11. There's a few threads on this subject so unsure if this is the best one, but relevant regardless... Congressional Dems: Red Flag Confiscations Are Good for Joe Sixpack, but Not for Gang Members https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/congressional-dems-red-flag-confiscations-are-good-for-joe-sixpack-but-not-for-gang-members/ Feel free to google if you don't like the source.
  12. Pause... Intermission. Now a word from our sponsor: The power of positive thinking, meditation and crawling out of the pits of dispair
  13. Yeah, but that back row view has to be worth the cost of admission of there's some talent on display in the class, no?
  14. Forgot that yoga falls under this conversation. I've never done yoga in my life. Was always a thing we joked about where you can meet hot chicks, so never got around to thinking deeper on it.
  15. They have a trial, and yeah $12.99 is pricey for online content these days, but way cheaper than therapy.
  16. For starters, you're far more informed than the average person in regards to these topics. You also have evolved to have a healthy skepticism of anything put in front of you, especially claims about the economy and politics, which we both know you've taken the time to educate yourself on. That doesn't describe the average person. Instead what we see is confirmation bias, echo chambers and people clamoring to be *woke* by joining *tribes* and jumping on *bandwagons* rolling in under a partisan banner as an unconscious way of dealing with increasing feelings of hopelessness from their own lives becoming increasingly out of control. Doesn't matter that their chosen party sold out its own ideologies long ago, so long as the talking points don't stray too far off the reservation. Anyone that isn't part of the *tribe* is the enemy and all the talking points to rally the base and fight the opposition are delivered in an endless feed of memes, that might have some grain of truth, but is mostly disingenuous or utterly misinformed. We can don our tin foil hats to discuss whether it's intentional or just dumbasses that churn them out for chuckles or attention or something more agenda driven, but either way its goes deeper than a lack of context. It's more often than not a lie by omission or half truth (at best). Best way to sell a big lie is to wrap it in a thin layer of truth.
  17. Nope. People weren't addicted to TV or radio and certainly not comic books. People (in general) literally can't live without their smart phones and people on social often check it religiously for fear of missing out. No doubt communication platforms have been leveraged for propaganda since day one, but nothing previous to what we have now has exploited flaws in the human condition and behaviors to the extent that this stuff has. Between science's far better understanding of human behaviors, as well as its flaws, coupled with advances in technology that allows someone savvy to not only exploit those flaws, but deliver it at a scale never before seen in human history, and you have a hell of a situation. Also, one can rightfully argue that we've also digressed significantly in terms of whats socially / politically acceptable compared to decades past, as well as strayed pretty far down the rabbit hole in terms of what is or isn't ethical / moral behavior as a whole.
  18. I completely agree. Memes, on their surface seem innocuous, but I believe them to be massive damaging to our society with where things strand. Granted I'm not advocating enacting legislation to ban them, but I find it to be a massive insidious tool, hand in hand with social media. It is absolutely being effectively utilized as a tool to massive effect, to manipulate the masses and sway them into dangerous directions.
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