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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. I used to occasionally. Mostly to get turned on to new feeds. But then it came to be that people were just auto liking specific individuals as a sign of support rather than liking things cause they were actually good.
  2. At the prompting of @glorydayswe just got issued our CAGE. 12ozProphet is officially a DoD subcontractor. Ha!
  3. LOL, no didnt reads it like that at all man. Figured as much, but always interested in hearing stories, especially ones where people might be wrestling with trying to solve similar problems. Having your own business is certainly not easy and its a bummer to me that beside the odds of success are not stacked in our favor, that there's all sorts of legislation and other circumstance that has evolved over time that makes it that more difficult to navigate through. Can't remember where I read a stat that American entrepreneurship has been on a steady decline for decades.
  4. If I'm out cutting wood, it'll be super damp by the time I get home and full of saw dust.
  5. LOL, I have that exact beanie. Helps me from getting shot when wandering the woods for timber. Shitty part is they get those fuzzies real bad after the first wash and looks like some shit that goodwill rejected. Might upgrade to the Mossy Oak version of it that Walmart has racks and racks of for $4.28.
  6. Now if I can only figure out how to let everyone else know about them so I can sell tons.
  7. Assume you're making a living since you're about 6 years in? How's it compare to the stability and income of having a paid job working for someone else?
  8. And fuck, how can you still have like 2.5x more posts than I do?!
  9. Definitely been a wild ride man... Never could have predicted it back in the days when we were kids trying to figure out how to import zRussian brides.
  10. Speaking of which, @STYLEISKINGshould really jump in on some of these conversations. I've seen him regularly posting other peoples outline and knowing hime pretty well, believe he'd see the value in helping teach a new generation. Will see if I can get his attention.
  11. @Limeliciouztheres a ski resort close by so there’s a ton of seasonal workers. Was surprised by how many rather sleep in vehicles than sublet or rent something. Saw one girl that converted the back seat and trunk to basically a big bed. She lived in it along with her dog for almost the entire season, so about 5 months. Just did laundry at a laundromat and had a month to month gym membership to shower. Still no idea how she pulled it off so long, but she was from Alaska and said she loved the freedom of it and has been doing it a while. When she gets bored, she just takes off and does other seasonal jobs in other places but since she only spends on food and a bit of gas, she can actually just take weeks off as she wants.
  12. Just a heads up that you actually have to use the @ symbol. Once you type it, immediately followed by the name, it’ll auto type suggestions in a pop up. Select the person you’re referring to it and it’ll imbed the code, which triggers an alert to that person that someone called them out. Also automatically alerts them if you quote them as I just did with you. but for reference... @morton
  13. @Limeliciouznot that it matters or if you don’t even want to answer, but... You’re a girl right? Also, you mention kids, but believe you mean that you have a job that involves kids? I’m getting the feeling you’re too young to likely have your own kids, but maybe I’m misreading your comment. Anyhow, if you’re as young as I think you are, then yeah... Wish I had the balls to build a custom traveling van or sprinter and just float around the country. Sounds pretty awesome actually. That or work a year or so to pull off a sailboat big enough to be able to wrap the costs and maybe even island hop the Caribbean a bit.
  14. Sure thing, welcome to 12ozProphet. Don't be shy about exploring other threads and sections. @Jokerhas taken it upon himself to provide the awesome mentoring in here, but lots of other cool conversations and stuff to check out.
  15. Willing to bet its because you were local. Same way talented in-house guys get passed up for not so talented long shots that play the game right at other companies and then leave inside of 6 months.
  16. Had no idea you knew her. I'm friends with her husband, but met / hung out with her a bunch of times before they were married since she's best friends with another girl I knew. Also did a lot of work with bringing her Cole Haan collab stuff to market through our agency in NYC. Small freakin world.
  17. Great story, appreciate you sharing it. Speaking of kema / @beardo, where the hell is he? You still in touch? How is he not back on here?
  18. @Limeliciouz Lime is a really cool name. Don't think I've ever seen anyone write that and a great assortment of letters. Also lends itself well for specific themes. Good job picking that out. Looks like you're making progress with your letters as well.
  19. Caught a little national news on the radio this morning... Had some interviews with people in CA freaking about how the electric service provider decided to cut power to thousands of homes in an effort to prevent electrical fires due to all the downed power lines from some recent high winds. California can get kinda crazy, but surprised by how many people were freaking out about what really should be little more than a minor inconvenience. Wondering how well they'd do when some giant disaster comes along and kicks them in the nuts hard enough to be down for weeks or even months the way we've seen in the gulf and East Coast with the hurricanes. Wondering if its worth a thread to explore the idea of preparedness and explore this topics, but will leave it in here for now. Seems crazy to not keep several quality flashlights and an inventory of batteries on hand considering how often you reach for it. But even beyond that, I learned the hard way several times throughout life in Florida and NYC how much it sucks to get caught out there when the supermarkets are closed or empty, water service is disrupted or contaminated and power is down for 24 hours or more. Curious how many of you guys safe guard against stuff like that?
  20. Damn, someone get her a tweed cap and put her in a Guinness ad. She got that 'these irish eyes are smilin' look.
  21. Seeing a number of screen names (old and new) that seem to be pretty regular on here these days... @spiro , @cruzxctrl (need to update your avatar and profile so you aren't running that default graphic), @MrSirius2nd(Let me know if you want me to merge your first account with this new one), @Joker(who's doing an awesome job helping some of the youngins with style) and @ndvjust to name a couple. Glad you guys are on here and please help keep spreading the word... That said be awesome to hear some more back stories if you guys are down to share. Thread started out pretty awesome, lets see if we can keep it going.
  22. Fake news and fact is I'm seeing the same small uptick. Instagram is showing the same content over and over again, so would make sense that people are seeing a little uptick. Completely meaningless as far as all else I'm seeing. Part I'm not quite understanding is why they're still pushing that heavy handed algorithm and not showing content to your full range of followers. Only explanation I can come up with is if they do it, it sort of wrecks the pay to play business model they have. Either way, the shit is done. Many would argue it died ages ago when Facebook bought Instagram. Perhaps true, but shit is clearly on its way out even with the benefit of a government backed unfair competitive advantage and documented addictiveness to it. Anyone feel like whipping out their crystal ball and predicting what the next era of online life will look like? I'm not talking Minority Report far off the deep end shit or Musk brain implant shit, but more what the next few years might look like?
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