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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Damn, was really curious what honeybooty404077777 looked like.
  2. FBI violated Americans’ privacy by abusing access to NSA surveillance data, court rules FBI agents made tens of thousands of unauthorized searches on American citizens link: https://www.theverge.com/2019/10/8/20905678/fbi-violated-americans-privacy-rights-court-ruling-fisc-surveillance-nsa
  3. So with this recent Instagram update they've done away with the activity feed half where you get to see what people you follow are liking and commenting on. Why would they do that, you ask? Because everyone is dropping off and its getting harder to disguise it. As I believe I already mentioned (can't recall anymore), they made some changes a while back where now they repeat the same posts in your feed. More recently, they updated the activity feed where you get activity alters for something that occurred in your own feed more than once. So if you get a comment, they'll keep pushing alerts about it more than once, within 24 hours to make it seem like stuff is happening. If you scrutinize the new activity, you quickly see that its the same thing you already got alerted to and checked out previously. Now they're hiding other people's activity to mask the fact that its not just you that slowed down, but everyone else as well. Getting harder and harder for them to find new ways to hide the fact that Instagram is in a death spiral. Nail in the coffin will be for all the people that are truly addicted to the endorphine rush that comes with people 'liking' their posts as well as all the FOMO, to find a replacement for Instagram. I'm still hearing about businesses that are clueless and chasing an outdated marketing and promotion strategy that was once well serviced by social media, but likewise, I'm also hearing of many others that are at a loss as they see what's happened but are unsure what the next move is. Regardless, we're seeing the beginning of the end.
  4. I agree with what Joker is saying, though clearly the Remio example sort of counters this. But before you point that out yourself (if you caught on), before you can break rules you need to master them. Again, look at who does it right... Follow their lines and try and anticipate the flow of how they do it. Figure out the breaks and connections and then start practicing various versions yourself until you find a swift execution, that makes sense visually and has some of your own original contributions to what is otherwise a fairly common aesthetic.
  5. Here's some nice examples by Adek and Remio. Suggest you dig through the forum for throwup threads and get an idea for them. Be inspired but don't bite. Key to the whole thing is how effortless they look when done properly. No doubt it's from countless times doing it (takes 10,000 hours to be an expert), pus a little flare and tons of style that largely comes from efficiency, originality and doing it a million times and then some. Thanks for what you're doing @Jokerand the rest of you trying to pass along knowledge.
  6. Cross link... Keanu Reeves - The last true action hero Also... 2nd ammendment being justified by 2020 candidates Politics and Guns - Presidential Debate THIS IS AMERICA. SANDY HOOK BACK TO SCHOOL PSA Social experiment : 🔫 Mass Public Shootings
  7. Will check it out. Wanted to call attention to another podcast that was referenced from the Meditation Minis one I linked above. Meditation Minis is really fantastic (for me anyways) and I'd likely be willing to pay a fair subscription fee for it or an ad free version of it, because I get that much out of it. That said, this new one called Tune Into You (iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher) is next level. Honestly, I'm sure there's therapists out there charging a grip that aren't as effective as I've found this podcast to be. Yesterday was a hard day, topped off by a super shitty evening. That podcast helped.
  8. Good for you man. Still sore from cutting timber last Sunday. Figure if I did that a few times a week, I’d be diesel as fuck.
  9. Wonder what his work is selling for? Need to dig through old archives... Fairly certain I have a few letters from him from when he was in prison. Definitely recall sending him copies of the mag way back when.
  10. I'd suggest starting a private group. You'll have more control over the conversation and who participates and reads it.
  11. Always meant to read I Am Legend. How is it? Can’t stand Stephen King for the most part.
  12. How did this thread get to 684 pages? Crazy and random, LOL
  13. An interesting topic for sure. Looking back, I understand why I didn't end up in the military, but sometimes I wish I had. It took me a long time to truly understand discipline and how to compartmentalize things to work towards a larger goal by completing manageable portions of it at a time. I'd like to think I'm smart enough that I'd have somehow specialized and perhaps left with a more structured ability for problem solving and leadership, but couldn't say since it never happened. That being said, with @Fist 666having made that comment, I think it would be interesting of you were to elaborate on your experiences to whatever extent you're willing. If you feel it was a mistake, perhaps you can save someone else from making the same mistake. I think you as well, @Mercerare due to share your story. Other's I'd be curious to hear from are @Joker, @6Penniesand @glorydayssimply because I know what each does now and think it would be interesting to hear details on what got them to this point. Might have to convert this concept into a regular member spotlight series where we interview members that have distinguished themselves.
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