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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. semantics... we all knew this wasn't going to go anywhere. only surprise is how blatant and obvious the efforts to escape prosecution have become. I guess when the whole thing is a media circus it gets tough to bury so they get forced to do something flagrant. this reminds me of the early days of 12oz... Back in the early 1990s the US Postal system was beyond reproach when it came to trust worthiness. Sure, if you were sending cash it was smart to fold it into some papers, but when a package was sent, it actually arrived to its destination with very few exceptions. I recall talking to the twins down and Brazil and they said you had to be careful with how you packed things and how it was sent because their postal system had workers that would frequently steal shit. Politics were a little nuts, but still respectable. Now US politics borders a banana republic. Shit that was relegated to something you'd see in South America is standard practice in the USA and scandals have become so outrageous that it might as well be some reality TV, sitcom nonsense. Politicians hardly make the effort to cover shit up too deeply because they know nobody really cares beyond arguing about it on social and that they truly do exist above the law. Crazy times.
  2. I love the irony of it. Also the fact that these exchanges are hosted by countries that aren't really all that interested in complying with the will of our government. I'd be willing to bet some enterprising young nerds out there are looking for ways to create a decentralized exchange, if it hasn't already been done. Should be interested to see how things go when the entire system exists in a void thats out of reach by most, if not all, authorities.
  3. I think its stored in Meta Mask and I assume you can transfer it to any wallet or exchange that supports BAT.
  4. Back on topic... Anyone surprised to hear that the case against Epstein is now closed and that the investigation will now go nowhere. Color me shocked... https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/29/us/jeffrey-epstein-criminal-case-dismissed/index.html
  5. Just a heads up that every shirt is shipped at this point. Everyone should have an email with shipping details and tracking number, so check your spam folder if you haven't gotten an email. Likewise, you can also login to your shop account and view past orders, which will also show the tracking number for all your orders. (Note shop accounts are NOT the same as the forum accounts for personal privacy reasons). A huge shout out to all of you guys that make this community great and all of those going the extra mile to try and support what we're trying to do here. Sorry you all had to wait as long as you did to get your tees, but hoping the quality of it once it's in hand will make you feel it was worth the wait. Please drop a note in this thread with feedback and if you're still on social media, please drop a shoutout. Also very important... This was just another small step in the overall plan to rebuild the community. I'm cooking on ideas for the next steps as soon as I get caught up with some work and some bills that have to be paid, but in the meantime, please keep spreading the word about the forum and all our efforts and reasons that we're turning energies and investment into rebuilding the community. Thanks again and hit me up if you need anything.
  6. cc: @abrasivesaint @KILZ FILLZ @Mercer https://forum.12ozprophet.com/groups/15-the-meeting-at-jekyll-island/ *same.
  7. - Good advice - Mentors - The energy and enthusiasm of youth.
  8. There's only one true Joker and that's the one posting in this thread.
  9. @One Man BannedJust curious... You save seeds on stuff you like that also grows well for you?
  10. There isn't a blanket response to this. Is what it is, and it'll happen when it happens. Purpose of a crew for the first many years is to learn and to paint with people you trust. You'll find that eventually, just focus on you and getting better. There's a ton of information that'll get you pretty far, most notably the direct advice you seem to be getting on here. Eventually you'll need to learn to actually paint and not just draw on paper. If you can link up with other people, they might let you watch and you'll pick up a few things, but mostly you'll learn by doing. Unsure how you'll manage the paint, but once you get some decent paint and an assortment of tips, finding a mellow place with a fairly smooth, primed wall and just practice filling in shapes, outlining shapes and later moving on to blends, you'll pick it up. Really the quality and diversity of paint these days makes it so just about anyone can paint a solid fill without a drippy mess. If you're lucky, you'll link up with some kids that know how to paint. If they're smart, they'll have you fill in backgrounds before moving on to fill in their pieces. Ince you're doing that pretty well, they'll maybe put your name up on a wall and if you stick with it, they'll eventually help you paint your piece. Eventually you'll have a few of those under your belt and have enough experience that you can put your own piece up on a wall without embarrassing the guys painting next to you. Once you have a piece that starts to stand on its own, you'll get invited into crews. Other path is you just keep painting solo until you're good. Then maybe change your name and roll out good pieces over night with that new name.
  11. Also, be sure to also look at monoculars and even range finders. One thing is for sure... Quality glass is not cheap and you'll generally get what you pay for, if not less.
  12. As a Middle Eastern native, AK 100%. Though being jewish, and given more choice, 9mm or 10mm in the form of a sub compact from one of the great Israeli weapon makers.
  13. Started shipping the first batch we had sampled out. Rest go on press tomorrow and the next day so should ship out by end of week I believe. I'll post something in here about it and you'll definitely get a confirmation email once its out the door. Appreciate the support, thanks!
  14. I knew duck eggs were more desirable than chicken eggs in terms of taste and health. Local livestock place gets ducklings in along with their chicks so we bought them. They each have their pros / cons and yeah, there's a lot of differences between breeds. Obviously have meat birds and laying birds as a general category and there's a much different approach to both. I can recommend a book or two, but reality is you'll likely learn by just doing and googling shit you come up on. None of my birds have clipped wings. Not generally needed, even on free range birds as we have.
  15. Big noises will scare bears away and likely attract wolves. LOL
  16. This is something you'll need to verify on your own. I'd call your local fish and game about it and make sure you have the rules in writing via an up to date guide or pamphlet since the consequences can be severe. But yes, usually if you have a call or two into fish and game on record and then end up shooting a predator, you're covered if you can show that you were protecting livestock or yourself. We've had everything from bear traps to surveillance, to alarms and there's bear prints all over the place. I'd to have to shoot one, but nobody would fault me if I ended up with a dead bear on my lawn.
  17. Hoping 5G solves the problem with remote access. The spec certainly looks promising as I understands it, its already in motion.
  18. *Guess there's no putting that genie back in the bottle though. Maybe we'll start to see everything in the world come with a computer hash to verify itself or get added to a block chain so we can track its validity.
  19. Thats one opinion. I'd argue that deep fakes are a massive threat. We live in a world where people are driven to chose sides and ready to protest talking points derived from memes. I see it regularly in the gun control debate. Most of this thread revolves around us making assumptions and how many times have one of us said, we're not going to bother posting a source and to go look it up. Honestly the level of discussion, thought and evidence seen in this thread (and others like it on 12oz) are even far above average to anything I see on most online platforms and worlds beyond what I see on social media. We live an era where mob mentality is the norm and where people are already whipped up into a frenzy. How long until the tech evolves to the point that deep fakes are undetectable altogether by humans and soon after, good enough to pass all but the most sophisticated computer analysis? Plus how much of this floods daily life before theres a glut that analysis can't even keep up with, so all but the most critical hot button deep fakes are just ignored by analysis. Treasury department can barely figure out the validity of some of these super notes, which is why they change the currency design of the $100 bill (and remove the old design from circulation) so often. Doubt it'll be long before they're crammed for computing resource to verify the validity of the flood of deep fakes that get proliferated. People are quick to trust the talking points lifted from a meme that goes around, so I see it even more probably that they'll trust video footage that floats around the same circles. Plus at what level of this situation does the real / authentic talking heads get buried under a sea of fakes, which in turn ends up causing people to simply not trust what anyone has to say ever? Or what happens when the next logical assumption in this process is the necessity of state run media because it comes from a *trusted* source. Again, we're sitting here speculating, but how can anyone not see that we're heading down that path. Fake news, contested elections, social media, social currency, mass surveillance... Its literally become a bad spy drama on steroids. Certainly far beyond anything that George Orwell could have predicted and that's just the stuff that's already accepted as fact.
  20. @Hua GuofangI disagree entirely. There's actually a lot written on the subject... Mainly the changes to media in general, as well as its impact on society when media moved from local media covering local news to a consolidation of media focusing on national and global news. Not having evidence that there is one powerful entity that pulls the strings, we can simply look at the logistics of what it would take to influence and / or control a small handful of people versus doing the same for dozens or worse, hundreds of outlets. We've seen precedent plenty of times of both private and government attempting to manipulation at scale and have seen how they can arrange and control many moving parts that go far beyond 5 or 6 billionaires. Not saying they all even have to agree or we'd simply watch the news become Nationalized entirely. Keeps it more credible if they seemingly do their own thing and then coordinate to push out messages when you need them to. Again, I have a professional background that lends itself to precisely these types of scenario. Getting key media to communicate predetermined messages, knowing that those not onboard will likely even syndicate it for fear of looking left out of the loop. But consider how incestuous the relationship must be between these 5 or 6 billionaires and a handful of other people that have the power, money and influence to give a compelling reason to get 5 or 6 people to get on board with something. Bilderburg was mentioned by that article in regards to the fact that a hand picked roster of the most powerful people in the world stemming from government to media to private enterprise get together once a year at a secret location to meet in secret about the worlds affairs and their role / influence in them. Considering its absolutely off limits to anyone else and is locked down so tight that we barely know anything beyond the fact that these powerful people seem to sort out the time and effort to attend, is exceedingly suspect. When you begin to look at those people and what they do and have done, its hard to write it off like its a cocktail mixer for rich people and not something far more nefarious. Also, most can't argue against the idea that the USA has become an oligarchy. The news reel above sort of point to that. When media we know to be extremely biased towards conservatism have the same exact talking points as media known to be extremely biased towards liberalism, its clear that there is at least some level of coordination happening behind the scenes. How hard is it to make the next logical step towards assuming that maybe they get talking points on content that has massive amounts of power and money at stake and not just when there's some bullshit about the Easter Bunny or whatever it was. Again, its all speculation but in terms of probability... Far better odds than Vegas.
  21. I'm with you 100% up until the last sentenced. I'm about 95% with you on that one, though I'd bet the farm that they played some role in it.
  22. https://www.morriscreative.com/6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america/ 6 CORPORATIONS CONTROL 90% OF THE MEDIA IN AMERICA With so many channels to surf through and so much great programming, why can’t we find anything to watch? 90% of what we watch, listen to and read is owned by 6 companies. That’s a large percentage to just be divided by a factor of six. 30 years ago 90% of media was held by 50 different companies, which is what most people would assume it would be now, but thanks to mergers and buyouts, it’s down to 6 major companies (until someone else buys another). The reason we never find anything new on TV is that 70% of what is on cable is owned by the ‘Big 6.’ That’s 1 out of every 5 hours of television. Comcast now owns 51% of NBC, while GE owns 49% (even though the infographic states that GE owns Comcast), further controlling the market with a top cable provider and a top cable channel. Here is another infographic depicting how much of the market the Bilderberg Group has an impact on by letting these major corporations network with each other. If you aren’t sure what the Bilderberg Group is, it’s an annual, unofficial, invitation-only gathering, where powerful companies meet and discuss the current happenings. Who Owns the Media_2018 Data.xlsx
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