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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. This entire situation is wrong, beginning to end. No doubt it played out in the worst possible outcome, but red flag laws are not only a slippery slope, but a blatant violation of the Constitution. It's yet another bad precedent and unfortunately, likely a sign of whats coming.
  2. Not sure all the fasting is necessary... You try a strict keto diet yet?
  3. FORUM REUNION TEE PRESALE ENDS TODAY... THIS MEANS THAT THE PRESALE DISCOUNT ENDS AND THAT THERE"S NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU'LL GET ONE AFTER TODAY. For the record, I will be over printing it a little so I have a couple for archive, as well as a few more to take care of any stragglers that beg hard enough. After today, the discount will be $12 off if your name is on the tee only. No other discounts available, but a few will be on hand and sold at the standard $40 cost. Better jump on it if you want one, cause you're almost out of time. Please let people know! And thanks for all the support from everyone that picked one (or more up), as well as all of you guys for just being on here, helping rebuild. Cheers to all of you... Let's keep it going.
  4. Yeah man, I've swam a few times in the river that cuts along my property. On all but the hottest days where you've been working in the sun, its honestly tough to swim across a 30ft gap. Basically numbingly cold. In some of the photos I've posted above, those waters are even colder. Even in summer, they're frigid and only don't have ice in them because they move so fast. The number one killer at Glacier is people falling into the water. Hypothermia sets in nearly immediately and the heavy currents make it extremely challenging to crawl out since you quickly loose motor skills and sensation in your hands / arms.
  5. misteraven


    Its more a result that music / podcasts and the like aren't my core competency and I have way too much on my plate as it is. @dekayfastepped to me a while back as has several others, but so far hasn't materialized. Definitely a fair bit of work to do it properly and assume you need at least some minimum equipment. Anyhow, I'm open to the idea and willing to support however I can once we all agree to a basic plan for it.
  6. This is an interestingly random thread. Starting to feel a little like Inception or something. @dorrismillerrr123Probably not a good source for recommendations on perfume, but also unsure that's your best bet in gifts if your god son is into wearing 12oz tees. How old is he and would you mind sharing what general town / city he lives in? Might be able to help you narrow down a few suggestions. Does he sake, what's he into?
  7. Oh come on... Let’s afford her the benefit of the doubt before we drop a ban hammer or oontz her out the door. New members add add diversity if it’s in fact a real member.
  8. Talking to them in another thread. Seems to be a legit user, but still not quite certain.
  9. Was curious how you found 12oz. Likewise, you’re not the usual type of member, which is fine, but curious what made you join?
  10. Need more info... Device, browser, details of how / what you’re doing.
  11. Just looked, but not sure it’s spam to be honest. Not the usual member, but possibly legit. @dorrismillerrr123want to introduce yourself and clarify?
  12. Guns, especially *scary* black ones, are low hanging fruit for a public that feels increasingly out of control of their own lives, and especially, the politicians that cater to them. None are prepared to really dig deep and assess themselves our society or begin to explore and understand the mental health issues that lead to someone wanting to kill as many people as they can. Instead, they’ve been conditioned to join a tribe, parrot back talking points and lend their voice to the rallying cry, which most often means reposting memes and engaging in social media debates without taking even the most minimal effort to verify the talking points they parrot, let alone explore the subject with reason and intellect. Much easier to join the mob and get emotional.
  13. When i pointed out that there have been more attacks under the claim of White Nationalism than of Islam since 2011/2012 it was to point out the irony of the situation. We have been in an endless war in the middle east. Had there been an Islamic claimed attack, god forbid an Iranian, where do you think the American war cry would be focused on? Where would it be raining drones? If this were MS13 (using this because it was in the news cycle recently,) do you not believe there would be an outcry for hardened, serious crackdown on the gang? No, I think you’re wrong. Nobody seems to give a shit unless it’s a white male that can be tied to racism. MSM is proof of it. More people die from gun shots due to gang shit on any given holiday weekend in Chicago than a half dozen mass shootings combined. Last I heard the Fort Hood shooting was classified as work place violence despite dude yelling allah ackbar (so?) while gunning people down. Read up on the details of the Pulse nightclub shooting and see how much of it references Islam (spoiler: little to none). What about the Google HQ shooting that was a liberal female. You’d think it being pretty unique would be an opportunity to really turn into a major click bait story, but didn’t fit the narrative and quickly fell out of the social consciousness when the MSM didn’t chase it like they do the weirdo white guy that does the same. If there was any semblance of integrity in the MSM, they’d stop calling AR’s weapons of war and assault weapons. Considering one has never been used in a war, ever... And that under our own military classification system an AR doesn’t meet even the basic requirements for consideration as an assault weapon, it’s disingenuous from jump street and should be a huge red flag that there’s a clear bias, if not an agenda, and that the rest of it is probably just as skewed. Coupled with the the fact that AR’s are a still a rarity in crimes, as are long guns in general or that the round it shoots is so poor, that the NATO equivalent, which in fact is a little heavier and hotter of a round than the everyday .223 (5.56) is being abandoned by our own military as being underpowered, it really speaks volumes.
  14. Not often. It’s all Glacier run off so barely above freezing even in summer.
  15. Losing the discussion here... Why’s it matter what the motive is in a mass killing? Is there a good, or even a better reason for it over any other? Also curious how anyone can reasonably think the answer to any of this is to take away a persons right to posses a gun. That’s a general statement and not necessarily directed at the person quoted above. It’s mind boggling to me that this would be a reaction when every fiber of my own being says, double down on firearms proficiency and order more ammo.
  16. Would love to see evidence of the above if anyone cares to dig it up. That way, I’m not parroting back bad info next time someone brings this up.
  17. Is there a link to the whole thing? Curious what else the comrades are concerned about besides sensory overload from excited chatter and non-gender neutral nouns / pronouns.
  18. Lot of the military / tactical guys I know relocated during the last election cycle. Don't know first hand, but was also told they've shut down most of the secret military training facilities littered throughout the NW corner of Wyoming to NW MT / E-NE ID.
  19. dude caught a lot of shit for this. people don't want to look at data. they'd rather bury themselves in emotion.
  20. Not worth it. I vetted it out thoroughly. You're far better off in Utah, unless you're willing to spend a little more on Montana. Jackson Hole is all silicone valley and bar area elite and the politics of the state is barely holding on. In another couple years it'll fall just like Colorado did. They were already throwing ballot initiatives to limit mag sizes and dumb shit like that, despite being fucking Wyoming. Also a lot of weird tax and conservation shit they're starting to play games with. Starting to show its age, but worth picking up a copy of this, then using your short list and some of the info to look up more current tables / data. https://www.amazon.com/Strategic-Relocation-North-American-Places/dp/1568612621/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TZSWUZFATI96&keywords=strategic+relocation&qid=1565036917&s=books&sprefix=strategic+re%2Caps%2C325&sr=1-1
  21. Yeah, logically I know what you guys are saying. Guess my heads fucked up and letting shit get to me.
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