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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Oh come on... Not even a LOL?! Either you all are slipping or this place isnt as far along as I'd hoped. Chomper thread was one of the best of all time. Bring it... Will send a package of stickers or something to the peoples choice for quality of concept, lol and execution. Runs until end of July so get off your phone and crank up Photoshop and lets see what you got.
  2. misteraven

    Head On!

    LOL... Think I saw it on a meme or something where dude would do some passive aggressive shit when he was mad at his girl friend and photo shop a picture of her to slightly increase the size of her forehead and post it on social. Wonder if this is her?
  3. No, not Sean Connery. For that matter, hopefully not Harrison Ford either. We already lost Carrie Fischer, so we can give up Mark Hamill as tribute. Last Star Wars sucked.
  4. I think like most things were seeing these days, its mostly low hanging fruit for politicians and high profile individuals that have a vested interest in the public perceiving them in a positive light. Lots of political type threads in here basically discussing this, but I've mentioned a a podcast a few times regarding binary dichotomies and how the MSM is built on traffic funneled in from click bait headlines that are engineered to get people arguing, since that the easiest ROI to produce engagement. Meanwhile, you have people that are increasingly feeling helpless and not in control of their own lives that literally feel better about themselves by joining whatever *tribe* aligns with their general ideology and world view and spend far too much time and effort telling other people how they should live with zero meaningful effect since the reality is they're spending their life obsessing over shit that's far outside their sphere of influence, let alone their sphere of control. Honestly, its a super simple dynamic if you take a moment and consider it from this angle. Everyones being played. Best thing you can do is focus on you... How to be happy, while also figuring out how to be a decent human being. Focus on on your shpere of control and try and push the boundaries of it a little further out as you can afford to do so. Be honest about your sphere of influence and cautious about what time and effort you invest into it, because everyone gets the same 24 hours in a day and every moment of spent on that, takes away from what you can (and likely) should be doing for yourself. Believe if more people just *woke* up to that, things would quickly correct themselves and the world would be a far better place.
  5. Almost as bad as when they just sit there and watch.
  6. So where we at on this? Any updates? New predictions for the second half of 2019?
  7. Predictable. With the various tariffs other countries are imposing in reaction to the ones we imposed, coupled with the strong dollar probably means exports are tanking. So making the dollar weaker, helps offset that. Seems like that was a key strategy under the last administration as well, though that was before the tariff wars.
  8. Some gold up in here... last bump of the night, but this ones worth bringing back.
  9. Few newer threads on the same topic, but fuck it... Bump! Maybe that’ll trigger some alerts to the people that posted, but if anyone’s in touch with some of these guys that haven’t been back in a minute... Please reach out to them.
  10. How is it so far? It’s now my primary browser on all devices. On mobile, I keep pages to key sections open and swap between then quickly. Almost feels like a dedicated 12oz App. Again, highly recommend you guys give it a go. Link: https://brave.com/ozp230
  11. Going to drop a link to my peloton thread since maybe with the new activity, one of you guys are on there. If not, and you’re interested, it’s probably one of the hardest cardio workouts you can do (spin class). https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86713-12ozprophet-pelaton-riders/
  12. Good stuff! I’ll generally top off with velveeta or kraft sliced cheese because you want something that melts all gooey, but you can flip it a lot of different ways. Soooo good! Post pictures and feedback if you make it.
  13. There’s another smash or trash that’s gone strong, but this was the original apparently.
  14. Someone on Instagram was asking about some old thread, so I pulled the Lounge section out or archive and restored it. Not sure how many remember, but the Lounge was the original private section for 12oz moderators. Most of the time it was hidden from view, but when it began, it was visible to all and there were some permissions slip ups later on that made it visible briefly a few times. Anyhow a lot of the mega threads that got shut down due to excessive arguing and beef weren't actually deleted. They'd get moved to the Lounge so they were no longer accessible since deleting the posts would often cause technical issues and sometimes screw up post counts. Anyhow, thought I'd share a screen grab of the first page of old hidden threads since its like a time warp. Unfortunately a lot of the images are broken, but the text and discussions are all there. Thinking I might restore a few just for fun. Regardless, here's a screen grab. How many of you remember?
  15. Since you guys are going in big with the burgers... I've been making mine with half 85% lean ground beef and half ground chorizo (Mexican style spiced ground pork). Add a healthy bunch of Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, garlic powder and cut fresh garlic and then crisp up some bacon, chop and add that. Then form into patties and grill... So freakin good! I'll take pictures next time I make some, but the chorizo takes the burger to the next level.
  16. Hey @fat ralphy- good for you dude... most people just talk and it takes discipline to actually do... genuinely hope you stick with this and I'll check in from time to time. You'll likely here a million and one suggestions on eating / exercising and getting healthy, but here's a million and one... But this one worked for me very well and also worked exceptionally well for a good friend of mine that saw my results and gave it a shot. Honestly, not even hard to do if you can afford the extra costs, have the time to plan and can wrap your head around doing what you've likely heard to be bad for most of your life. For starters, go read the Keto thread I started a while back. Link: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86480-the-healthy-eating-thread-keto-paleo-and-more/?tab=comments#comment-6287097 I can't stress that enough... Do not eat food that comes in a box. Do not eat food that has instructions on heating up in a microwave. DO not eat food that contains more than a handful of ingredients.Shop the outside perimeter of the super market. Almost everything in the aisles is heavily processed crap... You'll not the produce, dairy and meat departments are essentially your go to. Ironically to what we've learned, fats (healthy ones) are a very important part of our diet and a critical part of a healthy brain. Cold water, fatty fishes are some of the best thing you can eat and feel free to eat as much of it as you want, assuming its quality fish (wild caught). Trout, Mackeral, Salmon and Sardines for example. Likewise, eggs are some of the most nutritionally dense and complete foods you can eat. I was taught all my life that eating eggs leads to high cholesterol, until I met my current doctor. He said to trust him and give it a test based on evidence. He did a very detailed blood workup that was sent out to labs and a complete physical. Asked me to eat as much fresh meat as I want. Told me to try and eat lots of fatty cold water fish, Told me to eat a ton of eggs. I have a flock of chickens and get about a dozen or two eggs a day, so after confirming with my doctor, I literally ate a couple eggs for at least two meals a day for 3 complete months to the day, as well as snacked on hard boiled ones (trader joes sells an everything bagel seasoning that is epic on eggs). He told me to carefully track my carb count and target no more than 15 grams a day (I often hit 5 - 10 grams a day, which is very hard to do). He said to cut out all sugar and sweeteners 100%, including natural sugars like fructose. That includes fruit and many vegetables as well. The sole exception was pure, quality stevia and to even limit that. I cheated and drank a lot of milk and mile has lactose (anything ending is "ose" is a naturally occurring sugar). I honestly ate as much as I wanted, as often as I wanted. I wasn't really super over weight at the time (6'2" and 205), but was diagnosed pre diabetic after way too many years of sugar. So no carbs, no sugars, nothing processed. Lots of green vegetables, tons of eggs, lots of red meat and fatty fish. Cooked simply in olive oil or avocado oil, salt and quality, natural herbs and spices (obviously no sugar). I started losing weight quickly and the weight melted off faster than I'd have imagined. In fact, I got scared at one point that I was losing too much weight and called the doctor about it. In 3 months I lost about 40 lbs before it stabilized and started creeping back up and then equalized at about 175. Again, I wasn't starving myself... I ate as much as I wanted as often as I wanted, but had to be "approved" foods. Literally eating eggs at every opportunity and steaks every other night. Smoked trout from the local mom and pop butcher and snacked on naturally smoked jerky from the same place. Quite a bit of cheese, lots of salads (olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper instead of dressing) and stayed strict 100%. Then went back to the doctor for a full blood workup and lab work. End result was I just about fell out of the range for pre diabetic, my cholesterol actually went down significantly (his explanation was that the cholesterol was the result of an inflamed liver, due to fatty build up from too much sugar). I'm not a doctor and not telling you what to do. Only saying what I was told and worked unbelievably well for me. Being honest, I wouldn't believe it if someone told me this, had I not tried it for myself. Trick is to buy quality food in advance and always have it on hand. Plan your meals... Buy or download keto friendly recipes and then buy what you need to make them. Do it organized and map out your week. Make sure you have plenty of *snacks* on hand because you'll note that when you eat high fat / protein instead of carbs, you'll metabolize it faster and be hungry sooner. You dont get that feeling of being satiated for half the day like when you load up on carbs. If you'll be away from home for more than an hour, take food with you because you'll be hard pressed to find something in the street. Fall back is a burger from a decent place, wrapped in lettuce and skip the tomato (obviosuly no fries and watch what dressing you put on it. mustard, may or ranch is fine, but no ketchup). And yes, heavy cardio balanced against maybe 30% strength training. Likewise, get some quality vitamins... Especially a good fish oil supplement.
  17. Not to derail the conversation but I almost banned your account because it looked so much like a spam account. Most registrations with user names that sound like real names are often spam. Also conssidering the fact that you're female and the timing on it, pointed in that direction. Glad to see from your couple of posts that you're indeed a legitimate new user. Mind if I ask how you came across 12oz? Also, thanks for helping @fat ralphyand the users here with the motivation.
  18. Going out on a limb and predicting @Magnum OPissis a professional chef or something? If not, then damn....
  19. Casek has been on here off and on, but someone should tell him to check in for sure.
  20. Yesterday... Obviously a photo cant capture this, but while I was taking this there was what sounded like a couple dozen wolves running and howling in the tree line.
  21. Yeah... Only other part to watch out for is if you dont do it properly, it can come out soggy. But flip side is that the zoodles absorb flavor more than regular noodles.
  22. Indeed... Wasn't long ago that people would go nuts if you entered their writer name in with their number in your phone. Now there's endless photo streams that bounce between their graffiti, their art and pictures of their kids. Crazy times...
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