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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Actually been considering bringing back a contest type format for this, but also feeling that Instagram is dying and contests have mostly gotten corny. Anyhow, interested in hearing some feedback on that since it relates.
  2. I have my doubts that the Dem party will allow him to be their candidate. No doubt the Bilderberg Group hotline is already lighting up to position someone. My guess is they're going to crown Elizabeth Warren or a someone that has yet to appear in the spotlight. Money is on EW though. And yes, I sometimes wish I could be a consultant only because the strategy is so flawed that the idea of throwing an opportunity away almost takes over my good sense to watch them sink the ship.
  3. Surprised there's no debate analysis thread. One of the more informed amongst you should jump on the opportunity to start calling these fools out.
  4. If I throw it back on press, I'll reach out in case you're interested in one with only the front print.
  5. Yeah, was definitely a challenge, but we're also very new to this. Part of the difficulty is all the prep work thats required and how long that prep work takes, before you even get a chance to see what it'll print like. I'm 100% sure if we ran this graphic again, that I could improve upon it. Might run it another time or two for myself just to test some theories and learn a bit more so I can apply that to future photo tees.
  6. Not sure if the lack of Photoshop skills helps or hurts, LOLOL!
  7. If you have a way of reaching out, please do so. In fact, anything anyone can do to help spread the word that we're bringing the conversation back to the forum will be greatly appreciated and make the time on here that much more fun and entertaining.
  8. Curious myself. She was around at the earliest part of me stepping back in and putting efforts to revitalize the forum after riding out the preceding years I've dubbed the dark age of 12oz.
  9. Some one needs to turn this into a 12oz meme. Maybe a before / after with a bunch of old dudes around a computer looking at the same page?
  10. Mamms jumped on a little while back in the early stage of the come back. Posted a little in VIP and then disappeared. I'm sure someone can reach out and get him to swing through and maybe he'll stick around a bit now that theres some stuff starting top happen again..
  11. My memory is fuzzy... Who was the little kid that drew cows?
  12. The Russian Bride thread. Wish I could find it. So freakin good. Definitely was the very early days of the forum.
  13. Now you’ll need to quietly jerk off in the stall.
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