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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Wish I had the $100 - $250k it takes to develop a quality app. Go fund me?
  2. CAUSE WE BACK! http://chaos.drawball.com/
  3. have a reference library packed with stuff like this... Click to view in hi-res in all its glory.
  4. @Mercerconfusing this for the Thicccccc thread.
  5. Example 1: A9242F1B-7E37-4216-8F32-03132E746446.MP4
  6. Whole lot of thick happening on this feed... How has @psm026not jumped in on this thread? https://instagram.com/superbsportswear?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=10aocbqv0iskj
  7. since we're strolling down memory lane...
  8. Not sure man. We’ve upgraded so many times that I suspect that stuff might be gone. It’s hit or miss because others have said they see them.
  9. Getting there... Next on deck... The Official Bootleg Series crossover release. To lock up with: Book - https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/the-official-bootleg-series-v2-5-book Patch - https://12ozprophet.com/collections/shop/products/official-bootleg-series-script-patch IMG_2311.mov
  10. Kind of says on the shop login that shop and forum accounts are different. It’s a tricky integration that I decided wasn’t worth it since it also links forum users talking graff & dance to physical identities. Anyhow, yeah... Ya gotta read the fine print my dude. Hopefully you’re all good now. If not, DM me again. And to anyone reading that that is fully locked out... Email info@12ozprophet.com and we can help you. (Every single 12oz account is salvageable back to 1998).
  11. Thanks man, would love to hear more about your own efforts if you have a thread going that I havent seen or want to start a new one or DM or whatever. Again, it's still early in the process and I'm still exploring options and coming up with ideas. I don't have the capital, especially after all these investments to jump into staffing up, but that is the plan once we also have the momentum and workloads, as well as the revenues to qualify that decision. That said, I have been considering a sort of paid internship program that I've been discussing with a few people already. I happen to have a guest cottage attached to the structure we're running things out of and thought it might be a really cool exchange to bring people through for anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months that are looking for some experience and a huge change of scenery (mountains of Montana) and in return we'd get some much needed help and some fresh energy passing through. Anyhow, haven't decided on it yet and I also very much appreciate my privacy as well, but thinking that with select candidates, it could work. We'd provide room and board and stipend and they'd be willing to help out with a bunch of what we have going on from helping manage the press, graphics, photography and the other facets of what it takes to run the operation. In any case, just some of what I've been considering. Might only work for a younger person that might also be looking for college credit since most older people have leases or car payments and would have a tough time escaping the "real world" for any real period of time to jump into the 12ozProphet experience and spend some time up in the mountains with us.
  12. Need to change the name of this thread... Took forever to remember what the hell I called it. Anyhow, been posting some of the latest stuff we’ve got up on the new presses including this new 12ozProphet tee that’s about to drop (likely tomorrow, but still figuring it out). Also, working up a dedicated forum tee for you all that I hope you guys dig. Also working out how the forum tee release might bring some extra attention back into the forum, as well as an incentive (thank you) to the OG forum members. In in any case, lots of cool stuff happening and you’ll see it starting to ramp up pretty soon now that we’re really dialing stuff in.
  13. Definitely need to go through and catch up on this thread. But this IG post did catch my eye so thought I’d drop it in here and hopefully compel @Mercerto fill us all in. Onbiously its a “can’t beat them, join them” thing but also wondering where this goes? I know Amex has jumped in a while back, but admittedly I’m not informed enough on the subject to speculate on what stuff like this affects the landscape short term or long term. @Mercerwould love to have your thoughts on this and what the implications / repercussions might be.
  14. Heard about this yesterday. Sounds like a cash grab from someone close to him. I don't by it (no pun intended), but yeah sucks to be one of the people that got jerked on this.
  15. Some recent shots from a recent visit from @Grassy Knowles Plus a couple shots of the horses with frost whiskers cause it was -5 F that day.
  16. Yeah, it’s building but pretty far from last year or year before. Wolves been out in force lately. Found deer parts at my door basically and gully behind my house looked like a slaughter scene.
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