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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. I'm not on either side myself and tend to agree. Granted we are often referencing the extreme, but its a bit crazy to me to see how the extreme left is largely being embraced by the mainstream, whether it be the media, celebrities or even just so many people in general. I've said it before and I'll say it again here for the record... When you're faced with a plate piled high with shit, doesn't matter so much if you decided to eat it with your left or your right hand... End of the day, its still a steaming pile of shit. Also, people seem to lose sight of the fact that all government authority comes at the expense of individual freedom and liberty. Doesn't matter what banner it rolls in under, it's all an encroachment in which we, the people, either lose a bit of our freedom / liberty or on very rare occasion win a little back. People need to wake up to the fact that its clear both sides of the aisles are conducting themselves by their own set of rules, leaving the rest of us to be *governed* by a different set of rules that don't seem to apply to them. It's not about liberal or conservative anymore... Neither would be recognizable as such even a short as a few decades ago, let alone by the standards, ethics and especially conduct, by which either party was founded. Sooner we wake up to realize that the divisiveness of "us versus them" should be applied towards government versus governed, rather than democrat versus republican, the sooner we might start to turn a corner and improve this country and the quality of our own lives as individuals and Americans.
  2. You'd really have to attend one of his concerts before I feel you can fairly speak to his talent. His music is engineered specifically for arenas (music exec give me some insights on it) and his stage setups and performances are pretty ambitious. He also purposely structures his music in such a way to make it radio unfriendly (beyond language). Anyhow, I think *genius* is largely subjective, even in the academic sense. I'm sure there's some IQ cutoff that designates one, someones intelligence tips over to being genius, but obviously we're not talking about Kanye's cognitive capacity, meaning its that much more subjective. Regardless, dude has accomplished a lot considering his humble beginnings and I don't think there's its hard to argue that he's made a larger impact, across a wider spectrum of disciplines and industries, than most. Personally, I love his music. I have seen him in concert and it totally changed my outlook on him. But I can agree his personality can be too much for many and that maybe his music isn't really for everyone either. I'll be the first to say that I can't stand when celebrities / influencers feel the urge to use their popularity to preach or shove their own POV's on the rest of us as if they're in some sort of privileged position to know what's best, but mostly I just see Kanye saying over and over that he's not going to be told what to think based upon the popular position and that we need to come together and start talking to each other rather than being so decisive. Not sure I can say I disagree with the sentiment.
  3. Now, promoting attention spans more appropriate for a fruit fly is a business opportunity...
  4. Wow, never seen one fade like that. How long was this up for?
  5. Fairly certain this is top shelf for most of the dudes in here.
  6. Isn't there like 30 kids in the Gracie family? Feel like I keep seeing them pop up all over.
  7. So yesterday Fish & Game picked up their traps after two nights of nothing. They'd gotten a call about a bear a few miles away and thought maybe it had moved on as this particular bear has been ranging pretty far. They later confirm its a different bear as they got it on some camera and saw there was no radio collar, so nobody knows where it ventured. Then around 8:30pm I'm going to let my dog out for his last piss of the night, flip on the outside lights as I open the door and catch a huge dark blur about 25 feet in front of the door. Huge thing that spins and charges to the tree line and then sounded like stampede of elephants breaking through the bush. I was calling my wife over to look since she was walking by right behind me just as we hear something huge jump into the river and splash its way across and then more sounds of bushes being rustled. Anyhow, pretty crazy experience. Even knowing we have bears, having a bunch of chickens eaten and having two traps that are the size of a small boat parked in my yard for two days, it was still a bit of a shock. It was fairly dark and had it not been for the extended sound of the thing charging through the bushes and across the river, I would have doubted even really seeing it. We did note that usually if you sweep my pasture with a flash light at night you can see the eye glow of a dozen or more deer bedded down and last night there was none. Also, the thing was so freakin fast! I can honestly say that if it had charged in my direction instead of to the tree line, its very unlikely I could have done anything in time even with a bottle of bear spray and a shotgun about a foot beyond arms reach and a large pocket folder clipped to my pocket. Being honest with myself, even having a holstered gun on my hip probably would not have made a difference unless the thing decided to hesitate for a moment. I think to have gotten a shot off, you'd literally have had to have a shotgun in hand, safety off at the low ready and possibly, you'd have been able to bring it up and fire off a shot. It was that fast and I was that close. In any case, pretty amazing and eye opening experience. Figured I'd keep updating you guys of the latest.
  8. Welcome back @grim540! First thing, update the email address in your profile if you havent already done so. Though we can always step in and assist people that are locked out and trying to recover their old account. That said, its amazing to me to see so many older cats jumping back on and I'm humbled every time I hear about how significant your time was on here or how it helped shame some part of you are. Hope you keep passing back through and definitely check the free sticker thread somewhere in Channel Zero. Also sending free patches to older members as well. Enjoy and reach out if you need help with anything.
  9. Damn, this topic sure strayed. Anyone doing any hunting now that it’s Fall? Been also trying to decide if I should over winter my ducks or just eat them.
  10. I've been maced several times. Sucks, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Worst time was at the B-Boy Summit in San Diego. I was filming a couple cops arresting a kid and saw movement from my peripheral. Assumed it was a cop looking to snatch my camera and when I turned I caught a face full of mace. I know cops carry a type of mace that is more potent than what the rest of us can carry and it was indeed brutal. I didn't see it coming, but assume it was one of those big riot control jugs because it was a big face full. Anyhow, was hard to talk as your throat sort of gets restricted and you definitely can't see much for the first 10 minutes. Takes a solid hour or two for you to sort of go back to normal. As far as regular mace, its much less severe and more just something you don't want to deal with than being debilitating. Besides being a weaker formula, its a much smaller spray pattern and quantity. Honestly, I wouldn't even bother with it as a safety thing and have seen people get a face full of it and only get more pissed off than back off.
  11. Suspect that it’s more a matter of how well a person keeps their head. That and training. Despite the fact that it’s mace and not a firearm, a person should still train. Guessing most people buy mace and then throw it in a bag, not even trying it once to see what spraying it is like. Not surprised when people like that also end up lacing themselves.
  12. No electric fence. Worried my kids or dog will touch it. I do have an 8 ft game fence and my cool is built about as solid as a human house.
  13. So here's the downside to that off grid life... A female grizzly and two male cubs eating half your flock.
  14. The first half of @Dirty_habiTpost resonated with me, the second part not so much. Having lived in NYC, but especially because I’ve dedicated myself quite a bit to trying to build stuff (products / projects / opportunities), I’ve spent a lot of time chasing people down and trying to get in front of them. Ive been blown off my fair share of the time and once I got passed my own ego about it and considered the situation, have come to accept that people are in fact busy. There are 24 hours in a day and finite amount of time available within each. Every person prioritized the time available to them in the way they seem fit and regardless of how far up or down the hierarchy you’re targeting, it almost always comes down to a value proposition. I see taking king someone’s time as their investment in me. Whether it’s hanging out and having fun or a meeting to pitch an opportunity, it largely comes down to you presenting enough return on that investment of time, whether as a good friend that’s fun to be around or a possible partner in an exciting project that aligns / appeals to the person your pitching to. Ive learned to understand and harness the reality that if I’m being blown off, especially after following up a couple times, that the responsibility for that falls on me, not them. It’s on the one requesting another persons time to merit taking it, and not an obligation for the person you’re seeking it from to just hand it over. To make a blanket statement that a person too busy for you doesn’t know how to prioritize their time is a falsehood and honestly fits with the sort of hyper politically correct society we seem to have engineered for ourselves. Reality is that the vast majority of the time, if you merit a persons time, you’ll get it. Otherwise, they’re simply doing you a favor and that’s a limited commodity for most people. If you dont get a persons time, then look at yourself, be honest about it and seek out ways to increase your own equity, so in the future it becomes about people seeking your time instead of the other way around. Interesting diversion from the main main topic and probably a thread in itself.
  15. Been considering it myself though I’m really trying to find a decent krav maga program that’s close by.
  16. Okay, this one might earn me double coupon day in hell, but let’s see some more hard decisions... yay or nay?
  17. Just saw Black Panther on Netflix. Almost unwatchable, it was so bad. Reminded me of the last Avengers movie that was almost as bad. Wondering if the issue is im finally becoming an adult or something cause I don’t get how those movies are setting box office records that are centered on how they crashed and burned.
  18. Okay, starting to understand where the bottom of the barrel sits.
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