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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Maybe this is already known or a no brainer, but after getting a new phone I didn’t bother I stalking Facebook. Seems since then I haven’t been getting those ads served up based upon IRL conversations like I was before. Maybe a coincidence, but I’d encourage you guys to delete Facebook and see if you notice any difference.
  2. This is the first I've heard of it. You are supposed to get a notification the first time you login from a new device for security purposes, but shouldn't happen on every login. Go to this link in Account / Recently Used Devices - https://forum.12ozprophet.com/settings/devices/ Try logging out and logging in again. Wondering if your browser is just rejecting the cookie that's set on each login?
  3. Damn, thats really fresh. Bet @Europewould dig this since he's mentioned he forages for mushrooms. Definitely need to learn more about that. Also truffles.
  4. Being honest, its been a while since the last bottle, perhaps a year or so, so don't exactly recall. I do remember it was subtle and not the typical woodsy taste I've tasted in others. Like I said, it drinks super smooth. I drank most the bottle just straight or with ice and usually until you have a buzz going, alcohol is pretty harsh. This wasn't like that and even straight sober, it had a really enjoyable taste and was just smooth. Recall that it reminded me of some of the authentic Sichuan I had in China, where there's a sort of lingering taste that transforms into something distinct from the original taste. I know that with alcohol, the taste is often changed by whatever you eat or or pair with it, but half the time, I was just drinking and this was great every time. Anyhow, it's not cheap but also not expensive. Definitely worth tracking down and giving a taste. If you aren't into it, just cut it with ginger beer and lime and it's still an awesome drink.
  5. Being honest, I rarely notice a huge difference with decent alcohol versus quality alcohol. I can certainly tell when handed some well bullshit, and occasionally come up on something that tastes a little nicer. The exception for me, however, has been Jefferson Reserve. I was given a bottle of this as a gift from a friend and it was exactly the way I've heard good alcohol described in that it was smooth, complex and had a finish / aftertaste that actually got better. Not the easiest to find and not terribly expensive (regular version is about $45 and the choice stuff is in the $65 range per bottle), but well worth the effort for those of you that appreciate bourbon. *Not to be confused with Woodford Reserve, which is good, but wasn't as impactful a difference from some other decent bourbons compared to this one.
  6. For those tech savvy amongst us... wondering your our thoughts on the new Safari? There’s a lot of focus, claimed at least, on its robust privacy features including a method to block user tracking. Now I do get that unless using a VPN, your ISP at least can track you via upstream / downstream traffic, but just wondering if perhaps the new Safari comes close to other options such as Aloha? Side note: Basically been using Aloha browser for iOS since @Mercerstarted this thread. I did pay the upgrade to remove ads and as a whole, it’s pretty solid. Maybe 90 - 95% there IMO when compared to Safari, which is what I’m used to. Still not really happy with desktop options but am considering moving back to Safari from Chrome. (Yeah I know Chrome is the worst of the bunch in regards to privacy / tracking, but I also use my browser for work and development and just want a quality experience as a whole). Anyhow, I know this sort of tech moves fast, so figured I’d pop back in and see if anyone has looked into the progress (or lack there of) since Apple recently dropped a major desktop OS and mobile update.
  7. misteraven


    Yeah, that a good one... I have a bunch of stuff from Bench Made myself including a Griptilian and a few Mini Griptilians.
  8. Shit like this terrifies me. That was at the beach?
  9. Damn, looks like a full on addition? In the middle of some electrical upgrades and small build out myself.
  10. Not changing the forum platform, only the server we use to host it on. Yeah, I definitely feel this is bar far the best iteration of the 12oz forum we've ever had. Hard to find much to gripe about or even improve on, though I'd love to see the mobile version tighten up even further or better yet, a dedicated app that also doubled as a messaging platform.
  11. HA! I have a tank with that same pineapple for my Beta fish.
  12. That new iOS feature of tracking your usage and also warning of limits you setup is actually helping me a lot. I suppose the first step is even recognizing the problem and then deciding to do something about it, but I'm finding its not that big a deal once you're a few weeks into a different routine. I'm also really convinced that using a computer to offset the mobile usage helps me a ton. Its a far better experience typing and reading on a computer and doing that makes me not want to do a lot of my phone all that much more.
  13. Okay, been a while since I updated this and also a while since I worked on any new features. I will be moving the forum to a new forum that I believe will give things a little performance boost, but curious now that the dust has settled... Any features this forum is missing? Anything you dislike or doesn't seem to work properly? Let me know... Hopefully will loop back to working on some forum stuff soon.
  14. Otis. There's 5 breeds of dog that will literally eat themselves to death. Otis is 2 of the 5.
  15. Totally on us to make things fun. Shouldn't even be hard work considering how much Instagram has been sucking, not to mention how much slower its also become. Anyhow, if everyone here reached out to a few old heads, we can keep rallying people together until it all finally tips back over. Then everyone can go back to complaining that there's too many new jacks and it's impossible to keep up with threads again.
  16. There was a series of articles recently referencing a memo that went around Google that walked back from the idea that the internet should be left to grow organically to now taking the position that Google has a moral obligation to filter the thought and content that is accessible. Considering that they have a near monopoly on indexing the internet, I find this to shocking that A) they'd even acknowledge take this position, and B) that it didn't light up the internet. I guess its just par for the course, but if you don't think that the big players online aren't manipulating what you care about, what you know and your position on anything of worth, you're definitely plugged into the Matrix in a big way.
  17. You've been on 12oz long enough to know the crowd here. HA, at least make it challenging dude.
  18. Saw an interested post about a movement to try and create legislation to treat data in a similar manner of ownership as something physical. Basically saying that the selling of private data is a 200 billion dollar industry in which the person has no say and often no knowledge of their data and how its used, let alone see any type of compensation from the use and sale of their data. Personally I think its wishful thinking that this will be changed in any meaningful way anytime soon (just way too much money and politics involved), but the idea is to make it a requirement that public and private personal records be stored in a block chain and then allowing the *owner* to toggle categories of data and filter the way its used in exchange for a licensing type fee for usage. As such, it makes it very easy to audit when data was used with permission and that it was used according to the agreement, while also keeping personal data accessible across systems, yet still private. Anyhow, thought this was a no brainer idea, which is why I basically see it not happening. Technology is definitely there and I have zero doubt that the private sector would jump at the chance to build this system out. Unfortunately, a handful of companies with very powerful influence are making way too much money off that very same data to allow this type of disruption.
  19. Got close a time or two, but yeah... mostly it was a couple mods and some core members of the community on here that somehow managed to hold it together during what I’m calling the dark age of 12oz. Honestly been a little slow lately but admittedly I’m in the middle of some pretty huge changes for 12oz (more soon enough) and also can’t stay in 5th gear promoting things. I feel it’s best to promote in cycles where I push heavy for a while and then back off for a bit and let the dust settle. Probably about due to pick through forum logs and my old notes and see what can be fine tuned or improved, but seems things are chugging along pretty well. We will be moving servers again pretty soon so hoping to see a little performance boost out of it since I have noted it can sometimes feel a little laggy submitting a new post.
  20. Thanks man, yeah I suppose it’s not for everyone but then again, I think most just have no clue since they’ve never really had an opportunity to check it out. Anyhow, if you’re ever passing through again, private message me. If you got time, we’ll grab a coffee or something. —————— So out here, we’re getting dialed in for winter. First snow was about two weeks ago and we’re seeing regular dusting at slightly higher elevations. It’s well below freezing at night so there’s a frost layer on everything each morning. Days are nice, at least when the sun is out but it’s definitely starting to dip. I prepped our raised beds for winter this weekend and am scrambling to finish up the last projects before it starts to really snow. Already out most stuff away and also trying to find time to stack up more wood since I’m way behind once again. Anyhow, it’s a ton of work, but soon enough it’ll be super shoot days (sunlight 9:30 - 4:30) and knee - waist deep in snow so plenty of time to just lay around and rest. Anyone else considering a move towards a more rural existence? Any of you guys already living that life pick up any new knowledge or experience this summer / fall?
  21. *My reference to you not being from here wasn't intended as a slight in any way. I only brought it up because most Americans seem to not even have a decent understanding of our political structure, let alone a decent understanding of how it was developed, including the history and context that led to the decisions that we're made. Figuring if people here are so uninformed, that it's likely people from outside the USA probably never got much opportunity to learn about it either. Likewise, I know very little about the intricacies and history of the politics and government workings of most countries outside my own.
  22. If I remember correctly, you're from outside the USA, but can't remember for sure. In any case, the USA was actually founded in such a way as to try and ensure the dynamic of the people vs the government. It's actually the check and balance that was supposed to preserve our individual liberty. Our Bill of Rights was ratified as an integral component to the US Constitution and to ensure that there was a hard line in the sand that government could never cross. But the US Constitution as a whole was drafted to curtail government power, not the other way around as it seems to have become. It's charter is to make it wholly responsible to the people; a far cry from the dynamic which exists today.
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