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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. @MercerYep, got it thanks... Doesn't give me an accounting of how much or where it comes from, but am seeing +5 BAT.
  2. As per @Mercer's suggestion I added 12oz to the Brave Publisher's Network. Still wrapping my head around all of it, but starting to really dig their browser and thought it was an interesting idea to basically get paid to use it. Anyhow, here's the 12ozProphet referral link if you want to give it a spin (helps 12oz and also helps you maintain your privacy online) - https://brave.com/ozp230
  3. Just posted this in another thread, but probably makes more sense in this one... A new joint coming out soon for 12ozProphet. Featuring some graphics I pulled out of archive from theVapors Project and remixed into a shirt graphic. Took this photo way back during the Elian riots in Miami.
  4. Never really understood how this dude ended up on t-shirts. Crazy how he’s largely been given a pass and isn’t held up as an example of one humanities worst.
  5. Ah, thought maybe she was around somehow... Have a lot of foxes out my way. My cat Arlo is cool with them for whatever reason. They leave each other fresh kills.
  6. Had always heard that the bigger the tank, the easier it is due to how stable the PH balance and all that crap is. That said I think a lot of people with those crazy salt water tanks have a dude that comes through every so often to service them.
  7. I had two betas (one after the other). believe the first died from being too cold, but was never sure. No idea why the second died. Became too stressful so called it in after that. That said, my dog George (posted earlier) is beyond being a food thief. Gotten to the point that I have to hide the soap we keep in the shower because he kept eating them. Dude literally ate about 9 new bars of Irish Spring before we realized it was him stealing it. Almost worse is he ate three sticks of butter one evening and then another couple later that week. Can't leave them on the counter for a sec before he hops up and snatches them.
  8. Welcome back dude! Glad to see you around... LOL, we gave up tictacs for "reactions", which is in the bottom right and leads to inclusion to the Hall of Fame. NightOwls group is over here, but someone has yet to step up and lead the charge. Perhaps you can rally the crew?
  9. Been really want to get into brewing my own beer or more likely mead since I hear its easier and more versatile and sounds badass cause its on some viking, conquering the lands type of vibe. Never tried to do it and always have such a retarded pile of shit on my plate that I'm unsure how soon I'll get to it, but wondering of anyone else has tried making their beer / wine / mead / spirits?
  10. misteraven


    Damn dude, looks like some vietnam survival shit right there... Dope! Still wishing I could find (and afford) a nice fixed blade that also has a really good and low key kydex sheath. Need an EDC fixed blade for out here. Something sizable but still low key. Though nobody out here cares, rather not be strutting around on some crocodile dundee tip.
  11. @grublifeHey, you saying that catface recommended us?! Or was that just a coincidence? She's a super OG on the forums and would love to see her post again if so. Anyhow, the forum is pretty vast, so plenty to dig through. There's obviously a ton of photos and feedback threads, but also a ton of likeminded people talking about everything as you've noticed here in this thread. That pigeon is freaking awesome! (And thanks for the kind words). In any case, enjoy the forum and I'm sure we'll catch up in other threads. If you have some time, please read this thread and help spread the word to other people that you feel would be a good asset to community on here.
  12. @grublifeYeah, no doubt the community here can be intimidating, but you've managed to skip the usual hazing that was standard protocol on here for a long time. Not to stray off topic, but how did you find it? Getting back on topic, do you volunteer for the animal stuff or is that how you earn your living? I actually happen to volunteer at a therapeutic riding center that focus on working with severely physically / mental / emotionally challenged individuals (most often kids) by introducing them to horses / horsemanship. Like dogs (maybe more so), horses mirror the emotion and energy of their riders. So the horses are a sort of vehicle to help people work through complex emotion and other disability.
  13. Been a minute since I posted in here, so figured I'd circle back and drop some updates... Things are moving along really well. We've been learning a ton on every job and quality and speed has been growing exponentially on each job we put up on press. This last week, we printed the first half of a pretty fair sized order (1500 tees, 800 sweatshirts) and got through it relatively quickly. Can't say we're running as fast as an established shop, but can say with confidence that the quality of our output is far better than what I'd been receiving back when I was a client paying for screen printing. Also, a bunch of new stuff dropping for 12oz soon. This will be the first actual collection in that I'm printing enough to let the stuff live on the site for a while, rather then the hype releases we've been doing up to this point. Also have some really cool hats, our first, that will be dropping soon, as well as some really awesome new packaging for the patches we're doing. Also working on a forum specific tee to sort of spotlight / celebrate the forum and you all (more details to come on that). Anyhow, slowly but surely ramping up. That said, if anyone needs or knows someone looking for quality screen printing... Shoot me a DM. Finally have things dialed in to the point that I'm starting to take on more than just the couple client gigs from close friends.
  14. @grublifegreat first post... Skunk is extra awesome. Welcome to 12oz!
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