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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Indeed... Here's a really good one I've been following for a few years... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOSGEokQQcdAVFuL_Aq8dlg https://abundantpermaculture.com/ Also, the Survival Podcast I keep referring to also has a ton on the subjects ranging from permaculture / gardening to food preservation (canning, smoking jerky, etc) and cool shit I've been wanting to try out like brewing mead... http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/survivalpodcasting?feature=mhum
  2. The info being handed down issue is very real and I've seen two sides of this... One you guys can look up for yourselves... 1. Obviously I've been running this forum for a minute and you guys (most of you anyways) have been posting for a minute. As digital cameras came into their own and the quality started to rival film / scans and the costs came down to a point where anyone could squeeze out a pretty good one without too monumental a challenge, online images exploded. This is the age of Flickr and there was just tons and tons of very high quality, high resolution images. Because of our forum here, I would regularly scour the internet for good graffiti photos and use Google image search and using tools, filter by size to see only high resolution images. There was always pages upon pages of high res files served up. As the iPhone revolutionized photography by becoming the number 1 digital camera for photos first on Flickr and then the internet as a whole, the quality dived even thought the number of photos being published went up (which further led to a decline in quality in itself). I have an iPhone X and the photos look awesome on mobile, and pretty crusty on a desktop most of the time. The teeny sensor the squeeze into an iPhone is a miracle for a smart device / phone you keep in your pocket always, but pales in comparison to the sensors in even the bottom end digital cameras of today. Worse, when social media came along and especially Instagram, the images being uploaded are compressed to save disk space on their servers, they're cropped into a square and most often, are very heavily processed using the filters they provide. Now when you search for high resolution images on Goggle image search, most are camera phone shots in a square aspect ratio that are capped at 1008px (max size Instagram allows) and heavily processed. Even popular writers we're calling out on the #12ozFreshFridays series we're running on the 12oz Instagram, which I've been trying to link to a forum thread here, is getting hard to do. There just aren't enough quality photos available as the vast majority is actually not high res and just look like shit here on the forum, unless being viewed on a mobile device. I know this isn't 100% what @diggityis referring to, but in many ways is... We're literally seeing the culture of graffiti being lost in that magazines are all but dead, as are most Graffiti forums. We've not only forfeited the platforms we used to document graffiti for shit like Instagram, but we also forfeited better tools to document it with. If your goal is Instafame, then a smart phone shit is fine. If your goal is to document and preserve a photo of something, then the mobile phone and Instragram is an exceedingly poor way to do it. I'm curious how many graffiti photos were lost when MySpace was shut down? At least in that case, the originals likely exist somewhere. Now imagine when Instagram shuts down (which is inevitable and seems to been well on its way)... Think how much graffiti history will disappear with it, with the only evidence being a bunch of crusty low res smartphone shots that may or may not be lost as you lose your phone or upgrade it. 2. Living in the mountains of NW Montana and looking into methods to live in more balance with nature and just a more simple lifestyle overall, I'm exploring ideas like permaculture and function stacking and old school traditional farming methods from before commercial agriculture and modern methods like GMO's and chemical fertilizers, etc. It is surprisingly hard to find this information online. In fact, a farrier came over recently to tend my horses and he had a book in his truck her refers to that was published back in like the 40's, that he said doesn't even cover the knowledge the "old timers" had. Learning what to plant next to what to avoid issues with flea beetles or how to rotate crops is info that is slowly disappearing. I did come across a book series years ago that I've been slowly collecting that speaks directly to what @diggityis referring to called the Foxfire Series where a teacher leveraged his students something like 50 years ago to urgently document a generation of very old people in the Appalachian Mountain region that were dying off in an attempt to document the last bit of knowledge of frontier life before it disappeared forever. Very interesting in terms of historical perspective, but also very interesting in that a lot of the knowledge presented is simpler and more effective than what is taught / encouraged today. Here's a link to the site: https://www.foxfire.org/ and to the book series on Amazon (also sold individually): https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Collection-Anniversary-Editions-Anniversay/dp/B00MRH3RYU/ref=sr_1_1 Anyhow, sorry to thread jack @Mercerbut I think this still speaks to the spirit of what you were going for with this thread.
  3. Another related fun fact: @diggity's parents own a bed and breakfast down in Georgia and cook up award winning southern food. Always meant to stay a weekend and try it all out, but havent had the opportunity yet.
  4. She films some of her shows over at the studios in Chelsea Market (or used to when I was there). Her chicken dumpling soup is a family favorite that my wife makes pretty regularly. Recipe: https://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/chicken-and-dumplings/
  5. @MercerNothing better than home made butter once you get it dialed in. But keep in mind it doesn't last nearly as long as store butter so either freeze it or make enough for a few days only. Especially awesome with fresh bread and going to assume your wife can make some if she's already making dough. My daughter makes an awesome honey wheat, but I kind of suck at making bread. Yeah, local honey is always best for the reason you mentioned. Fun fact about honey is its naturally very highly anti bacterial. In a pinch if you had no options to pack a deep wound, honey would be a good option as it'll seal it and keep bacteria from sitting in. Read an article about honey they found in an ancient Egyptian tomb and after running studies, they said it was basically the same and just as good as when it was stored, several thousand years ago. Again, because its anti bacterial it never goes bad. Personally I love honey, but sad fact is that its processed by your body about the same as sugar. Was still planning on doing honey bees just to help the environment and to pollinate my garden and fruit trees extra heavy.
  6. Wild ride its been for many of us... Welcome back! Hope you stick around and enjoy!
  7. @MercerIn regards to the pancakes you posted... You should try this: Go pickup some local, farm fresh heavy cream. Get yourself two nice sized mason jars (about the content size of a nice beer mug). Fill the first one about 2/3 with the heavy cream and then go watch TV and while watching, shake the crap out of it. After a while the cream will separate. Keep shaking and after about 30 minutes or so, you'll have what looks like a ball of milky wax (butter) and a whole bunch of liquid (butter milk). Then take the butter part of it and whip it in a mixer while drizzling in a little local sourced, unpasteurized honey, as well as a sprinkle in a little sea salt (both to taste). Use the butter milk to whip up a new batch of pancakes and then use your new butter to butter them up. Experiment with topping it with fresh and real maple syrup or better yet, mix in fresh blue berries into the batter, cook them up and then top off with your fresh butter, a sprinkling of powdered sugar and a dollop of fresh lemon curd (you can make that too). Garnish with some mint leaves. Honestly its some super gourmet shit and you'll never want to eat pancakes any other way. For the full on recipe, you can check out this from Pioneer Woman and substitute in the butter milk and butter into that recipe. The lemon Curd is the best part IMO and not part of her recipe, but well worth it. If you don't make your own, pickup a little jar from Dean & Deluca next time you're in the city. Lemons and blueberry too unless you can source from a farmers market. Link: https://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/lemon-blueberry-pancakes/ --------------- Gives me an idea for a new thread... Same way there's those challenges where one writer does an outline for another writer and send to them to pain or other variation where one writer paints another writers name in their own style... Maybe we challenge each other to a cook off / bake off by challenging each other to ever more sophisticated recipes and then post back images and feedback? Heck of a way to push our eating / cooking game way up!
  8. HA! Super legit! Probably some overlap with the ogg grid thread, but I'll try to remember to take some photos to post in here since we regularly are cooking with stuff our of our garden or from my livestock (or a neighbors). And agreed... Nothing like breaking bread with friends and family over a quality home made meal, especially when the ingredients came out of the dirt or off the land you own.
  9. Not sure that corporate tax cuts and waging wars is what wins votes, but not going to argue that both parties on flip sides of the same shitty coin. And yes, its amazing to see just how generous people can be, especially when there's a real and established sense of community. I used to actually see / feel it quite a bit when living in Soho and obviously more so living out here. I regularly volunteer at a non profit up the street, which uses horses and horsemanship as a therapeutic tool to assist people (mostly kids) with extreme physical and emotional disability. More so than even dogs, horses mirror their rider and its been amazing to see how some kids with massive disabilities respond and focus when they're given an opportunity to ride and be around horses. Not always easy to squeeze out the time, but pretty consistently go over there once a week to lend a hand.
  10. Certain this statement is not accurate, but I'm too lazy to cite references, so will leave it alone. But fact of the matter is the ideologies differ in that the left feel that its okay to take money from the most successful among us and reallocate it as they see fit. The right tends to feel people should be able to keep what they earn and spend it as they wish. Now the reality is that both parties have strayed so far from their parties stated ideology as to be unrecognizable. Fact is that Obama bombed more countries than Bush. Fact is that Bush grew government more than any president before him. Here's some more... Obama did less for gun control, despite have a clean sweep of the upper and lower chamber for 2 years than Trump. Trump who actually spoke at the NRA convention and has their support has implemented more impactful legislation to curtail gun rights than Obama did and he's not even through his first term, let along on to his second. I could spend hours pointing you to hypocrisy on the part of both parties and how they've strayed from the ideology of their party, but you can easily search around for this yourself. Again, pick the lesser of two evils and you still end up with evil. If you're going to eat a big pile of shit, whether you do it with your left hand or right hand, you're still eating shit. Reality is the sooner people extricate themselves from the binary dichotomy of left versus right and instead realize they're getting fucked from both sides, the sooner we can get to a point of actually holding government responsible for all the foul shit both sides have done against the American people (as well as the rest of the world).
  11. They just want votes plain and simple and their only avenue to grow them is in the "low information" voters. Promising free shit and paying for it with other people's money. That being said, I think the exact opposite thing to do if you truly want to help people is treat them special and make them dependent. I'm not a fan of #Pride or affirmative action for these very reasons. For the longest while skin color and sexual orientation literally did not enter my consciousness when see other people. Now its the first thing I notice. I don't think any less of anyone, to be clear, but when the national discourse for the latest several years has been about racism and sexual orientation (after 1%, Isis and Ebola failed to persist), its impossible to not think about it now. Likewise, its natural human tendency to behave differently when there is a safety net versus no safety net. Plenty of studies have shown how poverty has grown lock step with the allocation of additional resources to social services. Like all else government does, it's literally the most inefficient method possible to get anything done. You can understand why when its a matter of spending someone else's money and you're drawing from what's being treated as a limitless source. I'm not saying that truly desperate people shouldn't be taken care of by a cicl society, but a safety net is not something you live in and certainly not for generations. Watch these people speak, watch the debates and then consider if that very individual is someone you'd trust to make investments with your heart earned money, because that's exactly what it is. Personally I wouldn't trust 99.9% of those clowns to watch my dog.
  12. About 800 million users on Instagram, including most of Hollywood that would disagree with you on that.
  13. Both sides are equally full of shit and in my own opinion, mostly strategically coordinating to perpetuate all the theatrics we see despite the facade of rivalry. To think that one side is more credible or in any way more genuinely concerned with anything other than votes so they can continue to maintain and further consolidate power is drinking the cool aide. No offense to anyone still caught up in the dichotomy of it all but the whole thing is bullshit. Sorry, not sorry.
  14. Had use some natural enzyme spray to kill off the flea beetles wreaking Havok on my arugula.
  15. Photographers slipping... I’d have walked the 6 feet and gotten on the other side of the fence... Would have captured that straight on money shot and probably made the cover of Time. Would have invited you motherfuckers to my Pulitzer party.
  16. Amazes me how often this gets repeated. An AR has never been used by a single military on the planet. In fact, it doesn’t even fit the most basic criteria by the US Military in order to be classified as an assault weapon (select fire / full auto). How does that misinformation keep getting parroted so regularly? Oh, black and scary... must be military. Following that train of thought, the snow camo cargo shorts they sell up and down Canal Street (NYC) must be a military uniform.
  17. Was a much worse offense than the watch. Recall reading she showed up to a photoshoot in a $4k outfit when running for congress.
  18. So just an update now that its been a few weeks... I'm extremely happy with Brave and have been using it as my primary browser for a few weeks. Its far superior to any options out there... Its noticeably faster and very slick and clean. You can use most chrome extensions with zero issue and really its just very, very well done. I'm also using it on my iPhone and can't believe how much of a better experience it is there also. They have a beta feature taht allows you to sync all your brave sessions across devices and are able to do it using blockchain technology, meaning your data is completely safe and like the all aspects of the browser: private and secure. Suggest you give it a go... https://brave.com/ozp230 *And yes, that is a referral link and yes, I do get BAT credits if you use it. Being honest, I'm not sure what BAT is actually worth and suspect the 8.61 BAT I own are probably something like $0.07 but in any case... My review on Brave is genuine and not motivated by financial gain. You're playing yourself if you don't give it a go.
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