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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Lazy weekend after a long ass week. Actually stayed off the computer and phone for the most part. Wish I could say I did something fun and adventurous but mostly just laid around. Spring chickens are starting to lay. Dog is wondering if the little egg tastes as good as the big eggs.
  2. misteraven


    I like those white SB dunks. Personally, they light grey would have been better as a warmer tone, maybe a light tan or something just darker than the off white they used elsewhere. Will obviously get trashed super fast, especially as a skate shoe.
  3. misteraven


    If I can get a pair of the new WTAPS x Vans without having to jump through hoops, I'll likely get a pair.
  4. Tell him about the Off Grid thread. Maybe he can relate if he moved to the country.
  5. I'd assume it would still embed. You're requesting a page in which that is the content. It's no targeting you somehow, but just showing you what you loaded.
  6. About to turn this thread into a contest.
  7. Oh shit, missed the whole spider thing. Sorry! I fuckin hate spiders. Would see black widows all the time living in CA. In fact, when my sister in law moved, they found hundreds of black widows living in a massive colony in her box spring. FUCKING FUCK THAT! I have a hard time sleeping just thinking about that. If it was my bed, I'f be scarred for life. This shit right here... Fuckin middle east camel spiders... Yeah, I'll mud wrestle a crew of angry taliban a hundred times over before fucking with one of these things.
  8. Yeah man, don't forget to give that man his props.
  9. Disclaimer: the above is not legal advice LOL. Just my experience having traveled with firearms many times. Always a good time to see their reaction (and some nearby passengers) when they open a big ass pelican case with several AR's, a few pistols and dozens of magazines and all kids of lasers and optics and shit all neatly arranged in custom laser cut foam. Oh yeah, you can travel with ammo in the same case. There's a hard limit, usually something like 100 rounds and it should not be loaded in a firearm. Most the time, you buy ammo online and ship it ahead to your destination so its waiting for you when you arrive.
  10. Sending and traveling with guns is a whole other deal, but its also often misrepresented by media. There is individual policy according to carrier, which the carriers themselves often don't know well and screw up. Basically, you can only send a firearm to yourself and mostly, you can only use Fedex. You do not tell them whats in the package, ever. You simply say its sporting equipment, put the value high enough that they treat it respectfully and ship it in a container that can be locked, and then package that in a box so it can't be identified. Also, make sure you have firearms specific insurance, which is a good idea always. Send it adult signature required and track it carefully. Insure someone you trust is on the receiving end if you aren't there to accept it yourself. Recommend biting the bullet and paying for at least 3 day or better service as well since sending by ground is a bit of a gamble and also a bit of a dick move since it's possible it routes through a state where it's not legal, which can lead to big trouble for them and you. Other carriers like UPS specifically say they do not transport firearms, but its their own rule and not a law. Goes without saying you do not ship a loaded gun and best practice is to not even ship it with ammo since ammo should go ground and with proper hazmat labeling. Traveling on the other hand is much easier. First thing you do is go to the website of the airline and carefully read and understand their policy regarding firearms. Virtually all follow a federal guidelines under FAA rules, which is you must declare your weapon during check in. This is very simple, you literally go to the ticketing counter and tell them you are traveling with a legal firearm. The person will then go get a second employee (to witness), grab a short form that asks some basic identity info and requires your signature and then request a visual inspection. At that point you simply open your case, allow them to view (and certainly not touch). They'll ask you if its loaded (it should not be obviously). They will take a copy of the form you just filled out and put it in the case and ask you to lock it (it must be in a hard sided case of some sort that locks) and at that point you lock it up. The lock should NOT be a TSA lock that they can open, but a normal lock. Ideally you also want a tamper seal for it as well and I'd take the time to photograph it with your phone once or twice (close up so you see the seal and serial clearly and again far enough to see its at the airport just to be extra safe) and then they take it away and process it as normal baggage except that it'll have a special handling label so that the workers handle it extra careful and so baggage guys at the other end know not to put it on the conveyer. Usually at the other end you'll need to go up to a desk in the baggage area and ask for it and show them your claim ticket. Note that you should obviously be flying to and from a place where having it is legal. Ideally, you'll also be careful of your layover and also insure that takes place in a state where owning it is also legal (though thats a legal grey area, better safe than sorry). Anyhow, sounds like a big deal, but it really isn't. Just allow extra time because its not unusual for you to get a dumb ass that has never done it before and either tries to say you cant travel with a gun or isn't familiar with the procedure and has to call someone else to help out. I'll often even take the trouble to print out their own rules on it to save myself having to argue with any stubborn dumb ass employees that might happen to also be anti gun rights. Just stay patient and polite and its all easy. Again, suggest you have a specific insurance policy to cover your stuff (they're surprisingly cheap), but its very unlikely they're going to lose or mess with your gun since they'd be in a world of shit if your gun went missing or if you could demonstrate someone tampered with it.
  11. Oh yeah, when doing an FFL transfer as described above, there is almost always a fee involved from your FFL dealer. After all, they need to get paid for their involvement in the transaction and maybe make up a little for the fact that you didn't just buy a gun from them. My experience using several, is that its usually about $20. They fax the seller their FFL credentials, submit whatever the BATF form is and then hand over your purchase once it arrives and the holding period is up. I've seen it as low as $10 and seen deals where its more expensive on the first one and then cheaper for the next ones.
  12. Definitely don't think its 50/50. I do not believe its possible to collect stats, but I can say that most of my stuff was bought online because that's usually the best deals. In fact, http://www.gunbroker.com has been a great place to find stuff at great prices once you know what you want and have the time, money and patience to wait for the right opportunity. When buying online, its really no different than buying from a store. All guns must be shipped to an FFL unless you're sending to yourself. That a federal requirement. What this means is that when you buy something regulated online, once you pay, you send the seller your local FFL (usually a local gun shop or someone federally licensed to be in that business) and the seller than arranges transport to them. The FFL notifies you when your purchase arrives and you go pick it up. Most people will swing by their FFL once the item ships and run paperwork so that technically by the time it arrives, you're already past the waiting period. But all that said, you still have to fill out the typical forms, which then get submitted for a background check. Obviously in places where there's a lot of shooters, you might come up on someone local that has what you want for the price you're willing to pay and so long as it occurs within the state, you don't need to run it through an FFL (though they might still opt to do it). For a private transaction, yes it is true that you can sell someone a firearm and then just hand it over without running a check, but my experiences have always been that people are very weary of it and will almost always ask or look for evidence that you're solid to own one. Considering that if you sell someone a gun and they do something stupid with it, among the many things investigated is where it came from and thus invite trouble back on yourself, you'd have to be an idiot to just sell to anyone willing to pay for it. Criminals very likely aren't trying to pay retail on shit and buy it through standard channels like this and likewise, sellers aren't trying to deal with shady people and risk getting in serious trouble themselves. Especially when the market is super strong and there's plenty of legit people you can sell to. Anyhow, just wanted to put that out there as media so often misrepresents this and unless you're actually into guns and have bought a few, you wouldn't really know how it actually works and might buy into the bullshit you hear in the media or from anti gun groups.
  13. misteraven


  14. Block is hot and going to hell fast! local police activity...
  15. going to shamelessly post my primary G17 in response to the "Beautiful. You may be changing my tune to the glock." comment.
  16. misteraven


    Those look clean. Almost a little too slick for my tastes. Though I'm not going to say I have all kinds of blood and shit on my hands when I'm using my knife, it also wouldn't be totally unrealistic. Definitely sweat and grime and other shit as well, so like my guns, I'd like something double extra grippy. Also, more looking for a fixed blade right now. Does look sexy though.
  17. @PurpleNerpleWelcome back man. Great to see you posting again. Also a heads up that you can put multiple flix in a single post. Not that it matters, but just letting you know. Check Channel 0 for a post on free shit for OG members.
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