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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Good luck dude. Let us know how it goes.
  2. Awesome thread concept... Really love seeing the stuff get out and about! Looking forward to seeing more so please post people...
  3. Putting in the last minute touches to todays t-shirt releases. https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86642-new-release-12ozprophet-classic-logo-tee/ https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86615-new-release-12ozprophet-divide-et-impera-tee/
  4. LOL, going to leave that a secret so people aren't rationing them. Its to prevent kids from upping each other into MVP status. Working on some lans to incentivise MVP status. Thinking it might be a custom patch just for MVP and shop discount code or something. Not sure, still thinking it through and also trying to close on a deal I've been working on that'll help bankroll a bunch of moves I'm trying to make with 12oz.
  5. Had a great pie yesterday - half fresh garlic and half pepperoni, but being honest, I always feel like crap after. Not sure my stomach can handle that kind of shit anymore and don't know if its from being older or because I generally eat pretty clean.
  6. misteraven


    Yeah, I'll take a pass on that trend, thanks. Though the Wave Runners are likely the nicest to come out of that trend.
  7. That’ll happen naturally. Already a couple on here I know of and seeing a lot of new registrations, but as momentum builds, word will get out.
  8. misteraven


    Found it. So sweet...
  9. misteraven


    @6Pennieswhere you at? Can you post that crazy Nocturnal knife you got? Looked for one of those for a while. Impossible to find.
  10. Glad to see you on here and appreciate the comment. Sucks the way things went down. I explained a lot of it in the 12oz History thread and a few other places. The new me thread of consistency I keep hearing is how important this place was or how many good times and strong relationships came out of it. I’m aware of half a dozen marriages between two 12oz members that met on the boards and almost as many kids that came out of two members on here. Plus tons of friendships that are years old and even survived 12oz dark years when the forum was all but abandoned. In hindsight I wish I’d done things differently, but suppose everything happens for a reason and if anything, this thread and the results of relaunching a couple weeks back and promoting since then has really proven to me that things aren’t over. In fact, I think the best days can be ahead of us. Now I’m seeing social media starting to collapse (is anyone actually on Facebook anymore?) and keep hearing more and more how unsatisfied people feel after years of thumbs up or down, double taps and emojis. It’s simple and fast, but just leaves so much to be desired. You get out what you put in and your post reaffirms that fact. Welcome back man!
  11. By the way, where is @50million? Anyone in touch that can tell him his thread just hit 500 pages?
  12. Ooooo, this is a tough one. Hate those navel piercings so that might tip me into negative territory. Suppose if she has a good personality, makes me laugh and uses a quality shampoo so her hair smells nice, yeah...
  13. misteraven


    Just a heads up that @SukiSukiNowstarted up a 12oz Bicycle Group -
  14. Oof, now you crossed the line man... Don't think I can do it.
  15. Finally got caught up on The Walking Dead last night. Was a great season, but not sure about the latest turn of events. Starting to like Fear The Walking Dead better, which I’m like 5 episodes behind on. Really enjoy the early days of the zombie apocalypse while everyone is busy just trying to figure shit out. Feels like TWD is just dragging with all the interpersonal in fighting with other humans. Still love the series, but fatigue is setting in a bit.
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