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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Will find time to add to this... Got a ton of great photos and a million more stories. Again, @psm026needs to jump in and help fill in some gaps.
  2. Procrastinating on starting morning farm chores.
  3. So been botching to the family that our birds are getting sloppy and not laying in the nesting boxes like they’re supposed to. During the good weather months, I free range them. Makes for happier, healthier birds when they spend their days foraging and also cuts the cost of feed dramatically. But last few weeks I’ve seen their egg production decline, when right now is supposed to be the busiest time of year. Knew they had to have some hidden nest or something but couldn’t find it. Then digging through my fromt garden (about 120 yards from their coop), I find two wild duck nests full of eggs. Assume they aren’t viable eggs since the ducks aren’t being broody, so now need to figure out an egg heavy recipe since I have a huge surplus. Here’s what I pulled out of the garden. Sort of feels like Easter when you’re literally hunting eggs in bushes.
  4. Damn man, some freakin heaters out there for sure.
  5. Sure it can. On us... I don’t subscribe to that crap either. I see it as a sign of respect and personal integrity to have the balls to tell people the truth and not beat around the bush about it. Part of what’s wrong with the world today is everyone still thinks and feels what they always have, but now they just suppress it under political correctness. On the flip side though, aren’t we pioneering new levels to political correctness by genuinely willing to smash some of these instead of just model chicks, LOL! We’re spreading love man.
  6. It’ll happen. This week alone was a huge step forward and managed to break traffic records back to back each day. But yeah, shit was fucked for a long time and social media also ravaged things. Now people are waking up and we’re working to put the pieces back together. But really the responsibility of making this place awesome is on each of us. It’s already happening... Please help spread the word.
  7. misteraven


    LOL, been busy. Usually when I have time, I read a book instead.
  8. Out my way, I see more flips than iPhones and lots of people that have neither. Not exactly what you’re referring to, but definitely plenty of people bucking the status quo.
  9. At least until they have that shit from star trek where your micro wave just creates what you ask it out if thin air.
  10. Welcome back!


    And welcome to VIP!

    1. the_gooch


      Thanks! The site looks and performs fantastic! Props. 

  11. About to take the wife to the airport. Trying to get work done.
  12. No doubt we can track a few of these people down at least? anyone in touch or know how to get I touch?
  13. My kid eats the crap out of those (to my dismay). Parent in me wants to make you a plate of eggs with some toast. Damn, how times have changed.
  14. Never been as into scotch, but I’ll drink it occasionally when offered. Came up on a bourbon called Jefferson Reserve that was truly epic. Really enjoyed it and distinctly better than anything else I’ve had , which tends to sort of be the same most the time.
  15. Can’t DM if they aren’t logged in. Please ask them to DM 12ozProphet on Instagram or email info@12ozprophet.com and I’ll make sure they get taken care of.
  16. misteraven


    Bought a copy of the Last of Us, but have yet to actually play it. Anyone here play that game?
  17. Screw it, just created a tutorial for you (and everyone else) here: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86550-new-forum-features-worth-checking-out-tips-and-tricks/?do=findComment&comment=6296211
  18. So now that things are starting to crank up and get busy, a few people are asking about groups... Link: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/groups/ 12ozProphet Groups: You've likely noticed in the main forum navigation (left side of your screen if your on desktop or menu icon in the top right of mobile) that includes a menu item for "Groups List". This is a hugely powerful feature of the new forum that allows any member to create their own Group here on the forum. Groups are powerful n that the person that creates the group, own it. They can name it whatever they want, they can choose privacy levels from totally public to totally private (and a few settings in between). They can invite members, ban members and even setup their own moderators. They can create their own subsections and run the Group however they like. Your group, your rules for the most part. Though in the past, we've sort of done something similar within a thread, groups allow for so much more flexibility since you can control who sees, who participates and how you want to run it. You can create your own sections and consolidate unlimited threads, all within your group. Obviously you can see how amazing something like this can be, but keep in mind that it's on you to make your group interesting, fun and worth joining. How to Create a Group: Creating a group is fairly easy. You just need to follow the instructions below and a moderator will review your Group request and either approve it or explain why it won't be allowed (very rare exceptions). Step by step... go to the groups section here: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/groups/ click the big red button in the upper right that says " Start a Group". Fill out the form that pops up Group Name - Self explanatory. Privacy Setting - Explanations are on the form, but the options are Public, Open, Closed, Private Read Only). Group Description - A sentence or two about your group. Group Icon - Which is the same type of photo as your avatar / profile photo. Once you save the Start a Group form and submit, go and add a cover photo (header image) for your group so you don't look lame. Wait for a moderator to approve your group. Once your group has been approved by a moderator, you then have to create the sections. By default, the group does not have a discussion area or any sections, so you need to create at least one or the group is basically useless. Think of this like forum sections. They can be anything really and are just used to organize your content (threads / posts). Most groups will likely only have one section called "Topics" or "Discussions" or named what you want, but you can easily add another for an events calendar or anything else you want or whatever makes sense for your group. Anyhow, you set that up and also edit your group name or description using the "Manage" drop down near the top right just under the cover photo. If your group is anything other than Public (public groups are totally open so there's no need for invites and members), you also use that same dropdown to invite forum members to your group. To do so, just start typing their name and the auto complete will help you find the member. Hit enter and it tags them. You can do them one at a time, or multiple. Note: To send an invite via the system, the person needs to be a forum member. Obviously you can promote your group via email or Instagram or any other way (In fact, I encourage you to promote your group and make it as fresh as it can be), but to actually join in, the person must be a forum member. As you all know, becoming a forum member is fast, easy and free. Also, you can setup who the group leaders and moderators are. You do that under the "Members" tab in the group navigation. Other than that, there's nothing really to it. You'll note that the Groups List has all the 12ozProphet Groups and that they're arranged by last reply. Some are public, others are private. You can submit a join request to any group that interests you via the "Join" button under each group or if nothing interests you, go and start your own. And again, you own the group. IT'S ON YOU TO MAKE SURE YOUR GROUP IS FRESH ENOUGH TO MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO JOIN AND ON YOU AND YOUR GROUP MEMBERS TO PROMOTE IT AND KEEP IT FRESH. Enjoy!
  19. @SukiSukiNowOkay, will message you tomorrow about it. But I'll let you designate who should start the Knitebats group. The Nightowls group has already been started up...
  20. I'm familiar with Slack, but have never used it. Can't even keep up with how many networks, apps and methods there are to hit someone up. Ironic part is that nobody is really saying much on any of them from what I've seen. Definitely not seeing too many places like this one where there's ongoing, deep discussions. Plus also has a little fuckery and a way to just *react* to posts if you really don't have much to say.
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