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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. @diggityFeel free to start a new thread on this. I think it would be a useful discussion, especially if you guys start buying stuff and can come back with feedback and reviews. Maybe I can even reach out and get a coupon code if enough people are thinking about buying some. Here’s one of the ones I’d taken note of. No personal experience, but seemed legit. Link: https://alpenorganics.com/
  2. I think there is a ton of snake oil around it, but mostly because it likely works and everyone and their mother wants in on it. I think you can likely work your way through some credible reviews and pick up some legit stuff. Had a few names but unsure what I did with them. Did notice they were in the $80 - $120 for a couple ounces that was designated as a months supply though.
  3. misteraven


    98s are the opposite for me. I gave a bunch near DS pairs away to a homeless dude just before I left nyc. He lined up all up on the sidewalk (along with about 80 pairs of other sneakers), walked back and forth a bunch of times and picked out one pair. Rest got taken by a couple hipster / yuppie looking kids that happened by. True story.
  4. Damn that hits hard. But what about the part part where you also get to print your own money and change the rules whenever you want?
  5. 04:28am and posting on here. Guess I should join team sleep problems. Maybe start a new group.
  6. Yeah, I feel you on this one. Not good man. Separate conversation but I regularly take magnesium supplements for that. Look into it. There’s this powder drink called “calm” that works best for me. Actually very effective, but you have to cycle it because it’s one of those things your body builds up to and then becomes less effective or not at all. Also helps when you have your diet correct and consume certain other things that help your body metabolize it more efficiently (calcium). That said, been considering cbd, but seems so damn expensive.
  7. Muscle is much more dense than fat, that’s why. It’s one thing to burn off fat and another to develop muscle as you’re doing it. Most people will see a fast dip that quickly evens out and despite continuing, won’t see as dramatic a drop. Also can be deceiving because it takes a minute for muscle to become defined, especially if it’s still under a layer of fat, even a fairly thin layer (especially in males). Just keep with it. It’s as much to benefit what’s on the inside as it is what the outside ends up looking like.
  8. Actually, this is a super interesting topic. I know we have a bunch going, but might be worth exploring in a new thread if you're up for it? Obviously the precedent was probably set with states legalizing medicinal and later, recreational marijuana. That was a clear and utter disregard for federal authority and legislation and because it had fairly wide public support, there really isn't shit they could do about it, though we can analyze how they attempted to leverage the banking / financial system in an attempt to stop it. There's not a ton I know about that topic as I haven't tracked it carefully (not a marijuana user myself), but that's clearly a starting point. Another interesting precedent is the Bundy vs BLM incident and subsequent court case. Pretty amazing how these guys posse'd up and put up opposition to federal agents that culminated in an armed stand off. Eventually I know at least one of them was killed, but they beat the court case despite literally holding off agents at gun point, so certainly an interesting case to explore in regards to the topic of states reasserting rights over central government. Anyhow, you're probably best qualified and you've seen the format I've used for the weigh in series I've been running. Maybe @6Penniescan help step up in regards to helping frame this up?
  9. Been getting a lot of messages about it since you guys that did the preorder have been posting to Instagram and I guess it’s getting seen by more people. Shirt was a presale and we printed enough to fill orders. That said, we do print a couple extra in each size to make up for the inevitable production mistakes, as well as for archive and the occasional contest. I do have a couple in hand in hand in some sizes. Really had no intention to sell them, and the preorder discount I’ve ran for 3 weeks is done. Anyhow, I’ll sell a couple (if I can) at the regular 12oz tee price if someone really wants one. Just private message me here on the forum. Will probably design up another forum tee at some point, but not sure when and likely won’t be the crazy $12 cost since at some point I have to cover the costs of running this place and growing the business so we have more resources to work with and do cool stuff. Am working on the next batch of 12oz tees now though.
  10. Been seeing a lot more of this sort of thing. Wonder how many of these states will step up and push back when the time comes.
  11. Trying to recover more of those photos. If anyone reading this is especially technically proficient, give me a shout.
  12. I think he was referring to the exchanges, not Bitcoin itself. In that regard, they have a profound influence, which is why I mentioned the decentralized exchanges.
  13. You did notice it's a lawn mower? Actually even more impressive, but thought I'd point it out. I have a current model version of this I use to cut my grass. Underpowered as shit, so might have to sort out some supercharged twin turbo flux capacitor setup of my own.
  14. Thanks to whichever of you that ordered a hat this morning. Assume it was someone in this thread.
  15. misteraven


    Dunks were my go to for ages, especially SB's cause they were more comfy. Since moving, I've burned through a lot of classics, dogged them out completely. Also, I lost about 50 pairs of shoes in the move somehow, including a lot of heat (Homers, Supreme Dunks, etc). Havent seen many pairs lately I'm in love with. Would love a pair of credible hikers, but in some interesting colors and without all the race car type styling like they always seem to do. Only sneakers that really have caught my eye these days are the Undercover Reacts and some of the similar colorways of them. But all the hype and exclusiveness nonsense kept me away from bothering to make a go at them. Otherwise, I'd have bought several pairs.
  16. https://12ozprophet.com/collections/accessories/products/12ozprophet-adaptive-camp-cap
  17. No. We strip all meta data excluding tags for orientation. That said, there's ways to identify an image that could help identify some more specific data about the device. For example, knowing the pixel count would help identify what generation device it was taken on. But geo tags and device ID's and very specific identifying data like that is stripped off upon upload.
  18. semantics... we all knew this wasn't going to go anywhere. only surprise is how blatant and obvious the efforts to escape prosecution have become. I guess when the whole thing is a media circus it gets tough to bury so they get forced to do something flagrant. this reminds me of the early days of 12oz... Back in the early 1990s the US Postal system was beyond reproach when it came to trust worthiness. Sure, if you were sending cash it was smart to fold it into some papers, but when a package was sent, it actually arrived to its destination with very few exceptions. I recall talking to the twins down and Brazil and they said you had to be careful with how you packed things and how it was sent because their postal system had workers that would frequently steal shit. Politics were a little nuts, but still respectable. Now US politics borders a banana republic. Shit that was relegated to something you'd see in South America is standard practice in the USA and scandals have become so outrageous that it might as well be some reality TV, sitcom nonsense. Politicians hardly make the effort to cover shit up too deeply because they know nobody really cares beyond arguing about it on social and that they truly do exist above the law. Crazy times.
  19. I love the irony of it. Also the fact that these exchanges are hosted by countries that aren't really all that interested in complying with the will of our government. I'd be willing to bet some enterprising young nerds out there are looking for ways to create a decentralized exchange, if it hasn't already been done. Should be interested to see how things go when the entire system exists in a void thats out of reach by most, if not all, authorities.
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