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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. found it. You actually posted it. More than a little while ago I guess… such a great thread… https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/83879-great-moments-in-12oz-history/?do=findComment&comment=6323947
  2. damn, someone needs to start a new SFW Pr0n thread… LOLOLOL
  3. cheeto feet got posted somewhere not super long ago. here’s some good ones along the same lines… Great Moments in 12oz History 12ozProphet History
  4. Could be. But like everything else on the planet, people change, things change. At one point the forum was arguably the best place online to waste time. Later, that became Facebook. After that it was Instagram. Sometimes it’s phases and cycles, other times it’s just people evolving. End of the day, forum is what it is and reality is it’s largely dictated by all of us as a group. There’s the occasional asshole or funny guy that makes it worse or better individually but when it comes to an overall vibe, that vibe is the people and personalities here as a group. There hasn’t been any major changes in terms of structure or features or much of anything else done in years. Mainly it’s been the course of conversations that have changed and how we approach it. Again, considering how the dynamic has been reduced to what I described in my last comment, you’re stuck with echo chambers or a shit show of division and hate. Couple that with fatigue overall, both to politics, news and the world at large, regardless of what side you’re on… And yeah, shit is kinda lame everywhere. Hopefully we can figure out how to build up our own little corner of the internet in such a way to escape most of it. Maybe not, but I’m trying.
  5. I see a whole lot of people trying to make sense of a topic that had / has most of the world freaked out and him being frustrated by the direction of the conversation. Not seeing anyone running him off. Curious cause he’s a good dude and OG member and if he chooses to leave because his point of view differs, it’s a much different thing than anyone running him off. Both are a bummer, but I can hopefully do something about the latter.
  6. I've heard everything under the sun from active military, including some people that are pretty high up the food chain. Some turned out legit (heard about the lockdown in CA well before it was announced), heard some that didn’t happen (Airports, highways and state to state travel would be suspended by the federal government) and a ton that there’s no way to really verify (Covid being 100% man made and weaponized). Like most things, it’s all over the place and generally falls along partisan lines. part that’s been weighing on me is that more and more outlets saying that vaccine or even Covid wouldn’t have been a thing with some simple solutions that have been around for decades in causing some method of getting cells to absorb zinc and hydroxychloroquine. The latter being contemptuous since lots of MSM says it’s actually dangerous and others saying it’s one of the most prescribed things from the VA for a while array of shit. No idea… Impossible to know which way is up, especially when the parties most driving this have a dismal track record. (Government, Big Pharma, Big Data, MSM).* *And for the record, no… I’m not a right winger, Trumper or whatever other label is used to classify anyone not going the line on the MSM narrative for this topic.
  7. Fact Check: 12ozProphet has verified this information and deemed it to be true by independent fact checkers. See why: https://www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2017/10/02/youre-not-the-man-your-father-was/?sh=615a22248b7f
  8. Only real difference between 12oz now and then is that the world has become hyper partisan, which is reflected everywhere including 12oz. Likewise, it’s also evolved to become far more divisive, which is the real tragedy IMO. The dynamic defaults to either your on my team or the enemy, as evidenced by how often you see shit like “silence equals complicity” or “help or your part of the problem” type statements thrown out there. This type of thing is self propagating and just fuels further divisions. There’s no longer room to respectfully agree to disagree. That idea almost sounds foreign at this point. I think a large part of it exasperated by an actual shift in language. Seen a bunch of articles on this topic fairly recently that I wish I could link to, but it’s like people can no longer have a proper dialogue, let alone a debate anymore. To me that’s the real tragedy, but 12oz discussing the world around it… Always been a thing since it’s earliest days. That and most of us are old as fuck and likely more jaded, set in our ways and crotchety than we were 20+ years ago.
  9. where was Europe chased off? mind quoting the post(s) or linking them?
  10. likewise. I have a nesting family in my front yard and see them and others nearly daily. still impressive every time. and sure, I’ve seen other birds, tiny ones, chase them off in groups. nature being nature, but there is definitely something different about bald eagles if you’ve actually seen one in real life. no comment regarding its appropriation but yeah, they’re pretty impressive. I think the alternative was going to be a turkey, which I also have in my yard by the dozens. cool, but not impressive.
  11. Creepy AF… I’m sure the government is really that enthusiastic about your health, considering their track record. SMH
  12. Side note… Can’t believe this topic kicked off in 2018!
  13. 'It's highly immoral to censor users with vaccine concerns': Facebook whistleblower reveals himself and says he has been suspended by the tech giant after leaking internal documents exposing its 'vaccine hesitancy' censorship campaign Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9628315/Facebook-whistleblower-says-suspended-tech-giant-leaking-internal-documents.html
  14. Anytime you attempt to force the will of one on another, its impending freedom by its very definition. Doesn't mean you arent right about the mask thing, but again, still forcing people to do something. By the same token, if its my business and that's what makes me feel safe, then I should be able to do so, same way you can take your business elsewhere. But to not allow people to sit on the beach... Yeah, infringing on freedom.
  15. From today’s news… Backs up @Mercer comment. All in all, this decline can’t be attributed to mass vaccination since those have dropped off as well. Not to mention a lot of states have populations that largely declined along partisan lines. In my county, made up of 5 towns and about 60k people and massive tourism, we’ve had well less than 100 deaths since this all began about a year and a half ago. Our state just crossed 1600 total. Total USA population is 331,449,281. Total COVID deaths (official tally as of today) is 589,920. That means that in roughly a year and a half, COVID killed 0.18% of the population (I rounded up as the number was lower). Obviously most deaths are skewed to the middle of the first year and if we base the percentages on annual death, it falls even further. But less than one fifth of one percent after a year and a half… Yep, not worth it to me to take an experimental vaccine that has zero legal recourse over numbers like these. Has nothing to do with politics (fuck both sides of the aisle and the gap that divides them). Just makes no sense to me, personally. Maybe some new data will come out that changes my mind, but for now that’s gonna be a no from me dawg, regardless if the public shaming, lotteries, free donuts and Biden threats.
  16. Damn, this thread sure heated the fuck up. Jezussss…
  17. I deleted their post and banned them, but very interesting… If you didn’t believe in Russian bots, you can believe now because that’s what it was. IP tracked back to the Ukraine. It registered and within an hour dug up a political discussion and dropped a comment that was clearly on the dissent tip. Pretty amazing shit to see in person here on 12oz after reading about shit like this clogging up social media and potentially swaying elections, if not fueling a lot of this hyper polarization. Going to spin this off into its own thread.
  18. Really solid sci-if… Kind of an interesting take on sci-if and current events. https://www.amazon.com/Bright-Shore-Eden-Chronicles-Book-One-ebook/dp/B07B2DN68K A military Sci-Fi, technothriller set a short decade from now. Western Civilization has had its run. The West's own governments are giving up, have already lost, or are leading the charge to something else. This doesn't sit well with those who believe in liberty. This is the story of a people who have lost the political fight, lost the culture wars, haven't seen a level playing field in a generation, and are about to be made serfs. None of that matters. They're leaving... Fresh starts are never easy. This is the first book in a story about a new world, different enemies, and old luggage.
  19. There’s places you can spend online… Tesla until recently, JM Bullion is another. Tons of little shops all over and you can always get a cash card to use wherever they take Visa / MC. That said, I think the move right now is in terms of investment and not so much a matter of it being easy to use for every day transactions.
  20. There's definitely a whole lot of weirdness going on... Seems Faucci has flip flopped and is now stating its potentially man made. Likewise, there's some recent news, that appears credible on its surface, of one of the researchers at the Wuhan facility being hospitalized shortly before the breakout. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there are multiple strains in circulation and wouldn't be surprised that whatever strains are out there have also evolved or morphed. I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that a significant number of deaths attributed to it are in fact, a result of something else or that a great many included significant comorbidities. Either way, I'm still sitting things out based on the few things that come closest to be being fact from where I sit: 1) This entire deal has been massively politicized (bordering on weaponized). 2) The main parties involved in the vaccine, government, the pharmaceutical industry and big data, are quite literally the people I trust least on planet earth. 3) In the USA, all vaccines are not FDA approved and are released under emergency powers, meaning in and of itself, it has no consumer protections or legal recourse should it ruin or end your life. 4) Even according to the authorities, CDC / WHO, if you are to fully accept all their numbers and statements, the chances of dying are still a fraction of 1%. Between the last two on my list, I figure the chances of long term effects from catching it probably aren't far off from that of a rushed vaccine and between having so little faith that government truly cares about my well being (I shouldnt even have to explain that one), I can't help but remain skeptical of all their incentives to take it... From many multiple of million dollar marketing campaigns, to free donuts, to pubic shaming and segregation to offering multi million dollar lotteries for participating. From where I sit, opting out for the time being seems like the best bet for me, when factoring all the above. That being said, I'll be happy to change my mind as more truth is uncovered and have zero problem acknowledging I was off the money and taking an experimental vaccine from a group of people I have virtually no trust in, should doing so appear to be in my best interest. That's my decision and I have zero criticism for people that think otherwise and take it. Your body / life, your choice.
  21. Curious to understand why you think not getting vaccinated is selfish? Everyone is entitled to take it if they wish, at zero financial cost. If it works as they state, you have zero to worry about as you're vaccinated and safe. If someone else takes a pass, that's their own decision and shouldn't affect those that have been vaccinated. If that is incorrect and somehow not being vaccinated still puts those that have been vaccinated at risk of catching it, then the vaccine is a moot point.
  22. Certainly a solid precedent. Hopefully other states follow, which is usually how this stuff happens. Whether guns or weed, I think it’s a good thing that states are reasserting their power and autonomy over that of central government. Hopefully it’s a trend that continues.
  23. link: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/texas-senate-has-passed-hb-957-exempting-texas-made-suppressors-made-from-nfa-regulation/
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