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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2011 in Posts

  1. DONE.... LIKE....HATE.... Go tell your girl u got benched....WHATEVER......GOODBYE -SHOES
    2 points
  2. oh this should be interesting....anon vs los zetas
    1 point
  3. lol'd it was fucking rad to finally have Desa put a tattoo on me, it's been something i have wanted to to for a long time now. really cool talking with him about shit & trading old stories.
    1 point
  4. everythinigs played out. who gives a fuck. do shit. or dont do shit. wah wwahhhh. hahaha. snivelling babies.
    1 point
  5. the last is the most recent of the bunch, did it a few months ago, the other ones are from my first book ever, oldest at the top I did these two this weekend, first 1 was a ballpoint freestyle I decided to color
    1 point
  6. found this shit haha
    1 point
  7. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA How is keepitrail not an honorary premium member yet?
    1 point
  8. Sure, not those. jk jk. Ummm, I would suggest learning about different styles of ales and lagers: ales pale ipa porter stout belgians (tripel, dubble, quad, lambic, gueze, farmhouse) etc. lagers pilsners rauch kolsch schwarz etc. honestly, just start trying different beers. pick up a new six pack, or if your local shop has a mix n match sixer, do that. try having all porters one night, or stouts, you get the idea. some people find it helpful to keep notes. just as far as learning how to describe beers, and what can be good in them. what flavors, textures and viscosities exist, etc. welcome to a fun world.
    1 point
  9. comedy. yes. saw paul f tompkins last week. he killed. 90% of his set was completely new- first night doing it. he got heckeled by some drunk idiot and tompkins handled it so well. dont want to type story too lazy. one of my favorites is stanhope, seen him 3 times. got better and better each time. if you want to see him one night be sure to go to the late show. saw jeselnick and his girl amy shummer couple months ago with todd barry etc im basically just name dropping now so ill shut up but yeah im a stand up nerd. i was supposed to get tix for louie but that sold out. never seen him before but i need to before he dies. hes been doing awesome for years hes probably going to die soon. listen to wtf with marc maron if you enjoy comedy.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Always enjoy your unbiased flicks sleazide, keep it up Some random stolens... again tryin to shine some light on people puttin in work this is to the right of the new Sapien/Distort
    1 point
  12. xD me sae likey! helfy shtemcared tae fuck like a wis square gaen every cunt, NIGGA WHEELCHAIR OF THE INTERNAL SPASM OF BAZZ LIGHTYEARS ANUS PROTRUDING TO THE SPEED OF LIGHT XD me sae harny ¬_¬
    1 point
  13. Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law fixed.
    1 point
  14. Those two pieces are the same and they are the same as they have been for 7 years. Is it really that fun to paint the same piece on the same legal walls year after year? I hope I quit when it comes to that point.
    1 point
  15. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan Liberals like Obama are trying to save this country from the Republicans who have been destroying it for the past 30 or so years. Republicans have turned America into the U.S. of Wallstreet. "Liberals" want America to be about the People again. Republicans don't give a shit about anything other than their personal bank accounts, this country be damned.
    1 point
  16. Damn y'all posted some tasty looking brews. I turned 21 recently and have been overwhelmed when I go into liquor stores. I hope you guys can steer me in the right direction. I enjoy so far almost everything. New belgium trippel and new castle being my favorites. What can you coniseurs suggest I drink tonight?
    1 point
  17. that was prolly your girll...:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    1 point
  18. Echo Fayde IA MPC SFI... These gems are getting more rare every year.
    1 point
  19. how did you notice anything but dat ass
    1 point
  20. just saw some good looking females for halloweener at the club but man i hate getting dragged to some place that blows
    1 point
  21. swag swag swagswagswag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7VWTJ3aC-o
    1 point
  22. what areas am i most weak in?
    1 point
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