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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2010 in all sections

  1. Oh shit we have otters in FL? When the fuck did this happen? I need to go catch one and make it my pet.
    5 points
  2. You like books? Dont got time to read? BAM http://www.booksshouldbefree.com/ Free audio books right here. You're welcome
    5 points
  3. you are a complete fucking pussy and this thread sickens me.
    4 points
  4. All parts to Battle Royale. Watch this shit instead of doing important things. Worth it Part one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoWNx-afPl8&feature=related Part two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z57P8rXIouk&feature=related Part three http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhdfceDfUgI&feature=related Part four http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzWUJAbwXaE&feature=related Part five http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUYVUClppiw&feature=related Part six http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piSTY44D4Nw&feature=related Part seven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSTB0RZMcpY&feature=related Part eight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y3GVT898bc&feature=related Part nine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d11-DElRREw&feature=related Part ten http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13oN8Z-Vwpg&feature=related Part eleven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdTv4kMRA0E&feature=related
    2 points
  5. Young ass kid...lol but at least he's getting up
    2 points
  6. Truth. I was focusing more on how forsit doesnt paint.. bump all my dudes killin shit right now.
    2 points
  7. mandatory link clicking + volume up these were 2 of my all time favorites /nh. thought about them at work today. first one gave me chiils /nopedo
    2 points
  8. http://bit.ly/aO2vXZ The introduction of the newest Bears, Julius Peppers, Chester Taylor and Brandon Manumaleun
    2 points
  9. you obvioulsy havent met someone who rocks your world .. your aim is too low.. go for chics that you think YOU will get the diss.. its like playing a video game and setting the skill level to "easy" when you need to be on "most difficult"... your bored because you arnt challenging yourself with high caliber birds
    2 points
  10. Re: Drunk cop runs over 11 yr old girl, 2 officers charged in cover up, still found not gu that's fucked up...never drink and drive...it's not worth it...get a taxi...foreals...
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. This was a pretty big case everyone was watching - heres the story. Kentucky girl is playing with friends on a county road here in a Nashville suburb. Officer hits her at 80 MPH in a 40 with no lights/sirens, is seen throwing liquor bottles out of his unmarked car by family. Officers respond, tamper with evidence, completely break protocol, administer their own blood test at the office. Family has liquor bottles genetically linked to the officer, 2 responding officers are formally charged with evidence tampering, driving officer is charged with filing a false report as well. So basically everyone in town figured the cops were finally going to get held accountable for killing someone here, finally. It was a little girl, 14+ witnesses saw him throw liquor bottles out of his squad car and one was linked to his DNA, and all 3 police on the scene were charged with evidence tampering... seemed a wrap. Not so likely, and Ill explain how they got away with it by manipulating the order of evidence MURFREESBORO — Ron Killings will have to carry the "tremendous burden" of 11-year-old Lakeisha White's death for the rest of his life, his attorney said Friday, the day after the former sheriff's deputy was found not guilty of reckless homicide. The acquittal of Killings, a former Rutherford County sheriff's detective whose patrol car struck and killed the girl in July 2008, came as a shock to some. A jury chosen in Hamilton County because of pretrial publicity deliberated less than an hour Thursday before returning the verdict on Killings' 44th birthday. "The irony of the verdict is that he was acquitted, but this remains such a tragic situation," defense lawyer Terry Fann said Friday. "It is a tremendous burden that he has had to carry and is something he will deal with for the rest of his life." Related Ron Killings case jurors speak: State had no proof Lakeisha, of Hopkinsville, Ky., was visiting relatives in Murfreesboro when she apparently ran out into the street in front of Killings' speeding cruiser. One of those relatives sees the verdict as the "completion of the cover-up" that started when police investigating the wreck would not believe witnesses who said Killings removed liquor bottles from his car and put them in a nearby trash can. "We knew, before even going into this trial, that this was the completion of the cover-up," aunt Rose Collier said Friday. "He was found not guilty over lies." Collier said the detective, who resigned after his indictment a year ago, lied on the stand when he told special prosecutor Joe Baugh that he did not take anything out of his car. Witnesses collected the bottles, and a private attorney for the family presented police with the evidence. Some officers were disciplined for their actions. The TBI lab connected at least one liquor bottle found at the scene to Killings in the weeks after the fatal crash. The jury never heard about that because Rutherford County Judge David Bragg ruled that the bottles were not evidence in the reckless homicide case. A test given hours after the wreck indicated Killings had not been drinking. He remains charged with tampering with evidence and filing a false police report. http://www.tennessean.com/article/20100213/NEWS03/2130327/Ron-Killings%5C--acquittal-leaves-burden--doubt See, first of all the jury never was allowed to consider the evidence tampering charges - the DA decided to have the homicide trial first, which is the completely OPPOSITE of a strategy - normally in a murder trial situation the DA typically tries lesser pending charges (such as the check fraud charges in the casey anthony trial) in order to a) make the suspect look like more of a criminal when they eventually hold the murder trial since they are more likely to get a jury conviction on lesser charges and b) it keeps them off the street. Its pretty unheard of for a DA to handle the murder trial first then leave any supporting charges, which outcomes would definitely effect the jury decision in a homicide case. So the jury wasnt allowed to even consider the option of evidence tampering. Furthermore the liquor bottles were ruled as inadmissable because the judge said they were irrelevant... so as a result the DA pushed forward a knowingly weak case that would have been streingthened by obvious means in order to get this drunk cop off.. TN: where drunk cops can run over your child and get away with it even if they are caught screwing with evidence red handed
    1 point
  13. She's a jerk She's a jerk
    1 point
  14. Re: Drunk cop runs over 11 yr old girl, 2 officers charged in cover up, still found not gu fuck an L7. here's another.
    1 point
  15. Re: a tranny is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! wish i had a government job
    1 point
  16. ^ I'm partial to the Northern Lights, good flavor plus that nice indica/sativa hybrid buzz it gives you.
    1 point
  17. Fallout : New Vegas, can't wait. Fallout 3 was immense.
    1 point
  18. tahoe painting like everyone else in the crew now!!
    1 point
  19. Overtime, Thanks for exercising some serious common sense and making a rational argument. Shoot us an email via the website and we'll send you out a T-Shirt. Cheers
    1 point
  20. this can be said time and time again by rich white ids that grew up in rich neighborhoods. and there so fucking annoying to talk around cause you cant use any slang without them making ironic jokes about it. shits comedy. reall niggaz know what real wiggerz arte and there are foolish wannabee tryhards. the rest of us just listen to rap music and dont dress like were on Dawsons Creek.
    1 point
  21. Re: Anual Peanut Butter/Vegemite/Nutella debate(aka P.B. rules, vegemite takes it in the a i know for a fact that they have marmite in the states. the local grocery store by my house has it. its like $6 for a really really really small jar of it.
    1 point
  22. pinching a loaf dropping the huxtables off at the pool peeling a scotty pissing out the ass
    1 point
  23. This IS a really gay thread, but I guess I can half understand it? I've had plenty of girls who were super into me, good to me, who everyone else loved and who I probably should have too, but I just didn't...you can't help that. I've talked pretty openly about my issues with women on here, and pretty much the main problems is that (aside from the two girls I've been head over heels in love with, exceptions to the rule I suppose) I just hate them, and can't feel any kind of real emotion for them. I can hang out with them, party with them, fuck them, but at the end of the day I feel nothing for em. That said, I don't get the part about rather having your heart broken blah blah. That makes no sense br0
    1 point
  24. Re: Drunk cop runs over 11 yr old girl, 2 officers charged in cover up, still found not gu Negapropped for not knowing the correct tale of "DAO"
    1 point
  25. Me & my homeboy were playin around with names some shit we came up with haha. El'Oh(Ello) Seahor or Chors/C'hors Sixt9 Mr.Mister Capre Niple Cushin/Kushin(i really like this one, but there's already a 'Kush') WhoDeini Gouda(thnks to e40) Wafle/Wafel/Waful(my friend came up with that haha, can also be plural) Costa(like Costa Rica, jst drop the Rica) Gaudi OhLawd/Olawd Guber(goober) Moula Prost8 sawsir Yola tishew Dewop(my homeboy girlfriends nickname is 'doo wop', we always tell her she should write ha.) Fap/Faper Lougy(ugly word) Tadow Jus one(like: Just one ? please? lawlz) ...... that't it for now, i think of new shit daily haha.
    1 point
  26. Re: Drunk cop runs over 11 yr old girl, 2 officers charged in cover up, still found not gu No I'm pretty sure they would get lethal injection for premeditating the murder of a "officer of the peace"
    1 point
  27. you need to get out more...hit me up brethren. p.s. the cough is hella played.
    1 point
  28. Re: Drunk cop runs over 11 yr old girl, 2 officers charged in cover up, still found not gu If I was that girl's father I'd be hiding in some bushes outside dude's house with a gun righttttt now
    1 point
  29. them dudes are homies
    1 point
  30. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6O6QG3GI
    1 point
  31. Friday: Hang out in Santa Cruz. Dance party/show. Probably won't even go. I'd rather stay in and read. Saturday: Headed to SF for the Guerrero Gallery opening. Sunday: Bbq if the weather is nice. If not stay in and eat soup. By the way, if any of you folks are bored and in SF Saturday night you should check this out: http://obeygiant.com/headlines/guerrero-gallery-opens Look for me and say hi. :)
    1 point
  32. Re: Anual Peanut Butter/Vegemite/Nutella debate(aka P.B. rules, vegemite takes it in the a ANAL PEANUT BUTTER
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Cool, we agree! I don't think evolution has anything to do with the existence or non-existence of a higher power. Science needn't disprove anything in the spiritual world, in fact, it can't, since science deals only with material evidence. To add to the discussion above, Dawkins bothers me too. His point is well-taken that religion can get in the way of progress, but it doesn't have to. Being a believer does not preclude the ability to rationally assess the natural world. For many believers, God and the natural world are separate, so there is no need for one to get in the way of the other. I'm personally not a believer, but I cannot deny its value to others.
    1 point
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