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Argentina just elected a central bank hating, Austrian economics loving, bitcoin promoting president.


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This is interesting for Agentina and the world.  It looks people around the world who want to run for presidents are using a play from the Trump book.   Which is quite interesting, because as much as the liberals hate Trump, I have noticed an increase in liberals that are being questioned about their work ethics have increasingly using the same mumbo-jumbo jargon nonsense run around words that make nonsense to the questions that Trump always uses almost all the time she opens her mouth.    HTX country judge is now starting to use this method from trumps play book.


This article kinda reflects this increasing practice towards the end. 



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I mean, this is kinda oxymoron when you think about it but mainly just shows how full of bs Trump truly is. 




^^ if most people truly understood economics from a elitist point of view, I'd say 140% is huge profits.  




^^ the oxymoron.  Of couse it is, what part of moron do you not understand?  


This is what i dont get about tye poeple, like how are people so easily duped in beliving both sides, all sides or any politics?

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It's weird how Americans are so trapped in their dichotomy, libertarians are considered "right wing" and every mainstream article here is trying to compare him to Trump, who begged for more money printing and tried handing out free checks harder than Sanders. For what it's worth, I don't consider Trump a "leader" in the sense he introduces new ideas to people, he's more of a conformist, who tells people exactly what they want to hear. Javier is not the same, and has a coherent ideology he stands by popular or not. 

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21 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Converting to Judaism. What does he mean by this?



From what I remember, he actually studied Judaism in school, along with economics. He was going to convert but couldn't handle all the rules like no working on certain days/times etc. I don't think he's converting now.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
On 6/28/2024 at 11:13 AM, abrasivesaint said:

That looks like a really dangerous way to hold that knife. The top of the handle is visible in between his middle and ring finger. So his ring and pinky fingers and palm are exposed to the edge.


Im no butcher, but wtf is he trying to do to those ribs?! Cut them against the bone?!

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It's funny how people who dislike, and as a result intentionally misunderstand/misconstrue economics to fit their ideology will focus in on any statistic, real or made up, that fits their disingenuous narrative, intentionally overlooking the big picture. In this case, any leftists politician in Latin America, and Spain for that matter, or any left leaning media are trying to portray Argentinas economy as "failing", when the opposite is true.


It had been in sharp decline for decades from it's place as the worlds 5th largest economy. For the last 2-3 decades it's been in a literal hyperinflation death spiral. Yet every headline from Venezuela, Cuba, or now Spain is implying it was a great economy until Javier Milei came through and ruined it. You'd have to be retarded, or part of a cultish mindset to believe that shit. Reminds me of Cuba forcing women in high risk pregnancies to get abortions against their will, then playing it off like they have the best healthcare in the world, "see look at these infant mortality numbers". Straight authoritarian nonsense.



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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm just catching up on this thread. I'd previously avoided the news section since it seemed like a stale mate based upon left vs right, which admittedly got a little crazy on here for a minute. (I still say fuck both of them).


Anyhow, I'm super curious how this plays out and admittedly have not tracked it very closely. That said, I've really struggled lately to try and find "truth". As per usual, for every "expert" you find to say something, you can find another "expert" that said the opposite. I wish I had the time (in some cases), to go down the rabbit holes and see how close to truth I can get, but fact is I just don't have the time and often lack the motivation, since I'm at that stage of life that I think, fuck all of them, and that all the concern in the world is wasted since there's nothing particularly meaningful any of us can do beyond focus on the aspects of life we can actually control.


All that said, I have zero doubt in myself and my opinions about how massively engineered most aspects of daily life are. Granted, this is another topic entirely and not trying to derail this one, but the shit that took place at that Trump Rally where he got shot is so obvious that it's scary. I've listened to several podcasts on the subject and discussed with several friends that come out of the MIL/LEO/Tactical world and ultimately there's only two explanations... Malice or gross incompetence. There is no other explanation I've read / heard / seen that makes any sense beyond the two I've settled on and to be honest, I'm not sure which is worse. Almost prefer that it proves out to be malice as it's easier to deal with bad operators than what it would take to completely rebuild the USSS, which should probably be done either way.


Anyhow,  apologies for not really contributing to this topic, but guess that's my long winded way of saying that I have little regard for the news and pundits criticizing this guy. I'm not saying they're flat out wrong, only that with the way things have been this last decade or two, its obvious that anyone that doesn't toe the line is immediately identified and systematically marginalized / cancelled / destroyed. I keep seeing it over and over again and by simply seeing what the big loud voices are saying, I fond myself closer to truth when I just assume the opposite is true. At least in the few times that I made efforts to actually chase down what the hell the real story is supposed to be.

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12 hours ago, ndv said:

Next headline will read, "Hacker hacks AI amd makes AI is conducting criminal acts and it shuts down on itself."


Not sure what I was typing there.  Suppose to read.


"Hacker hacks AI and make AI think its conducting criminal acts and it shuts down on itself".

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On 8/3/2024 at 5:19 AM, ndv said:


Not sure what I was typing there.  Suppose to read.


"Hacker hacks AI and make AI think its conducting criminal acts and it shuts down on itself".

yeah man, we had it figured out but thanks for clarifying 

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