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44 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

Bet he voted for trump


Anyone that was half smart voted for Trump but it was no match for cheating computers put in place by the democrats.


Are you sitting here telling me that you'd rather have Biden in office right now than Trump?  Just curious, because I think your answer will follow you around for a while if you answer a certain way.


I 100% support Trump and everything he was doing. 


Fuck those illegal border crossing fucking tards.


Fuck the cartel and their faggoty ass drugs that gay ass white kids and ghetto rats like to get addicted to.... and the loser ass adults that use the drugs as well.


Fuck BLM.


Fuck Antifa right in their white transgendered self-semen-greased anuses.


Fuck homeless serving progressiveness.


Fuck taxing the rich.


Fuck your welfare programs.


Fuck your stimmy checks.... ya fuckin retards.

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1 hour ago, Dark_Knight said:

Going to three different massage parlors... seems like he had an ideal target.



How racist of you to just assume that massage parlors are staffed by Asians.


Want to roll back your racist comment or is it ok when a progressive is racist?


I'm trying to understand when racism is ok because the goal post seems to move with you people.

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Lol dude you have issues. I’m in Ohio so I know my fair share of hard conservatives but you are not even conservative you’re just nuts. 

Failing to see where I said Asians were targeted.  Did you just assume for me and create your own narrative so you could fight it? Just like I pointed out before. You have issues dude.

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Sorry, you didn't say Asians outright, but the story by the party (controlling most of the media outlets) you generally side with and parrot narratives from is trying to paint this as a race thing.  It would be easy for anyone here that's conservative to think that's what you meant.


Or is this more extreme leftism being veiled as moderate.



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Just now, Elena Delle Donne said:


lol ok what was it then 


It seems to me the person was a customer of these places.  I don't know if he was or not.... maybe he wasn't.  He obviously had some fetish towards pay for sex and/or Asian people..... both of which can be commonly found at massage parlors.


My problem with all of this is within hours of this happening, all the cucked up media channels were pulling out the race card.  They've backed off now and are, again, pretending to be moderate.


The stories from the day when it happened were, despite the interview w/ the police saying otherwise, claiming it was a racially motivated crime.  This is a disingenuous thing to do to a population of people that aren't great at thinking for themselves.

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1 hour ago, Dirty_habiT said:


It seems to me the person was a customer of these places.  I don't know if he was or not.... maybe he wasn't.  He obviously had some fetish towards pay for sex and/or Asian people..... both of which can be commonly found at massage parlors.


My problem with all of this is within hours of this happening, all the cucked up media channels were pulling out the race card.  They've backed off now and are, again, pretending to be moderate.


The stories from the day when it happened were, despite the interview w/ the police saying otherwise, claiming it was a racially motivated crime.  This is a disingenuous thing to do to a population of people that aren't great at thinking for themselves.

This was the most sensible shit you’ve said in the past page or so. The only problem is you think that leftist pushed media are the only ones who make flagrant claims initially that prove to be false and then attempt to backpedal their way out of it. 

The media relies on viewers, creating ridiculous headlines gets eyes on the page. We all know this. Any sense of integrity in the news is now lost thanks to people like Trump, because no matter what leftist media says, whether accurate or inaccurate, people like you will never believe it unless it fits YOUR narrative. So where’s the incentive to be accurate out of the gate?

This is America in 2021, where the reality show styled drama of our fucking shit show of a country creates more revenue for these organizations than factual reporting. 

-create headlines

-make money

-report factual information after the fact

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It's not just me that doesn't trust them. It's a ton of people. Now it's starting to bleed into the Democrats as they shift towards trying to appear moderate. An attempt to blend back in with society after supporting the havoc. 

I also treat liar people the same way. True I will not believe what you say in the future because I won't listen to a liar. News is same way. Once you cuck up then I'm done.  All these media orgs have cucked up to the slime ball Democrats. 


one hundo the dems fault on all this shit that sucks currently about America. We WERE being pulled out of the ditch but some are at home in the swamp and didn't like it being drained. 

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1 hour ago, Dirty_habiT said:

It's not just me that doesn't trust them. It's a ton of people. Now it's starting to bleed into the Democrats



Watching the American right wing become so critical of the news and government during Trump’s presidency has been like watching a young teen discover punk music, it’s ideology, government conspiracies... They’re so close, yet so far. 



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Remember, I'm not critical of "government".  I'm only critical of democrats and shit heads that they elect and represent. 



Kamala (+ other 3 horse faced squad members with their nappy hair)

Schiff + Pelosi

The Cuomos


Steve Adler Mayor of Capitol of TX (super googly eyed tard)

I think government needs to exist because a many people (from both sides) can't handle much of anything without the guidance of big brother.


I wouldn't posture yourself as if you're somehow "evolved" past disliking government after labeling what my position is as "disliking government".


You're way off base.  Taxes and government definitely should exist.  Now what label can you use for that one?  I don't think it fits into one of the common buzzwords.



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The alleged Asian hate crime part or the cracker ass cracker part lol??  I can’t speak on the aforementioned Asian thing but the cracker part, without walking into a completely pointless room of ancient discussion, plainly put...isn’t. A minor offense to the vast majority of white folks since the keyword is just that, offense, or offensive. Not historically created and used for 100’s of years and still used to this day as hateful. The term cracker, pertaining to whites, according to a lot of historians literally derives from slave masters “cracking” whips lololol. Not much of a debate there. Plus. I’m black, native, and polish. I say wtf I want and don’t get offended unless called a nigger to my face, in which case I’m not having any conversation there, it’s just on site hands. Anyhow. Carry on gents. 

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20 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

It's not just me that doesn't trust them. It's a ton of people. Now it's starting to bleed into the Democrats as they shift towards trying to appear moderate. An attempt to blend back in with society after supporting the havoc.


lol dude come on. execute command to remove head from ass 


you didn't watch republicans furiously backpedal on, or outright ignore the coup attempt? good times

Edited by Elena Delle Donne
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20 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Incentive to be accurate out of the gate is called journalistic integrity. 


this is also very funny because you should take an evening or two and learn about how the iraq war was sold by republicans and lapped up by the "liberal media" you complain about. this human centipede of bad intel was endlessly circled back and forth between the two until something became fact. aluminum tubes! WMDs! it's everything they said about the russia investigation, and it led to the 18 year war  who's anniversary is today 

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21 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:

Being angry and trying to sound like a hardass is a political stance now. Nothing to do with political parties and everything to do with showing how little compassion you have.


Description of blm/antifa.


On 3/19/2021 at 8:10 AM, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

The alleged Asian hate crime part or the cracker ass cracker part lol??


The "alleged Asian hate crime" part.

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22 hours ago, Elena Delle Donne said:


this is also very funny because you should take an evening or two and learn about how the iraq war was sold by republicans and lapped up by the "liberal media" you complain about. this human centipede of bad intel was endlessly circled back and forth between the two until something became fact. aluminum tubes! WMDs! it's everything they said about the russia investigation, and it led to the 18 year war  who's anniversary is today 


Journalistic integrity has nothing to do with politics or bias.  I don't see a reason to pile them together in the same discussion because they are not mutually exclusive.


It should just be reporting.  My stance is still the same, if your job is to tell the truth then you should tell the truth.

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