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Armed Forces Photo Appreciation Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

A-10 Thunderbolt.  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ That is my favorite plane.  They are so cool it's not even funny.  I've probably watched hours worth of "strafing runs" from A-10s on youtube.  It is amazing the damage they can cause, just obliterating whatever it is that's on the wrong side of that GAU-8.


Pilots say that the gun is so powerful that it makes them lose a little bit of air speed when it is being fired.


On the topic of appreciation; my brother was deployed in Kyrgyzstan for a while.  He saw horrible shit, lost good friends (several), and generally just suffered out there in the mountains for our country.  I hated it when he was over there and there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about him and worry for his safety.  He's all done w/ the military now and is a licensed aviation mechanic.  He worked on AH-64 Apache's when he was enlisted.  I'm eternally thankful for what he did and for what anyone deployed does.  Thank you for your service.


My dad was in the Navy too, and my uncle worked in the Pentagon.  I don't know a whole lot about what my uncle did (because he can't talk about it) but I do know he was highly involved in creating the global positioning system used to track anything anywhere on this planet.... with the exception of stuff that's under water.  He said when they killed Bin Laden, it was being broadcast live from the helmet cams on the soldiers right into a viewing room inside the Pentagon.  Crazy shit.


Anyway, A-10 Thunderbolt, fuckin rad as fuck.  Done son, look at the size of those holes in that vehicle.  If you all want to watch some other bad ass stuff, check out the C-130 strafing people.  The "cannon" it shoots fires the same grenade rounds that the underslung grenade launcher on an M16 shoots.  DOOSH DOOSH DOOSH DOOSH DOOSH DOOSH.... bye bitch.



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Oh, I forgot to add that it's a mixed bag when someone is out in public wearing their uniform.  My brother had our entire family's dinner paid for more than once by anonymous people in restaurants that saw him wearing the uniform.  People really are amazing sometimes.


The opposite of that is that he's had do nothing hippies spit in his face and call him a baby killer.  Pretty sure my brother didn't kill any babies and doesn't support killing babies.  Only a spineless wimp would be ungrateful for the protection that people deployed offer us.  The WHOLE reason those people are able to exist and say whatever they want is because we have a strong military that protects our country and keeps us free.  Those chicken wrist butt dread lock hippies sure as shit can't fight their way out of wet bag.  They can stick their head up my ass and fight for air /nohomo.

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3 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Once spent two weeks in a Southeast Asian jungle, wet feet and no change of socks the whole time.


Took a layer of skin off when I removed my socks. Stunk like fuck as well.

Wow, that sounds really bad.  I'm kinda surprised you didn't say you had some sort of secondary infection as a result.

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