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You know that just got me thinking..... "gay pride" is pride about how "you were born".  So having pride about that is just as useful as having "black pride, brown pride, white pride, etc, " which are generally unacceptable in modern society.  So why does "gay pride" get a pass when these others are "wrong"?


Not meant for anyone to give a "good answer" because it won't change anything about how society works.  I just think the double standard is funny.  One is celebrated, the others are hated.



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4 minutes ago, Kults said:

Probably right but how would you know

Of course I don't, but look at the indicators:


1 - It follows numerous cultural tropes like clockwork

2 - It uses very meme-ish language

3 - It has no name or face to it and cannot be verified in any way

4 - The pic used is not real, it's a computer generated graphic - you'd think that anyone going to the trouble to make this - and was tech literate enough to do so - would actually use a pic of their cabin rather than some clean, shiny and comfortable looking digital image of a beautiful sunrise

5 - Because the culture wars



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5 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

You know that just got me thinking..... "gay pride" is pride about how "you were born".  So having pride about that is just as useful as having "black pride, brown pride, white pride, etc, " which are generally unacceptable in modern society.  So why does "gay pride" get a pass when these others are "wrong"?


Not meant for anyone to give a "good answer" because it won't change anything about how society works.  I just think the double standard is funny.  One is celebrated, the others are hated.



No idea but what’s up with all this damn incest porn tho??? 

everyday we stray further from blah blah 

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33 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

No idea but what’s up with all this damn incest porn tho??? 

everyday we stray further from blah blah 

I'll do you one better ( more repugnant ).


Seen that Netflix show marketed to kids called Big Mouth that sexualizes children? Nice one guys  /s


They've even invented a new term for it, it's totally not Pedophilia guys, it's Ephebophilia!  So it's totally cool, right? Celebrate degeneracy long enough this is where it gets us. Fuckin sad.

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2 hours ago, Kults said:

well that escalated quickly 






I'd be insecure as fuck beig a black person to in a country that used black folk as industrialised slavery, had routine lynchings and now sees black prisons and routine execution by cops.


Pretty good reason to be insecure if you ask me!!

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3 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:



I'd be insecure as fuck beig a black person to in a country that used black folk as industrialised slavery, had routine lynchings and now sees black prisons and routine execution by cops.


Pretty good reason to be insecure if you ask me!!

Are you also insecure because your country was a penal colony 100 years ago?



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12 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:



I'd be insecure as fuck beig a black person to in a country that used black folk as industrialised slavery, had routine lynchings and now sees black prisons and routine execution by cops.


Pretty good reason to be insecure if you ask me!!

Name what countries wasn't built on slave labor of some sort. Not saying it's a good thing, but people love to pint fingers at the USA as if we're somehow unique in that regard. 

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14 minutes ago, misteraven said:

Name what countries wasn't built on slave labor of some sort. Not saying it's a good thing, but people love to pint fingers at the USA as if we're somehow unique in that regard. 

Firstly, I wasn’t pointing to the US in any  discriminative way, I was responding to a specific statement about black people being insecure in the US, where I also cited current events. If the statement had have referred to Muslims in India or China or gay people in Russia, etc, I’d have responded similarly. 

secondly, you really want a list of countries  that weren’t built on industrialized slave labor?!  You do know that there are a lot of them, right?

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2 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Hahaha, eagerly await your explanation on how that comparison works!

Imho its pretty dumb to claim victimhood for shit that happened years before you even existed


No one alive in America today suffered from slavery just like no one alive in Australia today suffered from mass British incarceration 

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5 minutes ago, Kults said:

Imho its pretty dumb to claim victimhood for shit that happened years before you even existed


No one alive in America today suffered from slavery just like no one alive in Australia today suffered from mass British incarceration 

Agree to a point, we have the same issue in regards to the disposession of the Abos here. However it's not like the legacy of slaery ended the day they were released, just like the impact of colonialism ceased to exist when wars of independence are won. History clearly impacts through generations in good and bad ways.


Secondly, I also cited current day issues, not just historical.

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10 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Firstly, I wasn’t pointing to the US in any  discriminative way, I was responding to a specific statement about black people being insecure in the US, where I also cited current events. If the statement had have referred to Muslims in India or China or gay people in Russia, etc, I’d have responded similarly. 

secondly, you really want a list of countries  that weren’t built on industrialized slave labor?!  You do know that there are a lot of them, right?

Sure there's plenty, but when you consider that basically all of Central and Western Europe, the Middle East, most of the Far East, as well as huge swaths of South America all have deep rooted histories of slavery, or that there's still so many countries in the Caribbean and Middle East that still practice slavery or that massive countries like Brazil have such a fucked up socio economic situation that it's barely better than slavery in most meaningful ways, that it amazes me that people still love to point out what we had going on a century+ ago.


Also, cops in the USA kill more white people than black each year... Not a proud fact, but bucks the MSM narrative so rarely gets mentioned.

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