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'Murica y'all need to chill with this gun bullshit.


Your police need better training to not resort instantly to the lethal option and all these white dudes rolling around with guns to form neighbourhood militia's to protect against protesters is just insane. Just idiots looking to shoot each other.


 you're all going nuts.




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2 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

'Murica y'all need to chill with this gun bullshit.


Your police need better training to not resort instantly to the lethal option and all these white dudes rolling around with guns to form neighbourhood militia's to protect against protesters is just insane. Just idiots looking to shoot each other.


 you're all going nuts.




I disagree with this sort of, because it's an oversimplified perspective on a complex subject. More training will not do the trick or even help a little. I think we need to just slowly, systematically faze out police, starting by taking smaller crimes like shoplifting, and have that LE work done by private security, AKA accountable civilians that will get fired, and prosecuted and most importantly put out of business if they get sued by the taxpayers. More training for a wife beating sociopath (40%) that has a get out of jail free card for murder probably won't do the trick. Unfortunately, in most of these police incidents that make the news, the police are doing exactly what they're trained to do, shooting people without the slightest hesitation. No private firm would ever train their team to act like this out of liability, they actually have to pay when they get sued, and go to jail when they commit crimes.


Secondly, the cops we do have are so ineffective entire blocks are looted regularly here, with very little effort by the police to stop it unless the targets are politically connected like a government building, or mayors house, etc. People who don't have any protection do have the right to defend themselves, and their livelihoods IMO. I'm not saying use of deadly force in defense of person, or property is always the right thing to do right to do, but even if it's not right, self defense is a human right. You never have any obligation to become a crime victim even if it's the state committing the crime. There's no circumstance that aggressing against other people, or their belongings deserves a free pass unless there's proof  the victim was the original aggressor, and this is coming from someone who spent 5 years destroying property full time. Even back then I understood the risks, how to minimize exposure, deescalate, diffuse, fight, or run.


Truth nobody is willing to say out loud is almost nobody here gives a single fuck about the plight of black, or poor people being eaten alive by the state. People here are just that fucking stupid. They might wake up when this rouge police bullshit  happens to them, or someone they know, but until then all's it takes is sprinkle some crack on the body, and case closed. Peep the golden ticket meme above for more clarity, that's all you need is that the person did something minor and "the cop was just doing their job, he should have complied". People are just willing to accept this bullshit because of a false belief it wont ever happen to them, the sad truth is this police shit is happening to white people too, and Asians, and Hispanic, etc. and only a fool thinks they're 100% safe. People are literally being shot while they sleep. My point being, simply protesting is ineffective because nobody cares. A protest won't even make a small blip on the evening news most of the time, even with large crowds, traffic jams etc. Breaking a window on the other hand, a little looting at foot locker maybe, or a 5 second clip of a molotov cocktail exploding for the evening news promo, now that's something advertisers can work with, people will eat that shit up. It keeps the boomers, and other target audience types tuned into their TV news screen long enough to catch those commercials.


Rioting is the only reason people in power now are trying to look like they're making an effort to curb police violence. So yea, to me the rioting itself isn't all bad, because some good can actually come of it, unlike "peaceful protesting" which is entirely ineffective. In short, I'd say the Boston Tea Party was a success, and the standing army we refer to as Law Enforcement  are the modern day redcoats, and actually fucking traitors. You just have to remember, every window you break, every building you loot, or burn, and every person you attack you're hurting someone else, which runs the risk of that person, or someone else fighting back on their behalf.


If you bring a gun to a protest/riot and get hurt, your boy Mercer will be just as disengaged with your plight, as the general public is when cops end another life. That's why I was showing that photo up there, so people can see how much of a mess this shit is. Not that I'm taking sides here because truth be told, I'd feel the same way if the kid doing the shooting met his end, fuck em. To me we'd probably be better off if karma handled everyone who brings a fucking gun to a protest. There's way smarter/effective ways to combat the system than harming people who aren't actually police.

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