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Cops had the wrong house, didn't announce themselves according to her, and neighbors and started battering the door. Her husband or boyfriend shot one of the pigs in the leg, so they lit them up. Judge looked at the evidence (or complete lack thereof) and released the boyfriend. To bad that the home invasion robber, I mean um cop survived.

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2 hours ago, Mercer said:



Not sure is anyone here has seen this video. This girl was hired by a comic book store to promote may the 4th by hanging out in the parking lot. Some asshole/bitch called the cops because she had the complete outfit with a fake laser blaster, so the cops show up and mace/beat the shit out of her for no good reason on video. Look at that disgusting cow complete with the Karen haircut, probably jotting down "I feared for my life" 

Yes, this happened in my province.

Didn't get much play in the local media because of daily covid updates etc and the response from the local RCMP branch where this happened was disappointing to say the least.  I think they broke her nose wrestling her to the ground as she was trying to tell them, while crying, that the stormtrooper costume made it really hard for her to get onto her knees.

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4 hours ago, Mercer said:



Not sure is anyone here has seen this video. This girl was hired by a comic book store to promote may the 4th by hanging out in the parking lot. Some asshole/bitch called the cops because she had the complete outfit with a fake laser blaster, so the cops show up and mace/beat the shit out of her for no good reason on video. Look at that disgusting cow complete with the Karen haircut, probably jotting down "I feared for my life" 

They whacked her into the ground face first (for what was obviously the dumbest reason ever) but I think "beating the shit out of her and macing her" is being a little over-dramatic:



Cops are also now under investigation (for whatever that's worth in Canada. In MElbourne Australia, that would mean that they're up for promotion)


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It's funny how breaking a someone's nose who isn't resisting or breaking any laws isn't really "beating the shit out of" her considering how these pigs regularly beat innocent people to death. I guess you'd be OK with it if she was in your family. Either way, they don't deserve to be police IMO, and the Karen that called them deserves a broken nose as well. 

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11 hours ago, Mercer said:

It's funny how breaking a someone's nose who isn't resisting or breaking any laws isn't really "beating the shit out of" her considering how these pigs regularly beat innocent people to death. I guess you'd be OK with it if she was in your family. Either way, they don't deserve to be police IMO, and the Karen that called them deserves a broken nose as well. 

I'm not going to speak for him, but I read it as the sliding scale that is violence.


I have experience a lot of violence in my adult life, but I have had the shit beaten out of me only once: I caught two cracked ribs, coughed up blood for a while, couldn't see out of my left eye for two days, knocked one of my two front teeth to the point of it dying, and caught a bone spur in my left cheek among the rest of the bumps and bruises. This is ONLY a semantics conversation--she was definitely wrongly assaulted with excessive force, but the shit was not beaten out of her. 


However you jump from his phrasing to your conclusion and silly "okay if it was in your family" gibe is beyond me. 

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On 5/15/2020 at 8:53 PM, Mercer said:

It's funny how breaking a someone's nose who isn't resisting or breaking any laws isn't really "beating the shit out of" her considering how these pigs regularly beat innocent people to death. I guess you'd be OK with it if she was in your family. Either way, they don't deserve to be police IMO, and the Karen that called them deserves a broken nose as well. 

Oh get your hand off it, ya fucking drama queen!


I mean, just look at the sentence you wrote, it doesn't even make sense, mate: Cops beat people to death, which means a singe hit to the face equates to having the shit beat out of you. Did you even think that jumble of shit through before you wrote it? 


And somehow me pointing out that she didn't get maced, like you said, and that a single hit doesn't equal "get the shit beat out of" means that I  like my family getting bashed.


Fucking lol, and you put shit on the MSM for being full of it!


Yeah, of course those pigs are fucking morons and of course they don't belong in the job, and whoever called the cops deserves to be committed as they're obviously too stupid to be in public, all 100% correct, IMO. But none of that dismisses the fact that your post was inaccurate and more over-dramatic than a 5 year old girl who dropped her slice of birthday cake. Does it?


Call a fucking spade a spade, mate! Then you won't get called out for saying shit that isn't true.

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2 minutes ago, Mercer said:

Yep, I get it those cops were just doing their jobs protecting us and made a very small “mistake” and that filthy criminals underwear came back from the crime lab with zero evidence of feces. My apologies. 

Hahaha, yes! Make out like I was defending the cops and not pointing out that you made shit up!! (let's not forget about the mace, now!)


C'man, man, it's ok to admit that you over-spoke. The cops are obviously idiots and what they did to that poor girl should be enough to have them charged with a criminal offence. No one is arguing that. But seriously, no one would ever say that a single hit is beating the shit out of anyone, even if it is a colloquialism - it's like some one saying "oops" and you claiming that they "freaked the fuck out, maaaaan!". You just over-egged a pudding because what you saw made you pissed, as it should have. Have a laugh about it and move on. 

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3 minutes ago, Mercer said:

I’ll die on that hill, fuck those cops. Their response was ridiculous.

This has me laughing like fuck.


You're doing your best to avoid the actual argument because you just can't admit that you misspoke. So I'll leave it there because it's getting silly.


Yes, those cops are fucking idiots and even if they didn't mace her and beat the shit out of her, they still deserve to be fucked over, even if it's for pointing a loaded weapon at a person in a fucking sci-fi movie getup out the front of a comic shop, let alone physically assaulting her. We have no disagreement there.

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I’ve admitted semantically I’m wrong, I’m not sure why you can’t let it go but I’ll continue. She did not shit herself, and the cops could have done much worse to her. I’ve clearly overreacted, fuck that stupid storm trooper bitch blue lives matter.

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Hahahah, Mr Semantics over here! Say anything you want and then claim semantics when some one pulls you up on your bullshit!


Then make out you admitted that you're wrong and claim semantics when it's pointed out that you haven't.


This is a fucking great hustle you got goin here man. Respect!



Ah fuck it man, I'm just havin some laughs over a beer and just gettin you riled. I really don't care.

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14 hours ago, Fist 666 said:



Were you one of those kids that would only fight when your homies was in a fight and you jumped in? It's kind of weird how you never come at me until someone else is but OK. If that's your only move, I guess that's your move.



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