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MH17 shot down by anti-Kiev rebels prob using a BUK provided by Russia, all but confirmed (US confirm it was a SAM, pics showing BUK TEL in vicinity of attack, intercepts of rebel/Russian coms confirming it was their shot and the realisation it was a civ aircraft - approx 295 dead - Putin trying to deflect blame to Kiev

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Now Putin is going to have to show a bit more of his hand.



I would suggest the opposite.


Defence of the Russian border/heartland is more important than a civilian airline. This complicates things for Moscow and will cause them to tighten their operations.

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Fuck Hamas, but seriously fuck Israel. A bad situation continually made worse by their inability to acknowledge their own border.


re Ukraine: I'm curious to see if the UN is going to encourage an international involvement at this point.

If Bush were in office he'd be jumping to hook his Halliburton and KBR buddies up with some more US war contracts.


Its all a fucking tragedy. Anyone fighting and dying (or just flying overhead) is not dying for the principles they think they are.


War sucks.


A fat kid in a US flag print wifebeater just walked by my window...

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I don't think anyone is in any doubt that the Russians are facilitating the rebels/separatists/numpties - Putin could publicly back away all he wants but it would make SFA difference. Firstly, as I mentioned, Russia's national defence is more important than a Malaysian aircraft (may have been different if it was German, French, British, Polish, American, etc.) and that means this will not force Russia to back off. Secondly, those involved in making decisions are well aware of Russia's imperatives and no matter what Russia/Putos says publicly they will expect Russia to continue with defending their sphere of influence.

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So it was the rebels who shot it down? Or the rebels intercepted Russian communications confirming it was a Russian SAM?


I'm confused.



All I know is fuck some Malaysia Airlines. That stock price just fucking plummeted for suuuure.



edit: not trying to be ignorant, but I almost got kidnapped in Mexico once by a one-eyed pegged leg fat mexican in a dirty back alley trying to score some weed. I knew better then, and whoever got their ticket on Malaysia airlines shoulda fuckin known better. Even dudes on twitter sayin "lol wtf omg this is the plane in case we go down lol #yolo" but in Danish or Icelandic.



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every once in awhile, the world starts to feel like a pressure cooker

now is one of those times


can't help remembering so many years ago flying over iraq on my way to indonesia and thinking, should we really be flying over a war zone?


truly tragic. and a buncha dutch people on their way to an AIDS conference. never a plane full of asshole dictators.


insanely, this has happened several times before.

looking at you, US military, Israel, Russia...

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some 80 kids were apparently also on board:



what a horror to be in a plane 30000 feet in the air, getting hit by a rocket. the plane falls apart with people still being alive, though possibly/hopefully unconscious..

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i think the washington post posted the audio of the mf'ers who shot the plane down....the local news played some clips of it, and they thought they were shooting down a war plane, but then realized it was a civilian plane.


regardless RIP to the innocent passengers.


btw, nsmb...would love to hear details on your story of almost getting kidnapped...how did you get away?

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what a horror to be in a plane 30000 feet in the air, getting hit by a rocket. the plane falls apart with people still being alive, though possibly/hopefully unconscious..



i only hope they all died instantly.


i'm sure more than a few fell a long way

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every once in awhile, the world starts to feel like a pressure cooker

now is one of those times


can't help remembering so many years ago flying over iraq on my way to indonesia and thinking, should we really be flying over a war zone?


truly tragic. and a buncha dutch people on their way to an AIDS conference. never a plane full of asshole dictators.


insanely, this has happened several times before.

looking at you, US military, Israel, Russia...













truly tragic. and a buncha dutch people on their way to an AIDS conference. never a plane full of asshole dictators.














and a buncha dutch people on their way to an AIDS conference.















people on their way to an AIDS conference.

















AIDS conference.















AIDS researchers? Shot down 'by accident'





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The concussion that would have occurred as the warhead detonated would have knocked the shit out of everyone on the aircraft. If by chance they were still alive they would have been pretty incoherent. Also the aircraft is flying at a speed of hundreds of miles per hour. You're thrust out in to the open at that speed you're getting so heavily buffeted that you're' probably in sensory overload. When an aircraft breaks up mid-flight most of the bodies are naked as they are traveling so fast in the air that their clothes are ripped from their bodies.


What's happening now is that the pro-Russian rebels will be taking their time to allow independent investigators on to the crash site as they go through the area removing any and all parts of the missile that may indicate that it was Russian supplied. Everyone knows that Russia is responsible for this (clearly not an intentional act, pretty major fuck up though), doesn't seem like anyone other than Australia is willing to point the finger though. Australia has the luxury to do this though as they are on the other side of the world, would never be expected to send military as a response and there is little trade between the two nations that could be effect by a souring of relations.


Given that I am Australian though, Putin can go fuck himself and I'd much prefer his invitation to the G20 in Brisbane to be revoked. Our PM is a boxer, Putin is a Judo guy, reckon we should put them both in the cage to sort this shit out.

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Fuck Hamas, but seriously fuck Israel. A bad situation continually made worse by their inability to acknowledge their own border.


If your country was "bordered" by a terrorist organization forcing itself into a state to obtain legitimacy while advocating the eradication of semitic peoples and claiming your capital city as their own you might think differently about that statement.

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Suggesting that MAS is in anyway responsible for this incident is a bit ignorant. BA, Sing. and a bunch of other tier 1 airlines were flying this route. It was just stupidly bad luck that MAS copped this only a few months after MH370.


Not exactly, they were one of very few carriers going in the zone, the intelligence reports all state that there was no risk at 30k feet, but still almost all carriers have avoided the route.


Definitely not the first time this has happened.

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If your country was "bordered" by a terrorist organization forcing itself into a state to obtain legitimacy while advocating the eradication of semitic peoples and claiming your capital city as their own you might think differently about that statement.


If you're referring to Israel as a terrorist state attempting to obtain legitimacy, then I actually already agree. :D


If, however, you're saying that Hamas represents the entirety of Palestine, that the constant destruction and invasion of Palestinian lands by Israel are "defensive moves," or that the lands taken in the Six Day War or any of their other land grabs are rightfully Israel's, then no, I will not reconsider my statement.


Arguing about Jersualem belonging solely to Israel is pretty outrageous.


Semitic refers to Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic, btw.


In conclusion, still FUCK ISRAEL.

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Not exactly, they were one of very few carriers going in the zone, the intelligence reports all state that there was no risk at 30k feet, but still almost all carriers have avoided the route.


Definitely not the first time this has happened.


Agree to a point as I think "very few" is overstating things. Reputable airlines such as BA and Sing. were still using it as far as I'm aware, however there was an Antonov shot down there a week prior and the new warning reflected that. So there's good reason why some airlines were avoiding it.


In saying that, I've lost count how many times I've flown over Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. in commercial aircraft as they've been active conflict zones.

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