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krokodil has hit the states


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The main ingredients in krokodil are codeine, iodine, and red phosphorous. The latter is the stuff that's used to make the striking part on matchboxes. Sometimes paint thinner, gasoline, and hydrochloric acid are thrown into the mix.


hmm, so you're saying matches and gas aren't available here?


and as for it's origins, we made it first


Desomorphine didn't originate in Russia; the potent painkiller was patented in the United States in 1934.


Codeine isn't available in illinois without a prescription. And as far as i know, most states are the same. The disgusting girls that supposedly had croc, with the nasty sores all over there arms are from illinois. And they were also speedballing with meth 24/7 according to one of the nurses at the hospital they went too. I could really care less weather its true or not. But Im pretty sure the blacks wouldnt fuck with this shit, and want it nowhere near there H. Dead junkies, or junkies with arms that are rotting off would probably be bad for business. And they aren't wasting there time mixing up some croc when theres an abundance of h around to sell. Maybe the girls themselves, or some junkie friend of theres decided to make a batch because they were out of money and had a bottle of T3's around. Who knows. Just sounds like the typical newspaper scare tactics to me




^This actually sounds a lot more plausible than the pics that you's are banning on site.

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It was me, and that shit was ignorant. I don't judge people on the way they look, and their physical attributes

because I'm a grown ass man, I judge people on the stupid shit they spew, and their actions. You heard?


Ha, you gotta be kidding me.


Show me where I judged him in any way. Show me where I said or even implied his body shape was good or bad or even that it was his fault.


Pretty sure I asked a simple, objective question and you got you knickers in a twist because you felt I was judging you.

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i can comfortably say i do judge people that eat and eat and eat until they cant walk. its not really their physical attributes as it is mental. yall can go ahead and judge me for what i think. its a free country to judge and be judged. acdting liek you dont judge people on the daily. you a saint?

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Ha, you gotta be kidding me.


Show me where I judged him in any way. Show me where I said or even implied his body shape was good or bad or even that it was his fault.


Pretty sure I asked a simple, objective question and you got you knickers in a twist because you felt I was judging you.


You were right the first time.

He's just mad cause he can't wipe his ass.

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i can comfortably say i do judge people that eat and eat and eat until they cant walk. its not really their physical attributes as it is mental. yall can go ahead and judge me for what i think. its a free country to judge and be judged. acdting liek you dont judge people on the daily. you a saint?


Can I judge you for contradicting yourself?

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That said, people being that fat probably has more to do with genetics than it does food intake.


complete bullshit.


though getting fat can change your genes, getting fat happens mostly from high consumption of calorie dense foods. science.


and fuck defending fat people--if you're fat; fuck you.


there is a class/culture element to cheap foods being sold/marketed to certain groups, which is where I almost get sympathetic towards the fats (almost), but that is a huge tangent I don't feel like going into as I need to leave for work.


celebrating fat culture is the same as celebrating cirrhosis of the liver, lung cancer from smoking, or throat cancer from dip. "food addiction" is a cop out for taking responsibility from eating vegetables instead of king sizing your triple whopper value meal.

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complete bullshit.


though getting fat can change your genes, getting fat happens mostly from high consumption of calorie dense foods. science.




Yeah, that must be why obesity tends to run in families.

Because certain families just gorge themselves on big-macs all day, while skinny families eat nothing but rabbit food.


Nothing in science about thyroid glands.


I wonder what's up with these skinny niggas who live off McDonalds and 32oz soda's all day, and beer all night then?

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That's all well and good, but if you aren't sedentary or over eating you won't get that fat in the first place. No one gets to 400+ over night, it's a process, even w/ a thyroid condition you don't get there without helping yourself along. Maybe obesity runs in certain families because of their chosen lifestyle?

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Thyroid disease is a cop out, much like gluten intolerance being called celiac disease--overdiagnosed and overmedicated society looking for excuses to be given to them.


BUUUT, if I pretend that its real and give you credit for your bullshit; the highest estimate for thyroid disease in the US is 27 million people (more likely its less than half of this), the US population is about 314 million, so less than 10% of the US population has this as a viable excuse.


Now, its estimated that between 25% and 33% of the US is obese. (Thats about 100,000,000 fats crowding the aisles on rascals nationwide)


Meaning that if I take away your cop-out excuse for being fat we still have about 20% of the US population who are fat fucks without thyroid disease as a possible excuse.


Are you still following me, DAO, or do I need to make a pie graph and some silly pictures for you to track?


I'm just going to assume that you have no idea what a food desert is, how HFCS is digested/processed, ( or generally how digestion works in the first place), and especially how caloric density plays into weight gain.


If you'd like to google some information about those subjects I'd love to continue this guaranteed-to-be-riveting conversation with you.

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That's all well and good, but if you aren't sedentary or over eating you won't get that fat in the first place. No one gets to 400+ over night, it's a process, even w/ a thyroid condition you don't get there without helping yourself along. Maybe obesity runs in certain families because of their chosen lifestyle?


Nobody gets to be 400+ pounds just by eating McDonalds unless they have no metabolism due to a thyroid problem.

Assuming you're a person with a normal metabolism, you can eat McDonalds every day for years and yeah you'll get fat to an extent, but you'll be more likely to die from a heart attack before you ever became morbidly obese.

Just look at the people who work at McDonalds. You think they can afford to eat right? Guaranteed 99% of them live off the food at their job. How many 300+ pound beasts do you see working behind the counter there?


Whereas you got people who are fat as fuck who are constantly dieting and eating salads instead of big macs, and are still fat fucks because they have no metabolism.

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Thyroid disease is a cop out, much like gluten intolerance being called celiac disease--overdiagnosed and overmedicated society looking for excuses to be given to them.


That's about as retarded as saying that diabetes is a cop out, and that anybody who goes into diabetic shock doesn't need insulin, they just need to stop scarfing down fists fulls of raw sugar.

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Whereas you got people who are fat as fuck who are constantly dieting and eating salads instead of big macs, and are still fat fucks because they have no metabolism.


People just don't understand calorie intakes. A salad from McDonals has more than twice the calories of a Big Mac. There's even every chance the salad has more fat than a burger.


Also, it's always the case that people who think they are eating 'healthy' reward themselves - for example - I'm eating a salad, so I'll grab a large fizzy drink, instead of a water.


Result? They've taken in twice the calories of the burger, same amount if not more fat, and then thrown into the mix a whole bunch more sugar.


Result from that? Getting fatter faster than if they just had the burger.

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Regardless, normal people don't get to be 400 lb's no matter what they're eating unless there's already something else going on.

Such as no metabolism due to a malfunctioning thyroid.

A shit load of people live off of the worst food, and still don't get that fat.

Meanwhile there's people who are that fat, who do watch what they eat.

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Kind of, but not really. If someone spirals down the path you call 'constant dieting' - and they don't do their own independent research, and just rely on the IDEA that a salad is less fattening than a burger - and they are constantly trying to 'eat healthy' without truly understanding what that means - coupled with no exercise, it is perfectly plausible, and also quite common, for someone with no medical condition to reach morbid obesity.


The problem I see from there is the distinction of morbid obesity being a disability, therefore benefits. I'm not sure if this is true in America, but Australia has inherited the corn based diet of America, and I know it's true here.

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I wonder what's up with these skinny niggas who live off McDonalds and 32oz soda's all day, and beer all night then?




Actually, I'm "skinnyfat" and gain very little weight. If I do, it's mostly in the stomach. I eat as I please. But since I know that my arteries won't last long if I keep it up, I'm trying to reform my diet.


No McD's and 32oz sodas, but beer all night is accurate.

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Like I said, a lot of people don't understand calories.


I said a McDonalds salad as well. I also didn't say anything about fries - although, interestingly enough, French fries are on the salad menu.


I hate using YT videos, but this subject is pretty point and shoot anyway. This is an American video, so there isn't any Emu or Kangaroo on the menu.


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