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Remember when yall donated to that junkie...?

Earthworm Jim

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sorta yea, all I can do now is landscaping and moving, shits getting old fast. My buddy's trying to get me in with him at home depot, and then I can actually go to community college with a ged and get a shitty job doing anything but manual labor. Im a tiny dude, I cant be lifting shit all day...

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Ok, howabout we turn this into a "what jobs can a nurga get that dont involve a ged" thread.


and cunt eastwood, umad faggot?


What is there for me to be umad about?


You're on a graffiti website begging for change and doing Mexican work,

Im a year away from graduating with a four year degree an getting a Career that

pays me more in a year than you've made in your life up to this point.


So no, im cool as a cucumber bro.

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Whos begging? I just got the donation im looking for, and that person knows I'm good for it... Not all of us had mommy and daddy put us through school, and actually struggle to put food on the table. So if you didn't have any advice or spare change from your trust fund, you shoulda just clicked the back button instead of trying to act cool. And you're clearly mad, because if you were cool as a cucumber, you wouldn't have even responded to defend yourself...

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Whos begging? I just got the donation im looking for, and that person knows I'm good for it... Not all of us had mommy and daddy put us through school, and actually struggle to put food on the table. So if you didn't have any advice or spare change from your trust fund, you shoulda just clicked the back button instead of trying to act cool. And you're clearly mad, because if you were cool as a cucumber, you wouldn't have even responded to defend yourself...


Looking for donations/begging pretty much the same word with a different demeanor.


Funny cause I didn't have mommy and daddy's money either, just because you're a GED failure and someone actually was smart enough to work their ass off, save and go through school doesn't make them a trust fund faggot. Usually people say that kinda shit when they're umad at their own misfortune and shitty life planning.


Keep hating you worm, and say whatever it is that makes you feel better about being a bum.


And just for the sake of it this is channel zero, whenever you post if you don't expect to get bullshit posted or a shot taken at you then you should go elsewhere to beg for ''donations.''


Sorry to hurt your widdle feelings

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Whats wrong with manual labor..scared to getya hands dirty boy?


He already said hes a schrawny fuck, hes too bitch made for actual work.

Nothings wrong with mexican work, it keeps you in shape and if you know how to

do it right you can make a guap of some dough and eventually bank roll yourself.


Begging/asking for money on a message board is pathetic.


Get a job in a kitchen washing dishes, you will eventually move up to server or cook.

Good tips and lots of hot chicks to swag on.




Get a different job and work your way up or be innovative.

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Looking for donations/begging pretty much the same word with a different demeanor.


Funny cause I didn't have mommy and daddy's money either, just because you're a GED failure and someone actually was smart enough to work their ass off, save and go through school doesn't make them a trust fund faggot. Usually people say that kinda shit when they're umad at their own misfortune and shitty life planning.


Keep hating you worm, and say whatever it is that makes you feel better about being a bum.


And just for the sake of it this is channel zero, whenever you post if you don't expect to get bullshit posted or a shot taken at you then you should go elsewhere to beg for ''donations.''


Sorry to hurt your widdle feelings


You done br0?

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