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We're actually supporting a cute girl in her attempt to get a JOB and not be a lazy fat bitch like the rest of the 12oz girls. Think about it. She would've been crucified if she had fucked half of channel 0, smashed a cousin, started repping the bay area, or whatnot (I just described like 7 girls). It's weak when 12oz jocks girls because they talk about sucking dick every post. Dope ambition i fully support.

Soup, I dig your response. You answered better than I could, and for that, I thank you.


Jobs aren't easy to find so any help in the process is helpful...


and these other girls you speak of lurking in the 12oz forum sound ...interesting...no wonder I got so much shit about not showing any ( . )( . ) pics. Sounds like they're easy to come by on here?





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We're actually supporting a cute girl in her attempt to get a JOB and not be a lazy fat bitch like the rest of the 12oz girls. Think about it. She would've been crucified if she had fucked half of channel 0, smashed a cousin, started repping the bay area, or whatnot (I just described like 7 girls). It's weak when 12oz jocks girls because they talk about sucking dick every post. Dope ambition i fully support.


i get my own jobs. i dont need channel 0 to get them for me, or anyone's 'help'...

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i get my own jobs. i dont need channel 0 to get them for me, or anyone's 'help'...

I have my own jobs too. But it just so happens that this job necessitates voting and that requires me actually having to beg people to vote.


I'm not asking you to to help me get a job at Burger King as a cashier (not that there's anything wrong with that), but this whole voting process exists to see how well I can get the word out about the competition. I'm not crowd-sourcing so I can get a job...I'm asking for votes for a prize, essentially.


I have jobs. One of them includes working for 12oz. Which I got on my own. No votes.



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