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Battle to the Death at Home Depot


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Here's a clip of a flooded floor from Lowes.










Here's a clip of a parking garage




You can see there is a constant flow of water going on.


If you strategically busted off an entire section of sprinkler heads and quarantined people into a corner you could easily start chopping away or make the arena for everyone else smaller so they all kill each other.


WERE INSIDE HOMEDEPOT , not a parking garage, your death is the result of a low IQ as well.




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I'm gunna take my shoes and socks off, shoes go back on and socks go over the shoes. I wear thick socks so it'll hopefully muffle the sound of the shoes a bit.


I'll take 2 medium sized knives and carry one, the other in my belt/pocket. Get a large pack of nails or screws. Use these to throw one every now and then to make a distraction. Also if I got chased I can chuck them on the floor and hope they stop the attacker.

Sneak around for a bit and pick off anyone found hiding, the stronger people would probably go on a rampage to start off. Hopefully everyone gets killed or wounded badly so by the time I'm left with one other person, they're too injured to fight properly. Slip in and take the kill.

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I dont understand why you think thin aluminum would "catch" sharpened titanium/

shit is cutting straight through, into your hand and then some.

if you think you could really counter with a clean hit to the skull you got it wrong, and ive been decked in the face with brass knuckles and kept fighting like it was nothing off adrenaline... i imagine an unclean probably glancing blow from a ball peen hammer after getting your hand chopped in half wont be too deadly


you live in imaginary world. a solid puch is enough to stop you, brass knuckles SOLIDLY punched to your face is not only putting your lights out but it is BREAKING your cheeck bone, or jaw in one or more places with 1 punch. Ive used them and seen the aftermath of them first hand. You however seem to have been punched by a sissy who needed them to win a fight. Ive seen them used to settle beefs, not make someone feel tough.


your sharp anything, is not "slicing" through a metal anything other then foil. your sharp whatever WILL get caught and stuck, while I break through your cranium, and keep it movin, by replacing my lid if need be for the next guy.

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That Lowes clip was one sprinkler head and it made a pool about 2 inches deep, I'm talking about busting 20-30 and flooding the place with high voltage.


Your rubber soled shoes are going to be good in the shallow spots or maybe climbing from rack to rack.


I also still have a machete and will zone off areas to trap people in my water trenches and slice and dice them. The garbage can lid won't help when I chop at your legs in the pitch black dark.


So you've said to combat my electricity you're going to use a lawn furniture umbrella and some shoes, that leaves you with one last item?

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( .5 with dry spots LOL, your killingme with your humor though. )[/color], I'm talking about busting 20-30 and flooding the place with high voltage.


Your rubber soled shoes are going to be good in the shallow spots or maybe climbing from rack to rack.


I also still have a machete and will zone off areas to trap people in my water trenches and slice and dice them. The garbage can lid won't help when I chop at your legs in the pitch black dark.


So you've said to combat my electricity you're going to use a lawn furniture umbrella and some shoes, that leaves you with one last item?


for the 4th time, your idea, is not going to work, home depots are too big, and the size ratio of the piping to the HOME DEPOT would flood half an inch tops, not to mention the fact that all places liek home depot have run off drains for protection form such floods.




And besides you are already dead from the survival of the fittest theory i.e. brain power.










Stop responding and go sit in the bleachers and watch the champ go to work.

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