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STOP THE MOSQUE SONGS.. proud americans stand up!!


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First off. YOUR FUCKING RETARDS. lol wow.

Muslims were in america documented with the Spanyards before columbous, i am part native american part white. AND MUSLIM.

Native american tribes in the west are muslim. and are proof and have proof of muslims being here peacefully before English christian pyschopaths. I am a REAL AMERICAN. non bias, i am a product of NATIVES and IMMAGRANTS. the ones that think they were first and they ones that were first and the religion of some of the REAL FIRSTS. you guys are retards. REAL AMERICANS STAND UP? haha Have you ever read the decleration of independence you TARD? Freedome to speek as you will and praise God as you will. TRUE AMERICANS> YOU ARE NOT A TRUE AMERICAN for wanting the "mosque songs" to stop. and actaully it is the call to prayer, and it is the same thing as church bells but at least it has a meaning and a purpouse unlike churchbells which is just noise.

Anyone with a brain sees the truth in what i say, and if you dont you are literally a retard. AMERICA. DECLERATION OF INDEPENDENCE> READ IT....that is what america was founded on..." when they pushy people came that tried to take over an already settled land.

This website is halarios.



^^ Wait a minute.....he's a Muslim?







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Spanyards columbous decleration Freedome speek actaully purpouse halarios probly halarious judgemental arguements arguement


Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say that you might actually have a point, but you do realize that this thread is highlighting how retarded those songs are, right? All personal opinions as to whether or not the mosque should be built aside, they are hilarious and awful. Also:


YOU ARE NOT A TRUE AMERICAN for wanting the "mosque songs" to stop.


You're right. Nuke Mecca. :rolleyes:


I'm confused here, we're not true Americans for saying whatever we did to raise your blood pressure enough to make adrenaline squirt out of your ears, nor are we true Americans for wanting the songs to stop, and allow the mosque to be built wherever its builders wish?


Or is it just that none of us are true Americans because we're not 500 years removed from our diluted Native American bloodline like you?

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there are Muslims posting on this site?




they should have a separate area of the forum that is further away from Ch.O

CH.O has has too many GOOD threads die and we don't need Muslims posing in here.


this is just too close!


maybe 12oz is a front for Islamic terrorist communication??

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You know what I think is funny is there are tons of mosques in brooklyn, bronx newark etc...they dont get bombed and most people dont give a fuck.


stick it around white people and they have holy orgasm over 911.


get over it. 911 was an inside job. mean while stupid people will pander the neo-con urge to restrict freedoms and reduce us all to fear driven ants.


meanwhile check smash or trash...

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