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* WARNING: this is not for the easily offended. If you are easily offended DO NOT READ! This is for the YOUNG MEN!*








There are a lot of guys out there who are not really men at all. The simple fact that you have a dick does not make you a man if your actions aren’t manly. The amount of semen in your nuts does not speak about your gender like your actions do. A lot of this behavior comes from society, or social conditioning. However, most of it comes from the fact that no one has taught us how to be men. For us younger guys, our fathers had no idea. They were generation zero for the feminist revolution. It is for this reason that our divorce rate continues to rise and the number of fatherless homes, as well as social problems, increase. For you older guys, many of you have suffered from failed marriages because you weren’t taught how to be men, you were expected to know how to be a man. This is not enough.




What has it led to? We have two generations of men who have no idea how to interact with women. Look at men throughout history. Look at the great inventers, conquerors, rulers, and warriors. Would they be afraid of that 120 pound girl? HELL NO! These two generations have surrendered to mediocrity and have refused their own biology to the point where our society is in shambles. A lot of our problems can be traced to a lack of a father figure, a man of the house, to teach us proper behavior. But, I digress.




Here are a few traits i've compiled that are not manly in the slightest. I have identified these traits and have written them down in a logical order:




Overly Emotional – A lot of problems, such as one-itus, can be traced to guys being overly emotional. A man does not have time to obsess over a woman he is not fucking. There are way too many things/hobbies in a man’s life for him to worry about.




Over Analyzing – Too many guys think wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. IT’S JUST A GIRL! Why are you thinking so much about something that you are PROGRAMMED TO DO NATURALLY?




Insecurity – “What if she’s cheating on me?” “I don’t trust her to have a girl’s night out!” Why would she cheat on you if you are satisfying her needs? The answer: she won’t. Being a man is what she wants you to be the most, it is what she needs.




Selfishness – Even when the relationship has lost its spark, many guys have no idea when to walk away. You will be more attractive if you end it when you both realize that it is not living up to your expectations. She will respect you more then if you just let it fizzle and die.




Fear of Sexuality – “When should I kiss her?” “I don’t want her to think that I just want sex!” You want sex. It is why you are here. Listen to your gut, you will know when to kiss her, or when to make the next move. Stop being a pussy, and be a man.




Lack of Patience – “I need help now!!” “Please give me all your routines!!” You will not learn this overnight. I repeat YOU WILL NOT LEARN THIS OVERNIGHT!!!! This is life changing, gentlemen, and will test you in ways that you will not expect. Not everyone is cut out for this, but those who persevere and put the time in will be rewarded at the end.




Whining - “My life is so hard, I can’t do this. Girls don’t like me. My routine stacks don’t work. Pick-up doesn’t work for me” Aww, poor you. Let me break out my violin for you so that I can listen to all of YOUR problems. SNAP OUT OF IT. A MAN DOES NOT WHINE! A man accepts what life throws at him and finds a way to survive and prosper. HE DOES NOT WHINE ABOUT HIS PROBLEMS.




Low Self-esteem – “I can’t do this.” Yes you can. We men have built civilizations, invented the wheel, walked on the moon, and cloned animals. You can do anything you damn well please.




Inaction – “I should go approach her. No I can’t, I’m too scared.” Any woman would love to meet you. You are a woman’s wet dream, and your inaction is depriving her of a good man. Now get your ass over there and open.




Settling – “Wow, she is the first girl that liked me. I should hold onto her!” Stop. Very few women out there are high quality. You are going to have to search through a lot of hay to find your needle. A lot of women will like you throughout this journey. Find the one that’s unforgettable.




Anti-Sociality – A real man knows how to properly meet new people. A real man hates sitting by himself while others communicate. Go out and meet new people. You will be surprised how it enriches your life.




No Passion – Where are you going in life? What do you want to be remembered for? You won’t be remembered for sitting on your couch, watching Friends. Get out there, and climb that mountain. Cross that river. Solve that equation. Pedal your ass off for the win. I don’t care what it is, but strive towards what you were born to do.




If you look closely, don’t most of these traits belong to women? They do! A woman is usually selfish, insecure, emotional, and impatient. They sure do whine a lot. Most have low self esteem. Wow, looking more closely, these, for the most part, are traits of women! These traits represent feminine nature. NOT THAT THIS IS A BAD THNG, but they aren’t manly. In fact, to be a man is to generally be the opposite of these traits. But what happened? Why are men becoming feminized? Why are men these days demonstrating these traits?




It’s called feminism: the plague upon our male society. Feminism is working to feminize our culture, feminize our men to the point where everything is androgynous. This does not work. In nature, most creatures have a female and a male. They work TOGETHER. They bring balance. Balance is the only thing that keeps the world turning. Too much of one sex, and the whole species falls apart. Our society, in its effort to be politically correct, has sought to make everything equal, to make the sexes one. The result? In America, we have very manly women (have you ever met women from Europe? They are very ‘feminine’), and we have a lot of girlish men (men who exhibit the following traits listed above).




However the problem is not with women. It is with MEN. We are failing to be men. Our culture has brainwashed us to be the men in our movies: our lovable loser AFCs (Average Frustrated Chumps) who will always get the girl in the end. This is not a movie, gentlemen; THIS IS REAL LIFE! This is not what women find sexy. Women find you the sexiest when you are a man! When you smack her ass after a good dinner, when you tease her for doing something girlish. When you stand up for what you believe in, when you have passions that rule your life, and when you treat her like a woman should be treated. A man complements those traits women have, to makeBALANCE. Without balance, we are all doomed.




Our culture is saturated with this social conditioning, but that is for another post. You want to find a real man? Go find your grandfather. Yes, our grandfathers survived the Great Depression, kicked Hitler’s ass, and dropped A-bombs on Japan. Then they came home and made children. Our grandfathers were the last generation of true men in America, and look at what they accomplished? In their time, America was the greatest country in the world.




They understood that there needs to be balance in the world. For a man, there is a universal spectrum on which to mark our behavior. On one end, we have chumps, or girlish men, who demonstrate the behavior above. On the other end, we have the jerks and assholes of the world, which operate on raw testosterone. Because the jerks/assholes operate on pure instinct, they get in trouble a lot. Nice guys and assholes are on extreme ends of the spectrum, but they both have one thing in common: they fail to be men. Being a man means a delicate balance between raw TESTOSTERONE & CALCULATING LOGIC. You should strive to be in the CENTER. A real man knows have to keep this balance intact.




Women look upon us to be the providers, the protectors, and the warriors. Nature, your biology has equipped you to be these things. It has given you muscles, a logical brain, speed, agility, and most importantly BALLS. Being able to think logically allows us to protect our women. Logical men have conquered the great civilizations. No good can come from thinking with our emotions. Our sexuality allows us to provide them with children so that we can further the species. Our passions will give us a better life; it will ensure that you will suck her into your world. Every woman’s desire is to be apart of a quality man’s life. You sociality ensures that you can protect her. It gives you a large network of friends to rely on when things get tight, instead of only have few people to fall back on.




A man thinks logically, choosing the best option for himself and those he protects. A man is secure in himself, and knows that he is one in a billion. A man embraces his sexuality and is not afraid to escalate with women, because that is what he was born to do. A man demonstrates raw confidence, because confidence is masculinity at its finest: the perfect complement to femininity. A man is a social creature, constantly meeting and connecting with new people in an effort to make the great journey that is life, a little less lonely. A man has goals and dreams, separate from women, that he can work towards, and make his life truly memorable. Finally, a man has the action to make all these dreams come true, to be able to take the first step toward an extraordinary life.




Nature has endowed you with these traits in order to do her bidding. Nature has shaped men to be all these things. It is a role that has been designed for you from billions of years of evolution. Listen to nature, follow your gut, and understand the delicate balance that nature has provided for you. Your logic and your testosterone will form the ultimate combination for manhood.




Let the society tell you how wrong you are, for they have no idea why they dislike you so much. It is because they respect you, because a real man has risen from the ashes. When you have respect, you have attraction. It is the role that you were made for. Will you shirk away from your duty and attempt to live life as an androgynous male, or will you accept your destiny, stand up for your dreams, passions, your friends, and everything you believe in, and become a MAN?




In the end, it becomes a simple choice. Will you yield to fear, to taking the easy way out, or will you choose love? Will you step up and be a MAN, and live an extraordinary life or will you forever wallow in the darkness?


Transferred from the GROWN ASS MAN THREAD because it fits here too


Shit worked for me

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