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Yes they are this new solid base that is not subject to CWE either, bc the base can't be ground up easily. You can do acidic extraction, which means you let it dissolve overnight in a glass of coke and drink it. I don't need to do all that tho, bc GO FIGURE if you dnt fuck with them, they actually work pretty good for alleviating pain.

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People made a huge deal out of the new ones, and at first were freaking the fuck out like they'd have to switch to dope, but now most people are happier than before. Not only are they like half the fucking price, but alot of muthafuckas seem to have no problem microwaving them/sucking on them for mad long (no homo), and then chewing em

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all you have to do is cut one in half to see the makeup. There's no time release coat, its ust a solid base


But like I said they actually really work better than the old ones for intended use. Old ocs would hit me in waves and either be too much or not enough. These are a pretty steady release. And yeah. Just chew em up bc the label says "do not chew" duh

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they are like half price? I haven't been taking anything

for quite some time now. I've yet to see one of them

OP. I think Opana is kinda a bad play. Say an oxy 80 does

the trick for you and then you get your hands on Opanas.

Sure they light you up when when they aren't around any longer

you wont like your new found tolerance to opiates. That oxy 80

isnt gonna touch you.

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I had Opanas briefly, they aRE basically extended release dilaudid. Whats fucked up is my dilauded script for 2 weeks, like 180 pills, was like 35$ no copay no insurance straight cash... but all this other shit is mad expensive, my OC script was about 330$ after my 70$ discount for a month, like 4x as expensive


they wont prescribe you dilauded for shit tho, aparantly bc its so cheap and rarely seen outside of hospitals

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I'm lucky I'm not really feeling opiate life. I don't think I'll have a problem getting off this shit, its been like... 6 months straight now with another 6 on the horizon at least and its wearing thin. It really doesnt effect you the same way if you need them, Swamp and chupa can attest to how coherent I was even on my 48 mg a day dilauded script bc painkillers suppress motor skills and brain activity AFTER it supresses all the crazy shit firing off in my spinal cord. I also had ZERO tolerance to opiates going into this, i dont fuck with pills recreationally and Ive never done heroin ... I like weird letter-number drugs and angel dust

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