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pussy ass asians.

armand hammer

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Tonight I'm doing what every man wishes they couldn't...tonight sucks.


I went to the bar, it was dead. After that I went to get some food, it sucked. After that I took a roll, it didn't ever kick in. After that I went to the casino, immediately went up $80 (MAYBE MY LUCK IS CHANGING FOR THE NIGHT?!), but then proceeded to lose it back, plus $20 of my own money. After that I got a phonecall that my ferret (who's been at my sister's house for the last week or so) seems to be rapidly approaching death, which I knew would be coming soon, but not this soon. After that I got dropped off home, where I had a parking ticket that some bored cop gave me literally a few minutes after overnight parking kicked in. After that I tried to go to sleep, but the infection from my foot tattoo seems to be rapidly getting worse, and really hurts. After that I, out of nowhere, started thinking about the above aforementioned crazy ex, who didn't call me on my birthday a few days ago, and I really miss her now.


After all that I wrote this shitty, pointless post.


I'm sure tomorrow I'll wake up in a much better mood, and proceed to have a much better day, but for now just insert FeelBadForMe.jpg or something haha




take out the casino, throw in some tight pants and this story could have came from twinky

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if by "roll" swamp means line, as in the bill. id have to say that it definatly, kicked in. and id also have to say, if not getting a phone call from the chick you clearly still "love" makes you miss her more, you should expieriment with strap ons, for her. to use on you.


because it sounds like you liked her fucking you up the ass anyways so why not bite down on something hard while shes doing it.


i suggest thinking about all the cock thats been inside her vaj hole and mouth everytime you start to take a trip down "only remember the good" memory(s) lane.


shes a talking vagnina, with strings on you. and the only vaginas talking or not that should have strings are bleeding red ones that smell like a rotting tuna belly once a month.



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Weak ass video.

You and two of your homies ain't going to take out a small convoy of racists, had to be at least 2 two 1.

I honestly doubt most of you cheerleaders would even spit in his face like that.

Net nerds typing tough.

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haha, now that I watched it again there was only 4, still the only pussy one was the striped shirt dude who backed off hard.

Still can't see how that's a video to get all white pridey about and make a thread.

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if by "roll" swamp means line, as in the bill. id have to say that it definatly, kicked in. and id also have to say, if not getting a phone call from the chick you clearly still "love" makes you miss her more, you should expieriment with strap ons, for her. to use on you.


because it sounds like you liked her fucking you up the ass anyways so why not bite down on something hard while shes doing it.


i suggest thinking about all the cock thats been inside her vaj hole and mouth everytime you start to take a trip down "only remember the good" memory(s) lane.


shes a talking vagnina, with strings on you. and the only vaginas talking or not that should have strings are bleeding red ones that smell like a rotting tuna belly once a month.


this is real talk, fuck that ex go find a better one man and take more rooooolllls!

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Its not a white pride thing.


The BNP are a racist right wing political group.

which is why the asian dudes approached them.


Everyone pointing out 'OMG spitting on someone is so disrespectful'... thats kinda the point.

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is that supposed to be the British version of David Duke or something?

The suit seems like a jerkoff but was reasonable up to the point where

he got spit on. Basically was telling them to push off. No racial slurs

not threatening to harm the pakis. They caught the stomping they deserved.

Then again. Over there when people talking shit and trying to be disrespectful

sounds downright friendly compared to the shit you will hear in the states

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the way those dudes were walking up on him i figure as he is bnp he must have said something before the video starts rolling and most of it has been censored so i doubt anyone knows the whole story..besides they pussied out fuck em.no white pride shit just an observation on how most kids cant back shit up when they have a real reason to fight.

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please say that was ron paul


I wish.


I've often thought I should start a group to simply go around kicking the shit of politicians and pundits, since none of the politicians will do it themselves (except apparantly, bob and politicians from asia). I if I could find enough people not to be considered a lone nut and sent to guantonamo, I would seriously do this. First three targets; Beck, Moore and Johnson (of guam-capsizing fame).

Note; target suggestions are welcome, though there is already a queue of hundreds. Also, females members are welcome, as a great many bitches need their asses kicked (sotomayor, coulter, malkin, reno) and I do not hit women.


Who's with me?

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first off, this shit wasn't anywhere near thread-worthy.


secondly, although India is technically part of Asia, I don't consider them Asian so stop referring to them as Asians you rotten toothed englishfags.


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