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The Floodening 2010 (a photothread)


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Yeah imma loot some wet ass mail with unactivated credit cards. Ok

I could have looted a bunch of shit, but a lot of this is in the neighborhood I grew up in. I know girls around the corner who lost their mommas house, car, all their shit. West Nashville was one of the worst hit part of town, they just fished another 2 bodies out the creek down the street today. I'm posted up on high ground, flooding on literally 3 sides and the 4th faces uphill towards the channel 4 broadcast tower. I'm not gonna loot my neighbors shit, motherfuckers are losing everything they own and I'm gonna go steal their identity on top of that? Get their little 500$ credit limit? Not like they need that shit in a time of chrisis when the ATMs are all out of money or broken. That's some scumbag junkie shit and I hope the pigs shoot a mongrel in the back of the head for preying on people like that.



Anyways. I could have looted some shit from businesses, but I'm looking at it like I was doing better than most. I was holed up with a bag of kush so big I couldn't possibly smoke it all, enough imported vodka to last at least a day of heavy drinking, mad food and drinks because I decided to buy a pound of gulf shrimp the day before, I'm running around in this shit taking pictures but I know mad people with flooded cribs... So whatever. I didn't 'come up' in the natural disaster. I set a good example for my son.



Pretty much from Saturday until today was pure chaos. Shit is still not back to normal, but this is the type of city where they get the bars open right after the gas stations and grocery stores. I was drunk eating a catfish dinner an drinking pitchers Sunday night while I was watching people die on one of the diners tvs, and had to escape the flooding opryland hotel. Shit was just so ridiculous that profiting of it didn't seem right...

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dont talk about my ass like that gat, its not for you or any of your mooks hands.








If you're gonna suck my dick over these "epic shots" how about you try and make this the one thread you DONT try as hard as you can to make about you...

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but as for the cards its never a guarantee but you get more mail from the same boxes to go with the same cards. usually its not overnight of course. you gotta keep slowly taking shit till you have enough info to call em in. but again, it was just realing shit off the top of teh dome.


either way id be out.

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thats scummy shit homie

not only faggoty tactics but petty at best.


move on, man up.

if you gonna be a criminal, i understand were online

but be on some grown shit cause you look silly talkin bout robbin mailboxes.






drop it, shits really not even remotely a cool come up.

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lolol im sayin tho, money comes in all shapes n sizes. and i dont give a fuck how "cool" it sounds money all smell the same. and if that water is pushing cars down the road and up onto walls. mailboxes gonna be floatin around like driftwood.


whatevs tho, its a pic thread not on identity theft.


i shall retreeeeeat :)

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damnn i'm coming back to the ville next week-- i had no idea the west side got it so bad, i guess that's richland creeks fault...

kinda glad i missed it, but i would rather be out in that mayhem

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Yeah richland creek fucked the nations up bad, like whole blocks were under water to the roof by 51st. The Cumberland crested around 6 am so it's going down from here, but a lot of the suburbs are out of water. I got mad jugs of water, but also lucky for me I live within eyesite of a gas station that never closes so I've been able to make beer/blunt runs no prob. Oh yeah, were running out of gas now. I don't know if you remember last year when we ran out of gas, but it was like mad max, people fighting at pumps, lines 3 miles long, watch out for that next. Actually this was pretty beyond thunderdome, I'm a little worried about the future of my city. I need more guns clearly...

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Damn, I had no idea Nash got it that bad.


Memphis got water, but not a flood. A few small rivers that flow into the Mississippi flooded and are still rising with all the receding water north of us, but damn. And the Mississippi is also rising, but nothing catastrophic. Holy shit Nashville.

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Yeah richland creek fucked the nations up bad, like whole blocks were under water to the roof by 51st. The Cumberland crested around 6 am so it's going down from here, but a lot of the suburbs are out of water. I got mad jugs of water, but also lucky for me I live within eyesite of a gas station that never closes so I've been able to make beer/blunt runs no prob. Oh yeah, were running out of gas now. I don't know if you remember last year when we ran out of gas, but it was like mad max, people fighting at pumps, lines 3 miles long, watch out for that next. Actually this was pretty beyond thunderdome, I'm a little worried about the future of my city. I need more guns clearly...


clearly, you do. i think a lot of dudes sleep on this possibility. OBviously shit just isn't right, nature/world wise and motherfuckers are going to be ill-prepared when there's no more government tampons left to patch up the mess. i for one plan to start gathering supplies.

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we had over 13 inches in under 36 hours, unprecedented storm considering our MONTHLY record was about 5 inches for may... so we almost tripled the monthly record in under 2 days... the first 2 days of the month. They are now covering it on major news... because they figured out that nasville is the biggest trucking hub in america (which is the biggest transportation industry in america by far) and literally a potential half billion dollars in freight are 9 ft under water now...

Heres some good video


Olbermann gives us a shout



Heres historic opryland hotel. I was actually working on a setup on the 3rd floor sunday when shit really started to hit the fan, from like 8 am until about 1. They started shutting down operations around 11 when the basement was completely flooded - they evacuated completely around 6. - this hotel is actually like a whole self contained city with its own separate biomes and plantlife and the service tunnels make a pac man map look like 4 square. When we were trying to leave around noon the loading dock was alread starting to flood out of the drains and they were shutting off service elevators left and right. Getting out of there was seriously like playing resident evil. FLooded basements, shut down service elevators, music pumped into the access tunnels (forreal they were playing umbrella-ella ella), staff and security scrambling. We still have like 4 grand worth of stuff on the third floor, so were going back to get it as soon as they let us in... we can enter past flood level from a service ramp so im getting in here somehow




Loading dock @ opryland hotel starting to flood, incoming deliveries halted until further notice. around 11 am sunday May 2nd


3rd floor service tunnel opryland casades leaking. Not a good sign


Finally got off grounds before 1 pm, half the roads out were already underwater


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ive been through 2 hurricanes (gloria/andrew), countless tornadoes , including the ones that came through downtown here in 97 but this is hands down the craziest shit I have ever seen





These are the top of the streetlights on riverfront park. about 20 or so feet under water



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Haha i stayed crossing crime scene tape and cops were giving us shit left and right

When we went up to the riverfront to get those pics we snuck around the side, but coming straight back the state trooper was like "hey didnt you see that tape?"

"yeah I saw the tape. The citys flooded theres tape all over the place"

"well, it says 'do not cross'"

"oh my bad, I didnt read it. We were just leaving anyways"



I had to walk down a side alley and cut over, could only get one shot. cops were all over me like "HEY didnt you see that tape"

"oh yeah. I mean, I thought I was on the wrong side of it"


"Oh. My bad. Can we go over there then?"



fucking with these cops... they still came up to us becuause my boy was skating and told him to stop because it was against the law! Even in a state of emergncy cops will fuck with you for skating...







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This pretty much sums up the attitude


"Allow me a moment to step away from the usual voice of this website.


What I am about to write has absolutely nothing to do with hockey.


If you live outside of Nashville, you may not be aware, but our city was hit by a 500-year flood over the last few days. The national news coverage gave us 15 minutes, but went back to focusing on a failed car bomb and an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. While both are clearly important stories, was that any reason to ignore our story? It may not be as terror-sexy as a failed car bomb or as eco-sexy as an oil spill, but that’s no reason to be ignored.


The Cumberland River crested at its highest level in over 80 years. Nashville had its highest rainfall totals since records began. People drowned. Billions of dollars in damage occurred. It is the single largest disaster to hit Middle Tennessee since the Civil War.***And yet…no one knows about it.


Does it really matter? Eventually, it will…as I mentioned, there are billions of dollars in damage. It seems bizarre that no one seems to be aware that we just experienced what is quite probably the costliest non-hurricane disaster in American history. The funds to rebuild will have to come from somewhere, which is why people need to know. It’s hard to believe that we will receive much relief if there isn’t a perception that we need it.


But let’s look at the other side of the coin for a moment. A large part of the reason that we are being ignored is because of who we are. Think about that for just a second. Did you hear about looting? Did you hear about crime sprees? No…you didn’t. You heard about people pulling their neighbors off of rooftops. You saw a group of people trying to move two***horses to higher ground. No…we didn’t loot. Our biggest warning was, “Don’t play in the floodwater.” When you think about it…that speaks a lot for our city. A large portion of why we were being ignored was that we weren’t doing anything to draw attention to ourselves. We were handling it on our own.


Some will be quick to find fault in the way rescue operations were handled, but the fact of the matter***is that the catastrophe could not have been prevented and it is simply ignorant beyond all reason to suggest otherwise. It is a flood. It was caused by rain. You can try to find a face to stick this tragedy to, but you’ll be wrong.


Parts of Nashville that could never even conceivably be underwater were underwater. Some of them still are. Opry Mills and the Opryland Hotel are, for all intents and purposes, destroyed. People died sitting in standstill traffic on the Interstate. We saw boats going***down West End. And, of course, we all saw the surreal image of the portable building from Lighthouse Christian floating into traffic and being destroyed when cars were knocked into it.***I’m still having trouble comprehending all of***it.


And yet…life will go on. We’ll go back to work, to school, to our lives…and we’ll carry on. In a little over a month, I’ll be on this website talking about the draft. In October, we’ll be discussing the new Predators’ season with nary a thought of these past few days. But in a way, they changed everyone in this town. We now know that that it can happen to us…but also know that we can handle it.


Because we are Nashville."











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Flood's death toll rising


As the last of the storm clouds blew away, at least nine Middle Tennessee families were mourning the lives swept away by the flood.


The fast-running floodwaters have claimed at least 10 lives in Davidson County and one in Williamson. The statewide total of confirmed deaths stands at 14 but does not include the almost half-dozen bodies recovered in Nashville on Monday evening.


The flood claimed young and old alike, from a young father trying to wade through high water to check on his children to an elderly couple trying to make their way to church through a flooded intersection. A riveting photo from the family of a man born of pakistani decent has emerged from the sewage entrenched floodwaters around the cumberland. Rescue workers franticly scaled the walls around a literal tidal wave of feces in desperate attempts to save him. The picture shows the man knowing to be on the brink of death bidding adew to his family with his americanized gesture of peace with his hand. The family wept as he sailed under and away into the urine reaking under current and sucked him under. Reporters barely able to breath but still able to capture history underwent disturbing inhilation poisonings from the massive pool of human waste beneath them. Still more remain missing as rescue efforts continue in whats being quickly dubbed "the sea of shit"


The last time anyone saw 21-year-old Bindar Dundat, the young father before being found where this horrifying photograph was taken was walking away from his job at an indian curry restaraunt "curry in a hurry" was on Saturday and wading into the cities now massive collective bowel movement, determined to get home and check on his children. But the fast-moving shit current swept him off his feet and a friend found his body near Bell and Blue Hole roads on Saturday.


"Everybody here misses him," said Tikka Masla, a manager at Curry in a Hurry. "He had people who came in who were regulars and sit in his section."


He had two little boys under the age of 2 that he adored, she said.



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