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The Crazies (2010)


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It was ok, i thought it was good but everyone i went with didnt. Its a lot of popping out type scary stuff, not what i thought.


There were these 2 guys that came in like 20 minutes in and talked the whole time, not even like whispering they were full on normal level talking. Then 30 minutes later while they were building up the suspense for a scary part one guy started freaking out and they all left.

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It was good. entertaining. They should have gone into the details of the virus more and the government conspiracy more but overall it was entertaining and i feel like if you watched it through the internet it wouldnt give off the same feel .. wouldn't make as much of an impact .. the reason for it being entertaining was because of the gore, violence, and action and that might get lost in a ripped version off the internet

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Just saw that shit...No joke I went with a friend of mine just like many of you black people were being loud and retarded //No racist..however as soon as I saw all of them sitting in a huge group I did think about this thread. As for the movie it was OK at best. I would not rush your ass to the theater to see it.

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Mad world is a good song but it sounds fuckin' stupid over that trailer. So dumb.


I fucking hate when they start using songs over and over again after a popular movie uses them. In this case it's Donnie Darko. Shit just ruins everything.




It was ok, i thought it was good but everyone i went with didnt. Its a lot of popping out type scary stuff, not what i thought.


There were these 2 guys that came in like 20 minutes in and talked the whole time, not even like whispering they were full on normal level talking. Then 30 minutes later while they were building up the suspense for a scary part one guy started freaking out and they all left.


This movie was awful.


Maybe it's just cause there was like 3 annoying chicks sitting two rows behind me laughing and screaming the whole movie


I liked it, but black people ruined my viewing experience.


Just saw that shit...No joke I went with a friend of mine just like many of you black people were being loud and retarded //No racist..however as soon as I saw all of them sitting in a huge group I did think about this thread.



Call your boy.


Seriously, why don't you people tell these assheads to shut the fuck up?


I wanna see The Crazies.

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I fucking hate when they start using songs over and over again after a popular movie uses them. In this case it's Donnie Darko. Shit just ruins everything.













Call your boy.


Seriously, why don't you people tell these assheads to shut the fuck up?


I wanna see The Crazies.


Good point...because that wont turn into some retarded ass argument that will just distract you and even more people from the movie..:rolleyes:

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Okay maybe you missed my point with the picture.

If you shoot them, you win.


I don't usually go to the movies anymore unless it's on a weekday.

I had to deal with some family during Hannibal.

These fucks actually brought 8 year old to Hannibal.

I had to move my seat twice.

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