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Auto Spotting/flicking Question

Lewis and Clark

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A friend and I have an idea where we set up some type of motion/noise sensitive camera at a spot on the rails and when a train goes by it flicks every box that goes by. we'er almost complete to start this project and see if we can make it work

friends house on tracks we can point out window or hide inback yard, nice cameras and supposidly some software to take the photos at automated intervals that we can rock for this stuff..


i love flickn/spotting but you cant get them all!


speed, weather, malfunctions can all mess this up, but has anyone heard or done anything like this? ideas/ suggestions?

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Little off topic but one dude mounted a convex mirror in a tree on the other side of the tracks where he usually benches, so he can see if he's missing anything big on the other side of the lines.


super cool idea man. i always hate thinking whats on the otherside.. i mean duh 2 cams but thats more shit to deal w/


ill post some updates soon! thanks for input


@nnon- i dont know much about cam but my buddies is like 18mp 60 frames per second pretty crazy stuff

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i dont see how this would work really.

one train goes by at 15mph the next one blows through at 50.

how would you adjust for that?


isnt benching more about going to a spot to chill and just see the shit anyway? not getting a flick of every piece of junk that rolls by. i dont even flick trains anymore really unless its something really awesome. i enjoy just sitting there and watching the shit come through.

im not saying you should do it or its dumb..just not my kind of benching.

if you get it to work then thats pretty cool.

that convex mirror sounds pretty awesome though.

the best is when i see a train roll by and know i have a piece on the other side.


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i dont see how this would work really.

one train goes by at 15mph the next one blows through at 50.

how would you adjust for that?


isnt benching more about going to a spot to chill and just see the shit anyway? not getting a flick of every piece of junk that rolls by. i dont even flick trains anymore really unless its something really awesome. i enjoy just sitting there and watching the shit come through.

im not saying you should do it or its dumb..just not my kind of benching.

if you get it to work then thats pretty cool.

that convex mirror sounds pretty awesome though.

the best is when i see a train roll by and know i have a piece on the other side.



Yeah i hear you there man, im the kinda guy who will pull a U and wait for the train to roll by to see whos up on this one or if i hear it coming rush down to the closest track and see whats up. I cant see every train but if i could then i would want to and i would love to see both sides too!

MPH problem... yeah luckily we'er in a spot right after a split and in a city so they usually roll by pretty slow

flicking the good stuff totally understand... theres a handful of freight writers i actually flick, everyone has their favorites, just trying to preserve the history before it gets capped by some kid who doesnt know any better.

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well i was gonna say how do you know how fast they are going but it sounds as if you may be lucky since they are slowing down where ur at. I would actually like to see the pictures once you get your project up and running.


I can remember the days you would flick anything you saw on the lines just because it was there and was a decent freight writer. I do hate how much garbage is on the lines now. I tend to be happy if i get 15-20 decent shots in my local spot.


Good luck

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it would be pretty cool if you could actually pull this off but, like others have said, there are some things to take into account.

also, how much would you be putting into the camera or w/e you plan on using to leave there and how often would you leave it there. because if you want some good resolution pics and a camera, it might cost a nice amount, and then it would be a bit sketch to just leave it there, ya know?


But, if you could make it happen, more power to you!

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Why not just have you on one side, and your friend on the other. You guys could lounge back in some chairs, cold beers in the cooler, wave to eachother when you're bored, and take flicks of both sides when trains go by?????? Thats how it's usually done, fuck all the technological shit.......

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sounds like a great idea, i know i have alot of trouble getting alot of flicks because trains here dont run alot and if they do theres usually nothing on them, its on the odd occasion you get something worth while. sounds like a great time saver. post some pics if you get it going

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Why not just have you on one side, and your friend on the other. You guys could lounge back in some chairs, cold beers in the cooler, wave to eachother when you're bored, and take flicks of both sides when trains go by?????? Thats how it's usually done, fuck all the technological shit.......


For some reason I'm picturing ZZtop sitting there


beards and hats and the rest

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got a 2way and the freq's to know when they are coming now..

so as you see this is being filmed in the woods not out a window, so its not AUTO someone is there with the cameras.. but its a first step and super nice to see everything thats going on out there. next will be finding the computer prog for it

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