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MTV's Jersey Shore

Gat Bush

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Yo as much as i understand, and am willing to assume this girl is the cuntiest of cunts-



Sorry to be Dr. Buzzkill but...

Who the fuck punches a 5ft tall girl in the face like that?

I don't care who she is or what she said, that shit just isn't cool.

And despite the fact that anything/everything taboo is considered funny on the internet-

it ain't funny in real life.

Just like all the racist jokes that people (read: white people) crack on here.

I'll only laugh because I assume we're on the same page in the real world...


But fools like this are the ones that beat their kids bloody and then go after the wife when she says shit. And then threaten to kill her when she tries to leave.

And quite often do.

So basically fuck this dude and his piece of shit life.

If the law worked my way, a fuck like this would get his dick cut off and surgically implanted on his forehead, and be forced to wear nothing but pink ass-less chaps and high heals for the rest of his life.

(or something along those lines)



Just had to say it.

Even with the sickest, most cynical sense of humor:

There are certain basic standards of humanity that deserve respect.

And never hitting a woman is definitely one of them.


End rant.





PS- How the fuck is assault considered the same crime whether it's on a grown man or an 18 year old girl? That seriously confuses me.

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what was she saying that ended up making that guido hit her?


thats-a spicey-a meataball




what was she saying that ended up making that guido hit her?




what was she saying that ended up making that guido hit her?


so, like, i'm on tv, i'm gonna be huge...



what was she saying that ended up making that guido hit her?





what was she saying that ended up making that guido hit her?



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Who the fuck punches a 5ft tall girl in the face like that?


1. Ike Turner

2. Hockey Players

3. Marv Albert

4. Chris Brown

5. Marion Barry (Probably!)

6. Conan The Barbarian









I hear what you're saying though. If I were in that bar, I probably wouldn't know what is going on, and if I saw that I would feel differently. BUT I doubt I'd be caught in that bar and I (unfortunately for her) have to watch this broad say things like "I'm the Princess of Poughkepsie" and "I know I wanted to make out that night so I did." I also like how she meets meth heads on the fucking Jersey Pier and calls them friends after a short conversation. I mean she brought back that guy who pucked on the deck, and that meth head Ryder, and introduced them as her "friends." I even think she said "leave him alone he's my friend."


She's a fucking moron. She paints the picture of a women who would make my life absolutely miserable. Not even on a romantic level. Just working with that broad two days a week would drive me crazy. So when I see her Ed Hardy hat fly away like a scared pigeon --I'm sorry if I chuckle. I mean it's wrong, and I feel bad for the little oompa loompa, but sometime I release pent up frustration at the most inopportune moments.

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MTV Calls Take-Backsies On The Jersey Shore Punch

by Amelie Gillette December 14, 2009


Have you been watching Guido Zoo, MTV's controlled anthropological study of the eating, drinking, and mating habits of the young East Coast Reticulated Dillweed?


If you have, then you've been treated to such spectacles as Angelina packing her garbage bags and leaving the shore house, the slow deterioration of the nest of decrepit rags that is sewn to the top of JWOWW's unfortunate head, a (probably) 43-year-old man referring to himself as "The Situation," and, of course, Snooki, aka Snickers, aka Snacki getting punched in the face by someone at a bar or something.


That last spectacle was of such important cultural value that MTV put it in the trailer for The Jersey Shore—a trailer which they then aired on their network 15,000 times (estimated) and dissiminated online in the hope of shocking everyone into being interested in their little cultural study. It worked. Everyone was outraged that MTV would show such a thing, and MTV took all that fluffy outrage, shoved it into a pillowcase, and took a nap, secure in the knowledge that no one would ever stop talking about The Jersey Shore. Also, they offered to run a PSA about violence after the episode, cause MTV is all about being aware of awareness.


Over the weekend, however, MTV decided they're not gonna show the punch at all because, you know, whatever, everyone's already seen it anyway, and by refusing to show the punch in the show they can pretend to care about stopping violence while still shoving violence in everyone's sensory receptors.

Or, as they put it:

"What happened to "Snooki" was a crime and obviously extremely disturbing," MTV said in a statement Friday. "After hearing from our viewers, further consulting with experts on the issue of violence, and seeing how the video footage has been taken out of context to not show the severity of this act or the resulting consequences, MTV has decided not to air "Snooki" being physically punched in next week's episode."


Translation: "Hey, y'all. Would everyone mind unseeing Snooki getting knocked off of her bar stool after some asshole stranger punched her, hard, in the face for no apparent reason? Wasn't that crazy? It was sooo crazy—which is why we showed it hundreds of times cause it proves our thesis statement that these are the craziest guidos. But someone told us it was violent and violence is bad? Mmkay, thanks, bye!"


Has MTV ever seen MTV? Because if they're gonna start literally pulling punches and removing anything that could be considered "a crime" and "obviously extremely disturbing" from their programming, they're going to have to dismantle not just The Jersey Shore (which is essentially 7 spray tan bundles shoving each other on a boardwalk while house music plays and someone screams, "Jacuzzi!!"), but the entire Real World franchise as well.


They're also going to have to stop sending old Real World and Road Rules cast members to foreign countries so they can drink all day and find out what the local penalties for misdemeanor assault are all night.


That said, it's interesting to note that MTV is only pulling the footage of Snooki getting "physically punched." Apparently, she's in for some kind of mental, emotional, or spiritual punching in this week's episode—mental, emotional, or spiritual punching that goes above and beyond simply being a cast member on Guido Zoo. Maybe the producers force the cast members to do long division or something? Tune in and find out!

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He gave her one shot, he wasn't standing there stomping her face in. One little punch, there are a lot of girls out there who need that sort of wake up call and from what I've seen on this show she's one of them.



One little punch -hahahahahah. I think that was more than a little punch. A little punch is a joke, he fucking walloped that chick's face!

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This girl didn't do anything to deserve as punch, as far as I can tell from what I've read about it. That said, I still think it's funny to watch


Sometimes girls do deserve to be punched in the face.


Anyone that hits their mother should be castrated.


CarTalk is extremely UMAD.


I think I responded to all the basic points of the last page or so

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Yeah he rock em sock em robotted her ass




And my defenition has always been if a bitch wants to throw hands like a man then you meet her like that. If she just yells at you and is in your face, well that's what bitches do, and if you deck a ho in thatsituation u just lost the game.


That being said, I've never hit a bitch ever, even the ones who close fist jawed me in public, because honestly if you got any bit of hard in you (nH) you should be able to take a punch from a female without it phasing you.


Exceptions include big dyke bitches because if theyvweigh as much as you , you better defend yourself. They can get it once they start breaching the 175 mark

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